

  "Are you insane? Why did you go and speak to her? Does she look like someone who would give a statement after all she said to you?" Simon exasperated.

  "Okay fine. Did you get her to agree?" Simon questioned.

  "Not at all. She said she didn't tell any lies and all she said was the truth and so she wasn't going to make a statement," Tristan said.

  Simon took a deep breath. He put both his hands in his pants pocket. "So we are going to sue her. That's it. We will sue her because this is defamation of character and also..." The door suddenly banged open, getting the attention of Tristan and Simon.

  "Mr Abel," Simon said in surprise.

  Mr Abel is one of the biggest investors of the company and also a huge fan of Tristan.

  "What brings you here sir?" Tristan asked.

  Me Abel walked closer to them with his walking stick firmly in his hands.

  "Why did you come to me as soon as all of this started?" Mr Abel questioned with a stern look on his face.