

[Sappharix Nation] [Aldenland Town] [Rosewarth Family's Castle]

"Don't worry, Silver..."

"We will get back what we lost."

Lucas finally got up from his slumber and looked toward his loyal comrade.

"Who are you?" Lady Evylin spoke in surprise, hearing Lucas's voice, "You are not my son."

"Wait... wait," Berserker looked towards Lucas. He remembered the voice coming out of Lucas's mouth, "I remember this voice... You are that unknown voice."


"Right now, Master Lucas has isolated himself and, I lost connection with him."

"Then, I saw her, Silver Moon, Master's friend..."

"I have to save her... she hasn't got much time left."

"I have temporarily taken control over Master's body... I am sorry, it's my fault she is in that condition."

System's voice came from Lucas's mouth.

"Shit, a system," Elisa took out her handgun to attack, "Can't trust a Blood System."