
The Daig'digaia Saga: Fifty Adventurers Come Together!

Experience a classic JRPG-style adventure like no other, 20 years in the making! Benoit Valmonte, a young Seattleite hoping to make it big in the game industry, purchases a game he has never seen nor heard of before. And once he plays “The Legend of Daig'digaia”, the game in question, he is sucked into another world – specifically, the world of the game itself. His mission is simple: Find fifty adventurers who are coincidentally his classmates, and fight the ultimate threat alongside them. And thus, he can go home safely. But there's more to this mission that he must find out for himself... [Note] If you want to support the author, please buy him a Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/moonlightbomber

MoonlightBomber · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
240 Chs

After Story: Couple at Dawn ~ Two Less Lonely People in the World, Part 2

"The responsibility of love: To keep another's heart safe."

–Bridgett Devoue

[Note: This chapter contains heavily-implied lovemaking of the mutual and consensual type.]


And like clockwork, I respond...

"Why not?"

Night then falls, and I've already eaten my dinner beforehand.

Now I'll just have to wait for her to arrive.

That gets me thinking.

In many of the visual novels I consume, using doors is optional. Many times, someone will instead choose to commonly use a window, or climb up a balcony in order to enter a room.

What the heck? Are the heroines being mandated by the scenario writers to be proficient in parkour and stuff?

But then, this is real life.

So when I hear the sound of the doorbell, I open the door, and there she is.

Clad in a pink satin dress with a leopard print, a magenta-colored belt around her waist, and a white cardigan.