
The cursed vampire prince's obsession

"I'll do anything you want, please don't kill me!" On a nroms, he wouldn't mind the tears of a mere human. He hated them to his bones. They thought highly of themselves yet they were nothing but weak, conniving, and despicable idiots. But this one was different. She was begging while rubbing her palms together furiously in tears yet he didn't feel any remorse or guilt from her. The way she stared deep into his eyes, almost as if she could see the monster he was. He sensed hate. "Take this one to the dungeon," He said coldly. His gaze lingered on her for a few seconds before he left. The moment his back faced her, the pitiful face she put on disappeared and a more sinister one replaced it. Finally, she has entered the walls of this castle. She would continue her mother's failed dream. She would tear this family apart just as they did hers. Everything they made her and her family go through, she would repay it in ten, no, HUNDRED folds! *** "What is that on your back?!" She whispered in horror. One step back...two steps back...three steps back. The moment she saw who he really was, she cowardly drifted away from him. "Come closer" he ordered but she remained standing, unwilling to adhere to his order. Was this the cursed prince?! The Maximilian family had five sons and of all the sons she could fall victim to, Why the cursed prince?! She knew her life was at risk the moment she stepped foot in the castle, but she had no plans of dying the very next minute without achieving her aim. So she did the very first thing her instincts urged her to do, the very first thing a rational person would do...she ran. She ran away from him just like everyone else did. *This book is a slow burn book*

Iamjustjuliet · Fantasi
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31 Chs

Grievers of doom

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I am only but a simple guard."

"It's fine. Keep on pretending, it won't last for long"

Simon avoided looking up at Aziel. He thought they had thoroughly planned this, but never did he expect that their cover would be blown off so soon.

"The girl, Lily..." An ugly frown occupied Aziel's face when he thought of last night and how Lily fainted when she discovered who he was, "...take her away from here" he ordered.

"I don't understand, my lord..." Simon said still feigning ignorance.

"Tsk tsk..." Aziel clicked his tongue. This young lad before him was trying to play him for a fool and it was only a matter of time before his patience snapped.

"She will ask to leave. Take her away from here through the tunnel and make sure she never shows up in front of me ever again. I won't be so benevolent next time," Aziel said coldly and walked out leaving Simon to his thoughts.

After the conversation he had with Aziel, Simon knew things will only get complicated from now on.


"That's none of my business, what matters now is that we escaped safely." Lily was surprised to know Aziel knew she was going to escape even before she thought of it but she shrugged it off.

"We need to meet Denise before sunset and plan our next move," Lily voiced with a thoughtful expression.

"Don't you think we should lay low for a bit? Now that Aziel is aware of our intentions, he will stop at nothing to have our heads if we try to harm him," Simon reasoned but Lily wasn't having any of it.

"Are you scared?" Lily berated.

"You are not thinking with a clear head, Lily. I know you are angered that our plans are now futile, but still-"

"I don't want to hear any of it. Let's meet with Denise and cook up another plan." Said Lily as she walked out of Simon and into the market. Simon shook his head and went after the stubborn woman he would do anything for, even if it meant risking his life for her.

They boarded a carriage going to Portland, a small village located in the hills.

They got to Portland a little after sunrise and walked the reaming distance to Denise's old hut.

Denise was an old witch who has helped take care of Lily and Simon since the death of Lily's mother.

She was also the one who helped devise and plan the revenge plan and the same one who informed Lily of what happened to her mother.

Lily was an innocent sweet girl filled with feminine energy which made every man she come across become immensely attracted to her when one day an old woman whom she had never seen before suddenly showed up and announced to her that her mother had been killed by the royal family.

The old woman informed her that her mother was a victim of the royal family's thirst for blood and she was killed for no clear reason.

From then on, Lily was filled with hate for the royal family but she had no power to act on it. She was just an innocent girl from the village, what could she possibly do to hurt the royal family?

She had no plan for revenge but the old woman who introduced herself as Denise filled her mind with thoughts of revenge.

Denise Introduced her to a group called the grievers of doom. They were a society consisting of those who had immense hate for the royal family. They all had something precious taken away from them by the royal family and would do anything to see the royal family crumble.

Lily was introduced to the group together with Simon, her childhood friend. From that moment, Lily had trained and planned for the day she could finally avenge her mother's death.

She knew the members of the grievers of doom will react negatively to the fact that she ran away before their plans were put in motion but then again, even with all the training and conviction, she just couldn't be in the presence of the cursed with all the rumors she has heard of him.

Besides, what good is revenge when you won't be alive to execute it? Maybe she wasn't really prepared, maybe that innocent fearful girl still resided in her heart. Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that she is still wounded and would stop at nothing to get her revenge.

*Knock, knock*

Simon knocked on the straw door of Denise's hut.

A little while later, an old woman with a black hood, shakily opened the door. Her back hunched over and she supported her weight with a wooden walking stick.

"What happened?" She asked revealing her set of decayed teeth that were hidden with a mass of wrinkly flesh that made up her lips. She was surprised to see Lily and Simon barely four days since they left for the palace.

"We need another plan," Lily announced straightforwardly. Denise squinted her eyes and hissed at Lily and Simon. She didn't groom them all those years for them to chicken out even before the plan was set in motion.

"Come in," Denise stepped out of the way and ushered them into her smelly hut. It was tacky and warm, showing that barely anything was done to keep it clean. It was also dusty, almost as if no one occupied this space. That was suspicious.

Lily and Simon took a sit on the wooden bench when Denise took a sit opposite them.

"Can you explain why you are here instead of carrying out your duties?" Denise questioned.

Lily and Simon passed each other looks before Lily went on to explain.

"You're so light-hearted, I shouldn't have involved you in this," Denise spat.

"Don't say that. I'm more than ready for this but we all know the ugly reputation the cursed prince has, I will probably die before I get my revenge," Lily convinced. She was already too deep into this revenge thing to just give up now.

"I have a plan," She declared.

Simon looked at her and so did Denise.

"And what could this be?" Denise asked.

"Gather the members."