
The Crown Prince and Me

"This White Heart of Mine, I Will Draw Our Moments and Keep It Forever" Lily Valentina, 23 year old girl who are still struggling finishing her degree; when one day, while she was finishing her assignment alone in a café, the news on the television caught her attention. It was the crown prince, and the royals are announcing that he was looking for a wife. Back in her childhood days, Lily used to go to the same preschool and both of them were really close with each other. But then, Lily had to move to another school due to her family financial problems. Ever since then, both of them lost contact but all that she knows, the boy who used to be her playmates, is a crown prince now. Therefore, she decided to join for the event, to test her luck so that she could meet him again.

pinkcotton · perkotaan
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27 Chs

Meeting The King and The Queen

"Ready?" asked Ren while holding the doorknob.

"Wait." Said Lily. "how do I look?" asked Lily while looking at Ren.

"Don't worry, you look fine~" said Ren while chuckling. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's go in." said Lily. With that, Ren turned the doorknob and both of them entered the dining hall together with Lily hands hooked on Ren's arms.

Once they entered the dining hall, the saw both the King and the Queen was already waiting there at the dining table having a small talk.

"Mother, Father." Greeted Ren.

"Your Majesty, Her Majesty" Greeted Lily as she bowed gracefully just like how she was taught during her Royal Etiquette Lessons.

Ren noticed her mother's smiles from seeing how Lily bowed just now. And from the looks of it, Ren know she has already liking her.

"Well, have a sit first you two." Said the King with a smile.

As for Lily, she was holding Ren's arms way too tight to ease her nervousness. Ren who noticed it, he caressed her hand gently trying to assure her that everything will be fine and Lily was thankful for that because it worked.

"So, this is our first time meeting, am I right?" asked the King while looking at Lily with a smile.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Answered Lily with a smile too.

"I have yet to know your name. All I know is that Ren has chosen who he's going to get married with." Said the Queen as she took a sip of her plain water. Lily was watching her in every little details of her. The way she was holding her glass, the way her chin is always up, and the way she sits. She is a true noble lady.

"My name is Lily. Lily Valentina Your Majesty." Answered Lily and she nodded. "That's a very nice name dear." Said the Queen. "Are you still studying?" asked the Queen trying to make a conversation with her. Lily turned to her right giving Ren an 'she's giving me a lot of question, is that even okay' look and Ren just nodded. "Go on," whispered Ren in his lower voice.

"Well Your Majesty, imp already in my final year. Currently, im on semester break and once spring starts, it would be my last semester before graduation." Answered Lily. "What major are you studying?" asked the King this time.

"I majored in Arts, Your Majesty." Answered Lily. "You like drawings?" asked the King again and Lily nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty. Both drawings and paintings are two of my favourite things to do. Mostly during my free time, I would paint on canvas." Answered Lily. As for Ren, for the first time, he finally known what Lily likes to do, what she's studying and many more. Thanks to his parents, he get to learned more about her.

"Well then, I guess we should discuss on your engagement… will that be fine?" asked the Queen suddenly. But Lily was quite surprised with the sudden question. "Should we hold your engagement day before the spring started?" suggested the Queen. "That would be a good idea. It will be before Lily goes back to studying, right?" asked the King and Lily nodded.

"Son, what do you think?" asked the King. "There will be no problem father." Answered Ren. "Will that be fine, Lily?" asked the King.

"Yeah, sure. No problem Your Majesty~" grinned Lily.

"Alright, then we should announce your engagement date!" said the King happily.

As for Lily, she couldn't believe that she'll be engage with him soon. But worries was written on her face. Not confident about being a Princess soon.

"Lily," called the Queen. "Yes, your Majesty?" said Lily. "Let's meet and have a hi-tea together later in the garden." Said the Queen and Lily nodded. "Sure, Your Majesty." Said Lily with a smile.

Once their lunch ended, both Ren and Lily excuse to leave the dining room first. "I wonder why would the Queen wants to have a hi-tea together…" said Lily. Who was walking next to Ren. Lily wanted to go to her chamber alone but Ren insists to accompany her.

"Mother likes you." Said Ren suddenly. "She do?" surprised Lily and Ren nodded. "She's been asking you lots of things just now and she even invited you to have a hi-tea together with her later. And that is so rare. She would only have a hi-tea with people that she likes." Said Ren.

