
324: Goddess Ishtar (2)

Chapter 324: Goddess Ishtar (2)

Ianna, more popularly known as Ishtar, was a Goddess born to Gilgamesh's mother. Ishtar was Gil's half-sister, in that manner, and she was the older one to be precise.

Decades earlier, when Gilgamesh took down the Guardian of the Forest with the help of Enkidu—Ishtar built a huge crush on him the moment she heard the news. In the heat of the moment, she rushed to meet him and proposed to marry him.

Gilgamesh didn't find her suitable to be his Queen, however, so he rejected her flat out. Sadly, he hadn't seen the consequences coming.

Angered by this Demi-God's rejection, Ishtar called upon the Bull of Heaven to battle Gil and Enkidu. The fight was miraculously won by Gilgamesh, however, Enkidu got a heavy blow from the enraged Gods and passed away.

Goddess Ishtar was behind Enkidu's death.

Gilgamesh vowed to never forgive the Gods, and so he became a thorn in their paths. When King Gilgamesh began to take the ruling of Uruk seriously again, he stopped people from praying to the Gods. Some still secretly prayed, but they were punished when found.

The fewer prayers caused the Gods to lose Faith and Divinity, so they began to perish away—initiating what would later be called the End of the Age of Gods.

So, whilst Goddess Ishtar killed King Gilgamesh's only friend, he began to destroy her entire kin. Expectedly, there was long beef between them, going on for decades.

So, it's nobody's surprise that Ishtar reacted this way. "Gilgamesh. Get out of here before I get mad."

Resting her fat ass on her Boat of Heaven, her clothes displaying her body that she wasn't ashamed to show in the slightest, the Goddess of Beauty and Lust looked down on Neji and his group from a few meters up in the sky.

* * *

The girls from Chaldea who were beside Neji exclaimed in surprise when the Goddess made an appearance. They had met before.

"It's you…!"

"The girl who saved us from monsters when we came to this world."

"Ah-huh. So she is Goddess Ishtar, that's why she didn't disclose her identity earlier."

Fujimaru, Mash, and Da Vinci spoke after one another—wearing surprised expressions.

Earlier, when they first entered the Singularity, they were attacked by lion-like monsters who threatened to kill them. If not for Ishtar here, they might not have escaped unscratched. The person they were so thankful to though didn't seem to share their enthusiasm, she acted calm though her eyes shone in recognition when she noticed the three of them.

"Surprising." Neji began to speak while looking up at Ishtar, her thick and creamy thighs looking like some sort of appetizer. "You tell me to leave as if you have never trespassed to my castle and come biker me. Thank you for the view, by the way."

Ishtar's eyelids twitched hearing his last words, and as if to stop giving him the view, she lowered her Boat to look at Neji at eye level.

She said as she lowered her flight, "Perhaps because I am the Goddess of Uruk, and I have so many followers there? It's natural for me to visit my domain, and your castle happens to fall under that part."

"As for the bickering?" Neji countered back her smart answer. "Do you not come to me every week and mock me about the current state of Uruk? Also, did you just admit you care for Uruk?"

Ishtar looked annoyed at his words and grumbled a little. "I bicker with you exactly because I don't care about Uruk anymore. I don't care about humans, in general. They have stopped praying to us Gods just because you told them so, and now barely anyone prays to us. At least you lowered your tyranny and didn't kill anybody you found praying."

"Because I learned Siduri prays to you, so I had to change the rules a little. Since I didn't want her to die," Neji shrugged. "Anyhow, let's just say- me being here today is just a 'revenge' on the countless times you came to my throne room and left after being childishly annoying."

"As if!" Ishtar growled. "Whatever, I can guess why you are here since these Chaldea lots are with you. Did they convince you to help them? If so, how? Also, why is your hair that color? No, that doesn't matter. Leave, my answer is no—I know you're asking me to join you and help you out."

"You haven't even heard the full story yet, though?" Neji looked at her dryly. "Do you want me to call you Big Sister and beg you?"


With the three Chaldian girls, Ishtar blinked in unison.

For a moment, silence fell in the area.

Countless weird, doubtful expressions went across Ishtar's face before she withdrew a few meters back and shot a beam of mana at Neji.

"Wait-" Neji turned intangible using Kamui and barely survived the beam. "What the fuck?!"

"What did you do to him?! Where is Gilgamesh?" Ishtar looked frightened with nervous sweat forming on her forehead. "I was wondering why you felt a bit… weird, even your talking manner and all that—but that was the final nail! Big Sister? I never imagined in hell to hear that term from that face! Who are you, reveal yourself!"

Neji tilted his head, crossing his arms again as he searched for words. "King Gilgamesh used the Holy Grail to summon a holy spirit to merge with him, so that he gets stronger, enough to save the world from getting destroyed. I am the result of that merge, such is why the different ways of speech and all that other things."

