

  "I told you that I would kill you, didn't I Tristan?" Jade laughed out hoarsely.

  Tristan gulped down the lump that formed in his throat painfully as he stared at Jade who had claws and fangs.

  She also had blood dripping from her claws and at the side of the mouth.

  Beads of sweats formed on Tristan's forehead and his heart beat in trepidation.

  "I will ruin you. You won't succeed in your mission because that is what I am here to do. To make sure you fail."

  She took steps towards him and he walked back to avoid her from getting closer.

  "Don't...don't..." He tried to speak but couldn't as he suddenly lost his voice.

  He couldn't help himself no more. He screamed but he would only hear it in his head but his voice was gone.

  Jade laughed out loud. "This is it for you Tristan. You will die in this world and so you won't return back to the other wolf and Tristan Stone will return back to his world. It's over for you Tristan's. It's okay!"