

  "You will not be the one to tell me what to do okay?" Lydia retorted.

  "Well I wouldn't be speaking to you If you are doing just as I was told. Not only didn't you approach Tristan but now you are giving him the green light. It's like you are luring him to danger knowing how desperate he is," Jade countered.

  "And how is that my problem? How should I take care of that? Isn't he here to find someone he would sleep with and break his curse and go back to his world? Is that why he came here in the first place? He is going to hurt someone and I am just going to hurt him in return, that's just it," Lydia retorted.

  Jade clicked her tongue. "That's his mission. To find the one with the glowing eyes who would break his curse for him. You cannot add more to that. He has been living with his curse for years now and this is an opportunity for him to break and all you care about is adding more to it?"