

  "Will you tell me what happened to you that day? What you heard and when you heard it?" Jade inquired.

  They were now seated on a log in the forest. Lydia took in a deep breath and exhaled.

  "It was the day we turned ten. I heard it all when I was told to go ask the priestess for some herbs," Lydia began.


  "Happy birthday Luna and June," the divine sisters of the witch's realm greeted Jade and Lydia respectively.

  "Thank you so much sisters," Jade and Lydia said respectively.

  "Today marks your tenth birthday and also a new stage in your respectively life. You will both be given a new power today and we all look forward to it," divine sister Mirabel said and they both smiled at her.

  "Thank you sister Mirabel," Jade said.

  "Thank you sister Mirabel," Lydia said.