Chancellor Pyun picked up the cup of wine and looked at it a long moment before lifting it reluctantly to his lips. All the while, her eyes intently fixing his movement. And the corners of her lips hooked into a smile that carried three degrees of maliciousness.
Looking at her expression, an unwelcome cold feeling emanated from him, slowly wrapping around him. Pyun swallowed a mouthful and his reaction was as though he was drinking a pulpy, vinegary liquid despite his tastebuds recognising a velvety texture and a sweet tasted wine.
Silent grew into the room. She only stared as he drank a second sip, a third and another gulp; and until she took her eyes from him did he stop drinking.
Her eyes were half-closed as she ultimately laid back in her divan, but Pyun saw a spark of an enigmatic curiosity in them. A mirthless smile curled around her serpentine lips, "What do you think of its flavour?"