
134: Promise? (2)

Chapter 134: Promise? (2)

Toga woke up in an alley, all alone as she looked around.

Making sure everything that happened wasn't a dream, she giggled and sniffed the phone Neji gave her.

'His scent… hehe.'

After savouring his scent for a while, she shook her head rapidly. She needed to get going. So she dialled Kurogiri's number on it, as it started to ring.

She never had a phone of her own, since it's dangerous to steal a phone in this day and age where any tech can be tracked by the government. Only people who had a good connection with a good Broker could own a phone, but Toga wasn't so lucky.

Fortunately, she only recently joined the league so they didn't know that she didn't have a phone and wouldn't question her from where she got this phone all of sudden.

The call was picked up from the other side and an ethereal voice came flowing out. ["Hello?"]

"Hehe," Toga, blushing as she sniffed her shirt, spoke. "Kurogiri? My tummy is filled, I wanna go back. Pick me up~"

There was silence from the other side, but after a while, the voice spoke again. ["Tell me your location."]


Toga was soon picked up by the mist man and brought back inside the bar that was the base of League of Villains.

The moment she appeared back, she found Stain and the others back too.

"Oh, Stain~ you're back?" 

Toga gasped, dramatically covering her mouth with one hand. 

"Mhm, and that guy is here too." Seeing Stain not even looking at her, she looked at the other people present.

Looking over to the teen with green hair and freckles over his cheeks, Toga grumbled.

She's only met him once before, but there wasn't any conversation between them. Yet, she didn't like him at all. She hated the sheer vibe he gave and how smart he tried to act.

'Annoying looking bastard…' She wanted to kill him right here, but she couldn't because Shigaraki forbade it, even though he seemed to not like him that much either. 

Suddenly, Toga's eyes lit up.

'Wait, hehe, I know.' Toga suddenly got a plan. 'I just need to make the boss kill this guy…!'

If her guess was right, Neji probably didn't know that his classmate, Izuku Midoriya, was actually involved with the league. If he learned about this, he would certainly want to eliminate a dangerous guy like him, right?

'Hehe… I need to brew a plan for this too, just to get greater rewards.'

She decided and started to pay attention to the situation in front of her.

Izuku Midoriya was sitting on top of a small round table while villains of different categories stood in front of him, beside Toga. Meanwhile, Shigaraki and Kurogiri were standing beside Izuku.

"Now this isn't exactly my place to talk, but as a fellow disciple of my Shigaraki-chan here, I would be meddling," Izuku said, pointing his finger at the growling Shigaraki. Then he looked at the eyes of each villain. "I know most of you guys joined the League of Villains because of Stain, but that does not mean Stain is the founder of this. It's Shigaraki, and just like everyone here, except for me since I am not a part of this, all of you are under Shigaraki."

Shigaraki now seemed pleased at Izuku's words, thinking maybe the green-head wasn't so bad after all.

"Fights between the members of the group are natural, like what happened between Stain and your leader today. But that doesn't mean you join the fight and take one side. No, not that, you have to stop the fight from growing big, instead." Izuku spoke while the villains muttered to themselves.

"Excuse me?" One of the villains, a teen wearing a high school uniform, raised his hand. "I have a question."

"Please go ahead." Izuku inclined his head.

"I know you," The kid said. "You're a student in UA-High, aren't you? I remember seeing you at the Sports Festival. You must be a spy in there, I guess. But that doesn't mean you are not a kid, how can you expect us to listen to you while you are so young? Heck, you're younger than even me."

Izuku blinked at the guy before chuckling. 'Ah, he's jealous because a guy like me who seems to be of his age group is ordering him. What a trash.'

The other villains seemed to catch the logic in the kid's words and started to nurture amongst themselves, but Izuku clapped his hands.

"To answer the question, I will ask you guys a question of my own." He said. "Have you ever heard of The One?"

The words caused different reactions from the villains. Some flinched back and some laughed while some just looked confused.

"The One, an Urban Legend from the early Quirk Era," Izuku said. "What'd you do if I say… I am him?"

"Hey!" Shigaraki yelled out. "What the hell do you think–"

His mouth was immediately covered up by purple mist, concealing his voice, at a single gesture from Izuku that Kurogiri followed.

