
The Crown Of Sorrows

"Grace Lockhart was just an eight-year-old girl who lived on the streets when her mother abandoned her. Until Ruby, her best friend, walked into Grace's life. Ruby just happens to be a giant black bear. At least this is how Ruby started out. Now Ruby may just be the reincarnation of Winnie-the-Pooh. Something Grace cannot accept. The honey war is on. But with Ruby joining Grace's side as they both get isekaid into the world of Inherion. A vast cultivation world where Grace will find even more animal friends to join her in her comedic adventures. Such as the cow Dolly Moomaid or the fish-loving snake Hanaconda. Or the super soldier chicken Colonel Tenders, a giant 300-pound rooster, and his loyal dog soldiers. Grace's new animal friends will help her explore her destiny as The Crown Of Sorrows. Grace is someone who can always turn any bad situation into a beneficial one for her. And a terrible one for her enemies. Grace Lockhart’s favorite pastime in Inherion will be to slap arrogant villains and protagonists in the face. Grace will say, "What do you call that pride?" Only for Grace to slap them in the face. "That's not pride. That's stupidity. Get in line with the other rejects. Watch how this sister gets things done." Join her in her adventures. Advanced chapters available on my Patreon."

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The Bear Facts

When Grace woke up in the morning, she felt the presence of some kind of energy in the air.

"So, the question is this: Mana or Qi Energy? The difference between the two is quite vast."

As Grace jumped out of bed, it was not long before she noticed a certain cotton ball in Ruby's mouth. Walking over to Ruby, Grace quickly took the pillow out from under Ruby's head, only for Ruby to end up with her head plopping down onto the floor. Glaring at Ruby in anger, Grace lifted the pillow and slammed it down onto Ruby's head.

"Bad bear!" With those words, the pillow hit Ruby's head with a thud. Although it did not hurt Ruby, it did wake her up. This could be seen as a daily occurrence. However, Grace was indeed tired of washing the drool off of Ruby's sleeping hat.

"Ruby, do you feel that strange energy in the air as well? Your fur seems redder than before, not to mention softer." Taking Ruby's sleeping hat, Grace went to the bathroom to scrub it out and get dressed in her favorite panda hoodie and matching panda dress. Grace's hoodie had a special panda head hood on it with one white and black ear sticking out of the top, making Grace look like a cute panda when she wears it.

Grace ignored Ruby as she whined to Grace about removing her sleeping hat so that Grace could wash out the drool. Then, Grace proceeded to put Ruby's night hat away to dry until she used it again tonight.

"Every day it's rinse and repeat, Ruby. You are older than me, so act like it. Sheesh!"

After Ruby listened to Grace's lecture for several minutes, they both proceeded to have breakfast. Of course, Ruby had a nice big jar of honey for breakfast, one of her favorite meals, while I had some licorice and lemonade. Grace considered herself a girl who must have her sugar.

"Mmm, Sugar, Spice, and everything nice. These are the secret ingredients used to create the happiest little me," Grace said while giggling to herself.

As usual, our dishes simply vanished after we were done eating, without the obligation of having to do dishes. But Grace decided she would have Ruby do the dishes if Ruby kept causing her trouble.

Mother always wanted me to do dishes, but for some reason, she liked to throw them at me rather than have me wash them. The strange part was the dishes always broke in Mother's hands before she could even throw them at me.

After we finished eating, Ruby wanted to wear a red T-shirt for some unknown reason. But I told Ruby, "No, you are already eating honey, and that's enough weirdness for me the way it is." Ruby seemed to agree with me on the surface, only for me to learn later that this t-shirt issue would be a long-drawn-out battle for many years to come.

Grace climbed onto Ruby's back again so they could resume their journey in the Desert Of The Rising Sun. After exiting The Cave Of Wonders and entering into the hot desert air outside, we found a large amount of demon cores that somehow mysteriously showed up.

"Ruby, go and eat those demon cores. They could help you evolve. But don't worry, I won't put you in a metal ball afterward like some people do with their animal friends."

At my statement, Ruby looked visibly shaken but quickly ran off to eat the dozens of demon cores scattered around our home this morning. Grace stayed on Ruby's back while Ruby was eating the demon cores.

Grace scratched her head in wonder at this desert. There sure is a lot of quicksand around here. As Grace thought about the quicksand, somehow her mind wandered off to soft-serve ice cream. With this thought, another treat fell from the sky, this time landing softly on Grace's head.

Somewhere far in the sky came a familiar voice once again.

"Oh my God, I lost the mistress's snack again! I'm going to suffer this time."

Of course, Grace did not hear this voice. Lifting up her tiny fist, Grace looked to the sky at a ninety-degree angle.

"Curse you, dreaded PTA, always dropping your food on me. At least you gave me something good today. But I'm still not going to go to school."

"Although the way to this sister's heart is sweets, ha ha!"

With that statement, off in the far distance, someone was struck by lightning followed by a horrendous scream, as if the heavens were jealous of this man giving Grace a treat before the heavens could.

Grace proceeded to open her treat and discovered a bear-shaped fudge popsicle. As Grace was eating her treat, she could not help but say, "Mm Mm Good."

After a few minutes, Ruby was done eating all of the demon cores found outside of the Cave Of Wonders. Moving Grace to comment about Ruby's possible evolution.

"Ruby, you better not evolve into a bear who wears red t-shirts all day long then eats honey all of the time, or else I'm going to cut you off from honey. Don't become lazy either!" Grace said as she scolded Ruby while still enjoying her sweet chocolate popsicle.

Ruby, as usual, just ignored Grace's obvious grudge with Winnie The Pooh. Ruby thought to herself that it was Grace who got her hooked on pots of honey anyway. But Ruby resented being scolded for being lazy. Grace, I haul you everywhere Ruby thought to herself, remembering when Grace rode Ruby into towns together, the police would constantly chase them around.

Although none of Ruby's thoughts reached Grace or would make a difference about whether Grace lectured Ruby or not, Ruby also recalled the fact that those humans said she was a danger to Grace. But the truth is that Grace is ignorant of everything that happens around her.

It never occurred to Grace that having a bear best friend is actually quite weird. But at the end of the day, neither Grace nor Ruby cared about social norms. After all, who doesn't have at least one giant bear best friend? Of course, this kind of logic seemed flawless to a weirdo like Ruby as well, a dignified bear who has a human best friend as cute as Grace. Ruby knew that she had endless bragging rights for life from this fact alone.

Advanced chapters on my patreon.


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