

  When Tristan woke up the next day, he already had enough knowledge of Tristan Stone. That night when he fell asleep, he was shown the life of Tristan Stone and the important people in his life so he would be able to live as him till his time was up.

  "Good morning sir," Arla greeted.

  "Good morning Arla," Tristan replied, getting off the bed so he could leave the ladies to do their work.

  He walked into his bathroom to freshen up and by the time he came back out, Arla and Kim were gone.

  "I said, where is Tristan!" Tristan heard a feminine voice call his name from the living room even though he knew he only heard her because of his super hearing ability.

  Her voice was loud in his head even though she wasn't closer. He wondered how loud it could be when she came closer.

  "Tristan!" He heard his name again and her footsteps.

  He knew she was fast approaching and he wondered  which of the ladies was coming. According to what he saw while he was in his deep sleep, Tristan was a ladies man, he went through girls as if they were clothes but there was two girls he didn't get rid of.

  The door opened in full force and Madison walked in. "Tristan!" She squealed before rushing to hug him.

  She jumped on him but he quickly caught her. "I've missed you so much Tristan," she giggled.

  Tristan choked once the smell of her perfume filled his nostril. He didn't like it and he wanted to throw her off him but he didn't want her to get injured considering she was wearing heels and she sprained her ankle.

  "Goodness! It's been three days! How could you forget me so easily," she pouted.

  "Okay Maddie," he said to her, placing her back on the floor.

  She curled her lips to her side. "What? You see off? Don't you miss me?" She batted her lashes, showing off her pearly white teeth.

  Tristan was grateful that he already had enough information about Tristan Stone or he might have lost it.

  He scrutinized Madison from head to toe. She was just as he saw while in his deep slumber.

  Madison Brown, an olive skinned lady who stood at the height of five feet eight. Her father is the owner of Paradise hotel and she's the only daughter. She got everything she wanted and she's very proud and rude. Her hobbies are shopping, partying and eating.

  As much as she cared for her weight, she ate to her satisfaction.

  "How have you been?" Tristan asked, slightly unsure of what to do or what to say.

  He has never had anyone come closer to him this way before. All his life, he was isolated by everyone.

  Nobody liked him, everyone cast him aside and whispered words of hate behind his back. He became brutal because he would never be loved even if he did good.

  Having someone close to him was awkward and from what he saw about Tristan Stone in his deep sleep, he knew Tristan Stone had a very wonderful life and defined the opposite of his.

  Tristan Stone was loved and respected by all. He was constantly praised for his great achievement and people looked up to him while the reverse is his case.

  Even when he single handedly killed the rogue wolves that invaded his pack, people blamed him for their attack.

  "I've been fine. So anyways, aren't you going to ask me where I have been?" She asked following behind him as he walked to his wardrobe.

  "Where have you been?" He asked.

  Madison was taken aback by Tristan's reply as Tristan would have easily guessed and teased her with it but now he was asking her.

  "Won't you guess?" She asked.

  "France?" Tristan replied and she giggled.

  "You know me too well so why did you ask? Anyways I got something for you. I left it downstairs but if we go downstairs, I'd be sure to show it to you. Come on, let me help you with your tie," she said, going in front of him as she helped pick his tie.

  Everything felt different with Tristan that it worried him. The fact that he had someone close to him and trying to even be closer scared him a little.

  This has been all he asked for in life. To be happy and loved but he got so much hate for a sin he didn't commit.

  "This should go with..." Madison trailed off as she looked around for the suit he wanted to wear.

  "You haven't gotten a suit yet?" Her brows raised up I'm a questioning manner.

  "Yes, I haven't," he replied.

  She giggled.

  Tristan didn't know if it was because of his ability to perceive better than anyone but Madison perfume was choking him.

  He was barely tolerating it and her giggles were like a painful noise in his ear.

  "You don't have to worry about that. I will take care of it myself," he said to her but Madison being Madison didn't listen to him and search his wardrobe.

  She finally took out a two piece navy blue suit. "This should go with the tie I chose," she said to him.

  Tristan sighed deeply. She wasn't going to listen. He has seen how she behaved with Tristan Stone and he knew she was more problematic than Lola, the other woman in Tristan's life.

  "Don't try refusing because you know you will never win this," she reminded him and he sighed.

  "Can you leave so I can change?" He demanded but she giggled instead.

  He felt the urge to groan but he controlled himself and swallowed a painful lump in his throat.

  'How was Tristan Stone able to tolerate her for too long?' he thought to himself.

  "Come on, you can change. What's wrong with you?" She let out a small laugh.

  "I've seen you naked before and you've seen me and besides you change in front of me so what's the sudden shyness?" She clicked her tongue.

  'You saw Tristan Stone naked and not me!' he wanted to say but he kept quiet Instead.

  There was no way he planned on letting her see him naked. He thought of what he could do to get her to leave.

  "If you leave, we will have a very nice time tonight, how about that?" He winked and she blushed.

  "You promise? Hope you won't fail to turn up like you the other time or I would be so pissed," she warned

  "Of course I won't. I will turn up for sure. What would I gain not by showing up and besides, a beautiful girl in my best for a night is worth it," he said, making her blush hard.

  Tristan did not know how he was able to say those words to him smoothly but he did and it surprised him.

  "I am definitely going to call you.  What I have for you is downstairs or maybe if you want, I could wait for you downstairs to present it to you personally," she suggested. He shook his head.

  "You don't have to bother about that. I will definitely see it. Also you can leave now," he said to her politely.

  "Better don't forget what you promised Tristan or else I will cry and come to your office to disturb you. And I won't be wearing any panties tonight," she winked at him, giggling before leaving his room.

  Tristan heaved a sigh of relief now that she was gone. He was glad he didn't choke her while she was here. He wondered if it was his nose or perhaps her perfume didn't smell nice.

  He shook his head. He refused to believe it was his nose as he had come close to all of the Tristan Stone workers and didn't perceive anything bad at all.

  "What a pain in the neck," he muttered before changing into his suit.

  Tristan knotted his tie, he heard a knock on his door.

  "Yes, come in," he answered.

  "I just saw Madison leaving, I thought you said you were done with her?" Simon spoke the moment he entered the room.

  Simon Blake is not only Tristan's PA but also his friend.

  Tristan shrugged. "I think I just made things more complicated and now I will have to face the consequences.

  Simon chuckled, "How complicated? Enlighten me."