

  "Just what?" Lydia urged.

  Tristan swallowed the invisible lump on his throat. "I was just...jealous," he finally said with a deep breath after words.

  A smile formed on Lydia's face.

  "Jealous?" She asked rhetorically.

  "You were jealous? That has gotten to be the most ridiculous word I have heard today. How could you be jealous?" She let out a small laugh.

  "Firstly, you are not my boyfriend and secondly you are jealous of a relationship that doesn't exist? Wow!" She shook her head in amusement.

  "I must say Tristan Stone is really a difficult man to understand."

  Tristan rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I might not be your man now but I will definitely be your man soon," he replied and she laughed out loud.

  Within her, she was glad that he was talking about being her man soon but she didn't want to show any reaction as she didn't want him hurting her feelings like he did yesterday.