The villains on the other hand seemed shocked while a few whispered to the ears of the others who were ignorant about The One.

"Okay, my bad way of wording." Izuku corrected himself. "He gave me a few quirks, and since those quirks were a part of him, by wielding those, in a sense I am him. I am simply trying to say that The One is alive and well, and he is the true bods of this League. He has chosen Shigaraki as the successor of his power and me as his future advisor."

Shigaraki, whose mouth was still counselled, revealed a surprised expression at that. But he quickly hid it. This must be Izuku's plan, to make them seem like he's smart so that they listened to him.

...Though in reality, that was indeed All for One's plan, and both Izuku and Kurogiri we're told of that. Though not even All for One himself knew, Izuku had no plans to work under Shigaraki.

While the villains were more surprised, Izuku continued. "Now, I am sure you have heard about the mouse Nezu and Saiko Intelli of the Intelli Corporations. They have quirks that enhance their brain to a great degree… If you haven't already guessed, yes, my master, The One, has bestowed me upon a quirk that makes me smarter, so my age doesn't matter at all, as I am smarter than every one of you here combined."

The quirk part about his speech was a lie. But the villains clearly fell for his words, and that alone made his last line a truth.

Even Toga fell for it, which made her feel endangered around this guy.

'Shit, I need to be careful… if he's as smart as he says he is, he might realise I am a spy and then harm my boss… I can't let that happen!'

Toga made up her mind... she needed Neji to eliminate Izuku asap or he would do something very dangerous.

"Back to the point." Izuku gathered everyone's attention. "There are around 20 people here, and some of us have really powerful quirks. Mr Nine, for example." Izuku said, pointing his finger at a white-haired tall man standing amidst the crowd. "As you might have noticed, he has more than one quirk… But look at him, he's so calm and collected, not getting involved in useless fights. Be like him, be understanding of your power. We all might be villains here, but we are a group. Fighting amongst ourselves isn't a good idea."

Izuku jumped off the table and put his hands in his pockets. "You can leave like today again if you wish but let me be clear, next time, you won't be brought back, and the next time we meet… you'll be an enemy." That started another series of chattering that was again put to a halt by Izuku's clap. "But since we have gathered here, for now, I should let you guys know about the most recent plan we brewed. Maybe that will keep you guys calm and interested?"

That caught Toga's attention. The League had already let them know about a mission that'd be coming in 1 and half a month, but nobody knew in-depth about it. So he was probably going to talk about that.

"You all have an idea about the Summer Camp that UA High holds every year, right?" Izuku asked, receiving a nod. "To put it simply, we are going to attack the kids there, which will be easy since I am there to keep things balanced."

Everyone started chattering at that and even Toga was surprised to hear the plan. Neji would totally like this information.

"But," Izuku continued. "Just that isn't enough. On one hand, we plan to kill all the students while capturing a certain two of them alive. On the other hand, we plan to do something equally important on the same day as this mission."

That got everyone's attention as Izuku grinned and spread his arms wide.

"We will be divided into two groups, and while the students are dying by the hands of group-1, our second group will pay a visit to each of the student's homes where we will kill and butcher their parents, their family!"

Toga almost moaned from the idea, but she knew that unfortunately wouldn't work out well because of two things. 

One, she was going to tell this to Neji asap.


"I knew from the moment I first met you, you're a fucked up guy."

...Stain didn't like the idea.

"I don't like hurting innocent people, you know that very well, and you still present such an idea?" He unsheathed his blade. "Are you deliberately starting a fight after giving such a speech?"

Toga tried, but she couldn't stop her lips from widening as a giggle left her.

Half of the league slowly stepped away to the right while the other half stepped to the left, standing opposite each other as they were just about to jump at each other.

Toga, along with Nine and a few others, stood away from the two groups.

But right then…


A purple misty portal opened between the two groups just as a man with no eyes, ears and nose walked out with a smile on his face.

"My my, to think you'd force an elderly to make a move." The man spoke as his lips stretched into a grin. "Alas, things never end peacefully when my old bones rattle against each other."

Raising his hand up, while everyone watched him with weary and shock, the man known as The One, snapped his fingers.

That was the last thing Toga could remember before everything went blank for her.


