
The Crown Prince and Me

"This White Heart of Mine, I Will Draw Our Moments and Keep It Forever" Lily Valentina, 23 year old girl who are still struggling finishing her degree; when one day, while she was finishing her assignment alone in a café, the news on the television caught her attention. It was the crown prince, and the royals are announcing that he was looking for a wife. Back in her childhood days, Lily used to go to the same preschool and both of them were really close with each other. But then, Lily had to move to another school due to her family financial problems. Ever since then, both of them lost contact but all that she knows, the boy who used to be her playmates, is a crown prince now. Therefore, she decided to join for the event, to test her luck so that she could meet him again.

pinkcotton · perkotaan
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27 Chs

Talk with Lady Sofia

It's been a few days the Luis family visiting the palace. Luckily they have their own villa. If not, it would be such a hassle to entertain them. The one who visited them the most was Lady Sofia. Many of the servants could see that she was trying so hard to get the Crown Prince's attention. But Ren paid no attention towards her. Every question that she asked him, he would replied in a cold manner.

As for today, Lily was having a small meeting together with the Queen as she requests something from her.

"Could you draw a portrait of me in the garden with my flowers?" asked the Queen suddenly. "S-sure Your Majesty." Said Lily. "But I'm not a professional portrait painter yet, but I'll try my very best." Added Lily. "Alright, I trust you." Said the Queen. "Should we do it tomorrow? I don't have any schedule tomorrow… what about you? Are you and Ren busy with the engagement day?" asked the Queen as she take a sip on her coffee.

Lia shook her head gently. "No Your Majesty, so far I do not have any schedule tomorrow. And as for our engagement day, we have no problems so far… instead, lots of people has helped us a lot." Answered Lily and the Queen nodded. Nowadays, Lily felt less nervous talking with the Queen. Instead, she feels comfortable.

While both of them were having their time together with their small talk, someone knocked the door.

"Yes, you may come in." said the Queen as she put down her coffee mug.

"Your Majesty, Miss," said Mia "Lady Sofia would like to have a talk with Miss Lily…" added Lily.

"Oh, if that… can I excuse myself first Your Majesty?" asked Lily and the Queen nodded. "Yes, you may. I believe she's quite jealous that I didn't invite her today~" said the Queen and Lily let out her small laugh.

"I guess I should go now Your Majesty. Thank you, and I'll see you tomorrow." said Lily and bowed gracefully before she left the room. As soon as she left the room, Mia led the way and brought her to the spacious and grand living room in the palace. Once they've reached she noticed that Lady Sofia has been waiting for her.

"Mia, could you prepare us some tea please?" said Lily.

"Yes Miss." Said Mia and left to ask the people in the kitchen to prepare them some tea.

"I'm sorry I was quite late…" said Lily. "I thought to be a princess, she needs to be punctual. Turns out no." said Lady Sofia and she sounds irritated. "Well I beg for your forgiveness because I was having a talk with the Queen and wasn't aware that you're here till Mia has to notify me." Said Lily. No matter how much she hates the way she talked, but she keep on smiling.

"So, how was your engagement preparation going?" asked Lady Sofia suddenly. *is that what she wants to talk about?* thought Lily.

"Well I believe the preparation has been going on very well… the designer are preparing my dress for our E-Day and as for Ren, he's been busy with ruling the country but he do stops by to help by giving his opinions on what he likes and dislikes… We prepared it together~" answered Lily.

At the mention of 'together', Lady Sofia's expression seems that she's quite jealous by it.

"Just to inform you, Prince Nicholas and I are kinda close and we even used to go for a vacation together with Prince Lucas. Apart from that, the three of us went to the same prestigious school together." Said Lady Sofia. "Basically, we grow up together." Said Lady Sofia as she raised her eyebrows and drink her tea. The one that Mia has prepared for them.

"Oh really?" asked Lily and Lady Sofia nodded. "Have you ever thought that me and Ren used to be childhood's playmate?" asked Lily suddenly and mentioning the Crown Prince name without using his title.

"You are so daring." Said Lady Sofia while smirking. "Prince Nicholas hates hearing someone calling him by that name." added Lady Sofia. While the two girls are too immersed with their heated communication. A familiar voice interrupted them.

"I'm the one who gives her the permission to call me by that name."

Both Lily and Lady Sofia turned to their left and noticed Ren has entered the grand living room followed by Lucas behind him. Lily found it funny seeing Lucas standing behind Ren. It was like he's replacing Augustin to be the Crown Prince's butler.

"Hi Ren, Lucas." Greeted Lily and Lady Sofia looked at her in disbelief. She just can't believe that Lily was calling by their name. "You let her call you as Ren?" asked Lady Sofia.

"Hi Lily~" waved Lucas playfully.

"She's not just a 'her' she's soon to be a Princess once we're engaged and she will be the future Queen Kingdom of Stella." Said Ren in a serious manner.

"Sorry for interrupting your time, but me and Lily has to go now as we have a lots of things to prepare." Said Ren as he took Lily's hand and brought her near him.