It wasn't a real merge, of course. Neji was his own person—but he just happened to watch a long movie that was based on Gilgamesh's memories. That's all. However, Ishtar didn't need to know that bit.

"I see…" Ishtar narrowed her eyes. "I hate the new you more, just to be clear. Don't call me that again, and leave."

"You don't hate me at all," Neji shrugged. "Anyhow, I am not leaving—I need you on this. The enemies are too strong, and you'll die too in the worst-case scenario."

Ishtar scoffed. "Are you trying to scare me?"

"I am saying I need your help," Neji flew up in the sky, surprising Ishtar. "I think siblings should help each other out, seriously, more so when it's a life and death scenario."

Ishtar's eyes twitched hearing him use the word 'sibling' but she didn't attack this time. She did look watchful of him approaching her, though.

Neji stopped in front of her, taking a serious expression as he looked her in the eye.

Neji didn't remember how Chaldea convinced Ishtar to join their side in the canon timeline.

So, Neji had to do something he thought should make her change sides.

It was the basics really, giving them what they wanted the most.

"My honorable big sister," Neji said. "I will accept your offer at marriage if you help me out this once."

Goddess Ishtar was expected to react as she did earlier; that being shooting her beams at him. However, her reaction was utterly shocking and unexpected by Chaldea.

As she looked into his blue eyes, her red eyes trembling to hear his words, a trail of blood revealed itself through her nose.

A nosebleed.

With her face flushed, her teeth clattered with one another in shock, as Ishtar didn't find an answer.

"Looks like you think I am joking," Neji slipped his hand into his Gate and took out a gold ring from his treasury. "Here, let's finish the engagement."

"Get away from me!" Ishtar jumped back when he tried to take her hand, her face still red, as she wiped her nose. "I-I am falling for this trick! N-no, I mean to say, I don't care even if you promise to m-marry me! I have long since forgotten about that offer! I don't find you attractive any longer!"

Goddess Ishtar was a pervert by definition. Who else would want to marry her own brother? However, at the same time, she was a massive tsundere– and that case worsered when she took over the mortal body she was using at the moment.

Neji had to do something to bypass that tsundere shell of her, and since he knew she actually still had feelings for him he already had a plan on how to do that.

"I see," Neji sighed dramatically. He put a hand on his face as he tilted his head upwards, creating the image of a tense statue. At that moment, his CHA did its magnificent work to affect all four girls in the vicinity, showing them a sight that left them breathless. "That's heartbreaking. Even though I accepted your offer after so many years… you just… haah."

Ishtar was the Goddess of Beauty, Lust, Sex, and Fertility. She had charm beyond any other in this world. Stories, where she charmed Gods and Kings, are spread as legends here, and her charm is said to be irresistible by all.

Yet Gilgamesh was the person who rejected her, marking the first to have not been charmed by her. Now, Neji who had replaced Gilgamesh had a charm beyond Gil's own. His charm defied reality itself.

This King's attire he was wearing was very revealing, putting his torso on display for all to see, for all to enjoy the well-defined, sharp muscles that moved with every breath he took. The smooth transition of him taking and releasing a breath was captivating, a reason why the three Chaldea girls—including Da Vinci had stopped looking down at his face.

That artful owner of the body, Neji, when he made such a dramatic show, sighing deeply that moved his muscles fluidly, had no doubt attracted all the girls nearby.

Unlike Gilgamesh, Neji couldn't just ignore Ishtar's charm—No, he could counter-charm her even. If her massive blush that stretched from her cheeks to her ears, and down her neck, were to be believed, then yes, the Goddess of Lust was currently lusting on this living, masterful sculpture in front of her.


Fujimaru and Mash trembled on their feet before falling to their faces, unconscious. They were barely above human standards by their senses, so this scene was a bit too much for them. Only Da Vinci stood because she had smartly turned around on time.

Neji was self-sealing his CHA after an incident in the throne room where a few subjects lost consciousness on his sight, but he had put that all back to its peak for this little 'show'. It just so happened that it was a bit too much for the human and half-human girl.

"I-it's alright!" Ishtar gulped as she nodded. "F-fine, since you offered me a hand of marriage and was thoughtful enough to bring a ring—fine, I accept your offer! I will help you, s-since you'll be my future husband anyway, I can't let you and myself die!"

Ishtar yelled while Neji gave her a last smile before lowering her CHA when more blood came out of her nose. Sadly for her though, even if such a marriage does happen, it would be in the far future. Neji wouldn't marry anyone before the first girl–Kimi–got put on a ring.

Just like that, a Goddess was captured. Four more to go.




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