
The Cursed Arsenal: Itadori Yuji

Since the start of Jujutsu Kaisen I've always pondered on the context of Yuji's main way of attacking is through weapons instead of his fists and after the introduction of Toji my mind started working on a story hence this work. I'm a big fan of the fate series especially fate stay night which lead to me making Shirou's Projection Magic into a cursed technique which you can guess is going to be Yujis. Before you ask ik there's a cursed technique like that in jjk but I didn't want to use it since already two people have the technique. Hope you enjoy

Jin_Yamagawa · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 1

"Yuji.."  Yuji Itadori glanced at his grandfather tilting his head in confusion while he kept on fixing the flowers he brought that day, "Hm?" "You're a strong kid, so help others. Even if its only those closest to you, just save the people you can. Its ok if you lose your way and dont worry about whether they'll thank you or not. When you die, you should be surrounded by people Dont end up like me." The old man said as he turned away from his grandson. "Gramps what are you babbling on about?" Yuji questioned waiting for a reply but it never came.

The teenager sighed tiredly as he finished signing the rest of the paper work given to him buy the hospital, "Well call you to come get your grandfathers ashes." Said the nurse who was looking after the boys last family member, with a nod Yuji was ready to go when the nurse stopped him. "Sorry but can you wait a moment." The nurse called out catching the teens interest, "During his last days your grandfather wrote and arranged that these were given to you after his passing." The nurse handed Yuji a folder with the boys name on it and a notebook. He thanked the girl and walked out of the hospital only stopping to sit down on a bench in a nearby park. With a shaky breath Yuji opened the envelop and read the letter inside,

Dear Yuji

If youre reading this, it means that Im long dead. In this letter I wanted to explain a few things that I couldnt discuss with you in the hospital were there are a lot of ears. The world isnt as it seems, in this world there are things called curses which are created from peoples negative emotions. Because of these beings over 10 000 people go missing every year most likely being dead. The reason I know this is because 100 of years ago the Itadori family used to be a small clan of Jujutsu sorcerers, these are people who fight curses and exorcises them to protect the public. Because of how dangerous this job was our family drifted away from it and became normal citizens. The reason I'm telling you this is because you have potential of becoming a Jujutsu sorcerer given by your inhuman strength, at the moment Im sure that your cursed energy is still dormant but I'm sure in due time you will awaken it and when that happens you will need a cursed technique to fend off curses with. Thats why I wrote down a cursed technique that was told to me by my grandfather a long time ago, I hope it helps you going forward.

Make sure to not waste your life like me

Your Grandpa Wasake Itadori

Yuji looked down at the letter in a mixture of shock, confusion, interest and sadness, he took a moment to look up at the sky to digest the information. He wondered if what was written was true or not but knowing his grandparent he leaned more on the former. If that was the case, he wondered why no one knew about these curses and the type of disaster they could bring but thinking more into the matter it made sense as to why it was kept quiet. Sighing Yuji pocketed the letter then opened the notebook and started reading, the first few pages talked more about cursed energy and curses, explaining their concepts and how they worked. Though confusing to the boy, he understood the important things and flipped to the next page which held his familys cursed technique.

Gradation air (Tracing)

This is a technique involving the materialization of objects, in accordance to the users imagination, through the use of cursed energy. Gradation comes from the fact that the created object slowly fades away after being created, and Air is an allusion to the fact that said object is made out of "nothing". This technique is similar to Construction but unlike it the objects you create have a time limit while as Constructions does not. In normal practice the technique is considered useless but a way was found which can make it a strong and reliable technique.

Tracing is the advanced version of Gradation air in which not only does it reproduce the shape and substance of an object, but also its entire history as well. Objects created with tracing are slightly inferior to the originals due to the fact that only so much information can be gathered by sight alone and the unique ability of the object is slightly inferior to the originals. The condition set for the technique to work is that the object must be seen directly by the user in order for them to make a copy of it hence an object cannot be copied through blueprints and such.

Tracing is split into seven steps:

1.Judging the concept of creation.

2.Hypothesizing the basic structure.

3.Duplicating the composition material.

4.Imitating the skill of its making.

5.Sympathizing with the experience of its growth.

6.Reproducing the accumulated years.

7.Excelling every manufacturing process

Because of these steps, it is possible to produce incredibly stable objects that can remain in the world seemingly indefinitely after their creation, unless broken or dismissed. To active this technique the user must chant its unique incarnation...

