
Entrance Exam (2)

Chapter 47: Entrance Exam (2)

"E-excuse me?" She stuttered.

"Oh, uh, hi." The boy nodded. "You said you wanted help with what test you wanted to choose, right?"

She nodded hurriedly. She was so nervous… why did she ask him?! There were other people around too, but she had to go and ask the most attractive guy she had ever seen!? 

But… he looks so confident. Just from looking at his back, she could tell he knew what he was doing. This is the first time she has ever felt attracted to a person without even talking to them. She genuinely felt if there was someone who'd be able to help her make a choice, he'd be the one.

'God, God, God, I hope he doesn't see me as a creep!!' She prayed internally while the boy smiled causing her to almost lose her footing.

He then parted his lips. "You are?"

"...Uh." She could feel the blood rushing to her face as she started to feel dizzy. Maybe it really was a bad idea to ask him. "I-it's Ochako Uraraka, n-nice to meet you." 

He simply gave her a charming smile. "It's Neji Hado, the pleasure is mine." He then brought her hand close to him and took the paper. "Hum, it's the same as mine, so I don't see a problem helping you."

Uraraka mumbled a thanks while he hummed. 

"Well, I would need to know your quirk first to recommend the best for you." The boy who introduced himself as Neji said. "Let me start, my quirk is «Surge». I can generate powerful shockwaves."

Her gut feeling was right. He's not just good looking, he's strong too… 

Stopping briefly, she took a deep breath to calm down. Stuttering here would portray herself as someone weak, she can't let that happen!!

"My quirk is called «Zero Gravity», it does exactly what the name suggests." She made a determined face. "I can levitate anything under the weight limit of 3.5 tons."

Neji hummed and nodded. "A very versatile quirk. Truthfully, the first test, [Rescue civilians from a city hit by a Disaster], seems to be the best for you. But if you ask me, since it's the lowest difficulty level, the points would be less too while competition would be high." 

He looked at her with a thoughtful look and nodded. "Say why don't you join me in the [Rescue + Battle] test one? I am sure it would allow a lot of points, and if we group together we'd have a higher chance to win compared to others."

Uraraka almost flinched as she shook her head left and right. "I-I am not really good at fighting, you have to consider that."

Neji nodded. "I am asking you to join hands with me precisely because of that. I am sure you realise you'd be great at rescuing people, right? I can take down the villains easily while you save the civilians. How does that sound?"

Uraraka blinked, his plan slowly sinking in her head as an image of saving the civilians while he beat up the villains surfaced in her head. 

She nodded triumphantly. "That's a good idea!! If you look out for me, then I think I should be able to save the civilians!"

She smiled. It was really a great idea. Since he has a strong quirk, he'd be fine clearing the villains but it would be hard for him alone to save the civilians too, but by grouping together, both he and she are going to gain benefits!

"T-then I am in your care!" She bowed down, smiling slightly.


<Ochako Uraraka – Tier 2>

I didn't think I'd meet the Female Lead here. Where is the Protagonist, then? He didn't get One for All, so would he still come to UA? I believe he'd be able to enter the general studies if luck takes his side. 

Also, Tier 2? Finally a normal person. I forgot people like her exist too. But I didn't lie about teaming up though. She would be a good help on the test.

The test said, {•Rescue + Battle: Save a group of civilians from a villain attack within a disaster-stricken city.}, so I don't mind a helping hand that'd take care of the civilians. I am sure the school has plans to add more points for students who are cooperating since they are doing a Hero simulation like scenario, to begin with. Heroes together are always better.

"Alright, I am done." Ochako Uraraka came to me with a smile on her face while wearing a pink tracksuit and a watch on her hand that was given to us by the school, it apparently counted our points.

She looks cute. Petite body isn't really my type, but she is still pretty. 

I nodded at her, "Then follow me. First is the written test, after that, we'd gather in the testing ground B-6. Don't worry about getting lost, I think I'd be able to find you."