"I'm sorry Lady Sofia... I have to go now, I guess?" said Lily. With that, after she bid her a goodbye, the three of them left the grand living room leaving Lady Sofia alone.

"Ugh I hate her." Grunted Lady Sofia alone feeling annoyed.

Right after they left the grand living room, the three of them walk together in a hallway. "Alright you both, I need to join an event at a hospital nearby here… so I gotta go now…" said Lucas. "Oh, really?" asked Lily and Lucas nodded. "Yeah, goodbye Lily~" waved Lucas and left both of them. "By the way, I heard you were visiting my mom just now... What did you two talked about?" asked Ren.

Both of them were walking along the hallway and stopped by the big balcony. "Oh, your mother told me to paint her a portrait of her with the flowers in the garden tomorrow~" answered Lily. "Do you wanna drop by tomorrow?" asked Lily while looking at Ren. "If I have time I'll visit you both." Answered Ren. "And why did Lady Sofia met you?" asked Ren curiously. "Well, we just had a talk… small casual talk... Nothing much~" answered Lily.

"Are you sure?" asked Ren and Lily nodded. Both of them stay silent for a while till Lily broke the silence.

"By the way, Ren?" called Lily suddenly. "Yeah?" said Ren as he turned to his right facing Lily. "Can I meet my parents this weekend? I mean…. I missed them so much and I would like to visit them before we engaged… can I?" asked Lily while holding his arms.

"This weekend?" asked Ren and Lily nodded. "if you're busy, I can go alone with Augustin…" said Lily. "Or… I can ask Lucas to join me?" teased Lily and she knows that Ren hates both of them being together even though they're just friends.

"Teasing me, huh?" said Ren while smirking and Lily let out a small chuckle. "Well… it seems that our E-day will be held in a week, I guess we could go and visit them… plus, I haven't met your parents yet~" said Ren. "I'll tell Augustin to reschedule for this weekend, alright?" said Ren.

"You will?" asked Lily happily and Ren nodded. "Thank you Ren!" exclaimed Lily happily as she straight away hug him making Ren surprised with her sudden action. But, never pushed away and instead, he hug her back and brushed her hair gently. Ren has been dying to hold her in his arms and he was so thankful for today.

On the next day, as what Lily had promised the Queen, she's drawing a portrait of her with the Queen for today. "I believe that Ren would be visiting us today, am I right?" asked the Queen while sitting on a chair at the centre of her garden. "Yes, Your Majesty. He told me if have time, he would visit us~" smiled Lily while drawing. She was too focused on her drawing without utter any words.

While both of them were having their time together, suddenly a familiar voice greeted them. Lily thought it was Ren, but turns out it was Lady Sofia.

"Your Majesty, I brought you some new flowers for you… I was stopping by the town, and this flower reminds me of you." Said Lady Sofia.

"Mia, could you get the flower from Lady Sofia and place it the garden please?" said the Queen. "By the way, thank you very much Lady Sofia for the flower. Now, would you excuse us as we have some drawings to do today." Said the Queen trying to make Lady Sofia go away from them.

Lady Sofia was surprised by what the Queen has said. Knowing that the Queen doesn't want her to be with them. "w-well alright Your Majesty, I'll take my leave first." Bowed Lady Sofia and left the two of them. Not to forget, before she left, she gave her a death glare towards Lily. *okay she really hates me* thought Lily as she continue with her painting.

A few minutes later, right after Lady Sofia has left, Ren finally arrived. "I'm sorry I was late, mother. They dragged the meeting with the ministers for an hour." Said Ren as he take a seat on a chair not too far from them. "That's alright, we're having a good time here~" said the Queen and Ren gave Lily a look and she just smiled.

Then, Ren went near Lily and take a look on Lily's drawing. He was amazed by her drawing. Her mother's face look so real and alive in the painting. "Mother's gonna love it." said Ren and Lily beamed. "She will?" asked Ren and he nodded. "It's beautiful." Said Ren as he caressed the drawings gently using his thumb.

Then, once Lily fixed a few strokes, the painting was done. "done." Said Lily. Then, the Queen stands up and went near them to take a look on the portrait. "My goodness Lily, this is so beautiful!" said the Queen happily. "Do you like it, Your Majesty?" asked Lily. "Yes of course. I will hang this in my study room later." Said the Queen as she can't stop staring at the portrait.

"glad you love it mother~" said Ren as he brought Lily near him and gave her a smile telling her how proud he is making Lily smiled sheepishly. "By the way mother, we're visiting her parents' tomorrow." said Ren and Lily nodded. "Great, send my regards to them and oh, I will give them one of my orchid as a gift, is that alright?" asked the Queen. "Yes Your Majesty, that's okay… my mom loves flowers too~" answered Lily.

"Alright then, I'll choose one for her and make sure you both give it to her, alright?" said the Queen and Lily nodded. "Alright, Your Majesty." Said Lily. With that, Lily just couldn't wait for tomorrow to come as she misses her family so much. As for Ren, he was feeling a bit nervous for tomorrow. As he has never met her parents before.