"And you're one of them~" added Ren. And that made Lily grinned. "Oh, by the way, what about our schedule today? The one that we have to go for a charity…" asked Lily. "Don't worry about that, I have asked Lucas to replace us~" answered Ren and nodded. Little did that know, while they were talking, finally they have reached her chamber.

"I'll text you later once im done~" said Lily. "Alright. I have a meeting later and I'll be meeting my father with Lucas later. I'll reply when we're done." Said Ren.

"Alright, see you~" waved Lily cutely and she entered her chamber.

That evening, for her hi-tea with the Queen, Anna and Mia has prepared her a purple pastel knee length dress with a simple white slip on shoes. It was simple, but enough to make her looked elegant. "Good luck Miss!" said both Anna and Mia together. "Do you want us to accompany with you there?" asked Anna. "That's okay, I can go alone…. Plus, she's my mother in-law to be. I'll be fine~" said Lily and smiled. With that, she walked to the garden alone.

Once she's reached the garden, she saw that the Queen was already there looking at some of the flowers. *am I late or she's just too early?* thought Lily feeling scared if the Queen has waited for too long.

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, I'm late for our hi-tea…" said Lily as she bowed lightly. "That's alright dear, I was early because I missed my flowers so much~" said the Queen as she touches the purple orchid. "Do you like flowers Your Majesty?" asked Lily as she noticed that the Queen keeps on smiling while looking at the flowers.

"Yes, Orchid the most. I bought it, I planted it, and I take care of it on my own…" answered the Queen. "But when I have to go for an outstation, or you know follow my husband, I had to ask the Royal servants to take care of it for me…" added the Queen. At the mention of 'husband', Lily had a thought of Ren. Oh how great she could call him as her husband once they're married.

"Should we go the table? I believe they have prepared us the tea~" said the Queen. "Sure, Your Majesty." Said Lily and the Queen led the way. Once they've reached the table, the tea has been prepared. As soon as they took their seat, the royal servant was about to pour them the tea, but the Queen has offered herself to pour the tea for them and asked them just leave them alone in the garden.

"Do want the coffee or tea?" asked the Queen.

"Tea please, Your Majesty." Answered Lily and the Queen poured the tea for her.

"I've told them to make both. Because you know, some people don't drink tea as they prefer tea. While some people prefer coffee instead of coffee." Said the Queen as she gave her the teacup.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Said Lily as she took the teacup.

"I believe it's hard to adapt yourself living in a palace, am I right?" asked the Queen suddenly. "Y-yes Your Majesty. But I believe I'll try to make myself comfortable while im here~" smiled Lily. "You know, when Ren told me he chose you to be his wife-to-be, I was quite surprised." Said the Queen. "I thought he would never choose anyone because I have never seen him with a girl before…" added the Queen.

"But then, he had to do this because the King's health isn't well. But the throne needs to be given down to him." said the Queen and Lily was listening to her attentively while caressing the teacup gently. "I was quite surprised that day when he told me that if he wants to find someone to get married with, it has to be that girl. The one that he's been looking for ever since he was a kid." The Queen smiled while looking at Lily.

"I know now why he was looking for you." Said the smile and take a sip of her tea. "And why is that, Your Majesty?" asked Lily in curious. "Most girls, they wanted to get married just to get a throne. But the way I see you, you're not looking for a throne. You're deeply, sincerely in love with my son…" answered the Queen and that made Lily smiled sheepishly.

"As for your engagement, you don't have to be nervous. From the way I see you, I know you're going to be the future Queen Kingdom of Stella." Said the Queen.

"Y-your Majesty, im not yet ready to be the Queen as the one who's holding the Queen title is you, currently." Said Lily. "Yes, but you'll be, soon." Smiled the Queen. "Oh, send my regards your parents back at home, alright? Im sorry that we don't have enough time to meet but I'll make sure to meet them soon before your engagement day." Added the Queen and Lily nodded. "Sure, Your majesty~" smiled Lily happily.

At the thought of her parents, it's been a while she hasn't visit her family. She missed them a lot. *I should tell Ren that I wanna meet my parents this weekend* thought Lily. Then, she continued the Hi-tea with the queen together while having small talk about flowers, and painting.

Without she knows, Ren was watching her through the window from his study room. He just couldn't stop admiring at how beautiful she is whenever she smiles and he was really glad that she was having a great time with his mother. While he was looking at her through the window with a smiles plastered on his face, someone had called him.

"What are you looking at?"

That's all for today and see you on next update ^^

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