She nodded with curled up lips as I led her to the written exam hall.


The written exam was not high school level, such bullshit. I said before that I have studied most high school level books, but college was not my speciality. Now I was regretting not studying properly and playing teacher-student games with Kimi.

Looking around the hall, I could notice quite a few kids crying. Uh, huh, poor kids. I think I can take out the pass marks, so I don't worry… hope I don't fail.

With my hands behind my head, I tried to look for any familiar face but it was quite hard to do so.

The people in this world don't look like anime characters, after all. They don't look exactly humane either, they're a mix in between… which was a bit creepy for me at first, but I got used to it.

I turned my head forward as my eyes met with the teacher assigned to this exam hall.

Wearing a skin-tight white costume, she stared at me briefly as I threw a flying kiss at her, for reasons I don't know. She licked her lips seductively at me while slamming her whip on the ground.

Huh… she's fun.

I walked to ground B-6 after I finished my written exam. I hope I pass, ugh, I should have studied more. Anyway, I will try to make up for it in practical.

"Oh…" as I walked inside the ground B-6, I was a little surprised by seeing so many people. I thought very few guys will choose this one since it is labelled as {Not recommended}. But I guess they are kids?

I ignored this and used my «Echolocation» to find Uraraka as I walked to her.

She jumped up feeling my hands on her shoulder. 

"O-oh, you're back?" She heaved a breath. "And here I was getting nervous…"

I took out a handkerchief from my pocket and wiped her sweaty forehead all to her sudden surprise. 

"U-uh-" she stuttered as I put the handkerchief in her hands. 

"Keep it, you might need it soon."

She wasn't in the state to reply because of her steaming face. 

Ah, she's fun to tease. But maybe I should stop, I don't want another girl falling for me. My CHA stat is a pain sometimes, Haiyaah.

I then looked around the chattering of the kids. Some of them had their eyes on us, probably because of my small act but most were busy with themselves. Just then, a dry voice rang in the mic.

["Hi everyone, your exam is going to start soon."]

That's the only thing the voice said. So we don't get a Present Mic? We got an Aizawa, but eh, whatever.

["For starters, this is a 1-hour long exam. There are 300 examinees, and each of you'd need 50 points to pass. There are 100 villains who are attacking the civilians, each villain is worth 10 points."]

I could see everyone's chattering slow down as they realised what type of situation this was.

So… for 300 examine, a total of 15000 points is needed for all of them to pass. But, there are only 1000 points. Meaning, only 20 people can pass this test, that's considering people who would already gain 50 points would stop the hunt for villains. I can guarantee that they wouldn't stop hunting villains just to kill the competition. 

The mic again buzzed. ["There are also points for rescuing, but those points would be given by the person who you rescue. They can give you any point from -10 to 10."]

This caused the chatter to start again.

["At last, deliberately hurting other examinees is prohibited. But you can team up with others, it's not prohibited, and is in fact encouraged. If your team-play is great, you'd get more points, but if it's not up to the standards, then your points would be depleted. That's all for now, the test would start is 3, 2, 1."]

Before anyone could process his words entirely, the test was announced to start. Huh, I like this style. 

I am sure people won't team up since they don't have enough trust in each others' Quirks to risk having their points depleted. But I know Uraraka, she's trustable. She also said that she got a Scholarship into a Hero Middle school so she should have more control over her quirk than when canon started in the anime.

Uraraka seemed a little bothered, I guess she doesn't have full trust in my abilities, eh, well, fair.

I suddenly grabbed her by her waist and took her in a princess carry. It's always fun flirting in serious situations.

"Kya! What are you doing?!" Uraraka's face turned red while I shrugged.

"What am I doing? Just speedrunning the test."

I kicked the ground, blasting my feet at an extreme speed as I went in the air, out of the blundered crowd.

"Let's win this, just the two of us."


