

Being the youngest but important amongst Reece's team, George was left out of almost every conversation the grownups had not because they didn't want to inform him on what was happening but to protect him. George who thought otherwise stayed away from them whenever they had a discussion because he felt like a nuisance to them.

The outcasts had already penetrated into the university where George studied and were on a mission. Death-claw sent them to lure him into joining the Outcasts to make it easier for him to harness the power of the Diamond when he finally got it in his hands.

The night after Reece had killed Alpha,Dark Claw got furious and wanted to have his revenge as soon as possible. He also studied that George had the power to command Reece to do anything he wanted since he was of the bloodline of King Nkrumah. He informed Lina and Lexus his informants at university the to act fast in convincing George to join them.