"Yuji Itadori." Yuji heard someone call out his name, he looked to see a black heard teen standing next to him, "My name is Megumi Fushiguro from Jujutsu tech and theres something we must discuss." The other teen continued as he set next to the pink haired boy going further. "You have a very dangerous cursed object with you and I'm here to take it off your hands." "Cursed object?" Yuji questioned with a raised eyebrow. Megumi went into further detail explaining the things he had already read about in his grandfathers notebook.

"The cursed object that you have is a special grade object that is very dangerous and can lead to many deaths if its unsealed." Megumi then pulled out his phone and showed the boy a picture of the object. Nodding after a moment Yuji handed over the box to the young sorcerer who opened it to find it empty. "Wheres the object inside it?!?" Megumi shouted grabbing the boys collar. "Theres a possibility that my senpai took it I also heard her talking about opening it tonight." Yuji answered after thinking for a second making the sorcerers face turn pale before letting the boys collar go and running towards Sagisawa Highschool. Yuji put his grandpas notebook in his hoodie pocket and ran after Megumi.

They arrived minutes later to feel an ominous aura surrounding the school, "What is that?" Yuji questioned to which Megumi glanced at him before jumping over the fence, "You stay here, its dangerous inside." When inside the sorcerer started clearing out curses with the help of two summoned shikigami dogs, he reached the top floor where he saw a large cursed spirit holding a girl getting ready to swallow her and the finger she had in her hands. But before that could happen Yuji crashed through the side window and drop kicked the spirit forcing it to let go of the girl as the teen caught her and landed next to Megumi, this gave the boy a chance to quickly kill the spirit with relative ease.

Yuji took the wrinkled finger off of his senpais hand and questioned Megumi about it who sighed in relief, "Good thing we got here before it was eaten. Eaten? Why would someone want to eat this? Is it tasty or something?" the highschooler asked curiously. "No, you eat it to gain cursed energy. Whatever just give me the finger." Megumi said to which the boy was about to comply when a cursed spirit came out of nowhere almost catching Yuji but the sorcerer saved him before that. "Get your friends and get out of here!" Megumi shouted and tried to summon his Shikigami when hed be thrown through the roof as the fight continued there.

Megumi was getting pushed back when Yuji suddenly came flying and tried to fight the spirit but he was getting tossed around like a ragdoll, "Why are you here!? I told you to take the others and get out of here!" Megumi berated the boy who kept fighting the spirit when the finger in his hand got launched into the air alongside him as the spirit got ready to eat it but Yuji used its face as a jumping pad to catch the finger but it gave the spirit an opportunity to get a hold of him. Megumi told the boy to toss the finger to him but Yuji couldnt hear him, in fact he couldnt hear anything as his mind raced back to the parts he read in his grandpas notebook. His mind then flipped through his memories until it stopped to a particular one where he and his class went to the Tokyo National Museum. He felt himself reliving the moment as his class stopped outside the display case of the oldest katana of the Five Swords Under Heaven, their tour guide started talking about the sword but time seemed to stop as everyone except Yuji who was only focused on the sword, disappeared.

Standing there Yuji remembered the incarnation that was needed to begin his technique, looking down at his hand as his breath became heavy, "Trace..." balling his fist he looked back at the sword "...On." The teen started scanning the sword from the Tsuka Gashira as memories started flashing though his head like a movie as he watched Yasutsuna of Hoki carefully craft the sword start to finish, he then watched Minamoto no Yorimitsu wield the sword as he fought against the thieving demon known as Shutendoji (which Yuji presumed was actually a cursed spirit) which gained the sword its name. The memories continued as he watches Shoguns, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu used the sword through their lives before it finally ended up in the TNM.

Fulfilling all the steps, Yujis cursed energy awakened and spike obliterating the curses arm freeing him. Still in the air, his hair covered his face as he outstretched his free hand cursed energy gathered around it, "Dojigiri Yasutsuna!!" the boy shouted as the katana manifested in his palm in all its glory radiating with cursed energy. Falling and getting close to the spirit Yuji using all his strength, he swung his weapon in a vertical slash cutting the cursed spirit in two exorcising it. Megumi was left in awe as he looked at the heavy breathing non sorcerer who with no experience killed a cursed spirit, adding to his shock was the massive cursed energy that came off of Yuji reminding him of a certain white-haired man, "Yo Megumi, what happened and whats with the sudden spike in cursed energy?" Speak of the devil. The pink haired teen looked over to Megumi to see a man with white hair and a blind fold holding a plastic bag standing next to him, before he could say anything Yuji Itadoris world went black.