
The Crown of Conceit

Reborn as Geto Suguru in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, a former billionaire entrepreneur that got killed by his arrogance, embraces a new identity as he navigates a world of sorcery, facing challenges that test his resolve and shape his destiny. --- I'm not good at description so that's all I can do. Mc reincarnated as Geto Suguru after Kenjaku possessed Geto's body so his head has to stitch just like the appearance he got in the animanga. Mc doesn't read the manga, so don't expect him to know shii, and yeah if you don't like that kind of thing, this fanfic is not for you. A/N: First of All, I don't own any of these, like; Jujutsu Kaisen, as well as the picture. This is fanfic so it's unprofitable. and for the picture, if you're the owner and want to take it down, just tell me. And let's talk about the Update Schedule, well I can't upload it everyday cuz because I'm not good at writing and uncreative to write. if I didn't upload any chap for weeks that means I have an author blocked so...yeah and also, English is not my native language. Additional tags: No romance(it might change in the future), No harem, Superiority Complex.

ILikeSaltedEgg · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter: I

Suguru Geto, once an idealistic young man, had spent his life witnessing the reality of the world he inhabited. He firmly believed that sorcerers stood above humans and aspired to create a world dominated by their kind. However, his ideologies fell on deaf ears, even his best friend Gojo Satoru despised his vision.

Reflecting on his past, Geto realized he didn't regret protecting non-sorcerers, despite witnessing their inherent flaws. He couldn't comprehend why sorcerers felt compelled to safeguard those who seemed undeserving. But in hindsight, he regretted that decision. Now, as he lay bleeding in the darkness of the alley, he found solace in the family he had created—a family he had failed to protect.

As his mind wandered through cherished memories, Geto turned his gaze toward his best friend, Gojo Satoru. This time, Gojo's blindfold was absent, revealing his piercing blue eyes that looked like a sky. A smile graced Geto's lips despite his condition.

Gojo Satoru, with a tone of finality, muttered, "Any last words?"

In a moment of silent contemplation, Geto replied, "No matter what anyone says, I hate all the monkeys." He paused, his voice carrying a mix of bitterness and resignation. "But it's not like I detested anyone from the college (Jujutsu High)."

Geto's mind traveled back to his days as a student at Jujutsu High, where he had forged bonds and shared laughter. His voice grew reflective as he continued, "It's just that in a world like this, I can't laugh from my heart at all."

Unexpectedly, Gojo spoke with sincerity, his words carrying a weight that caused a shift in Geto's expression. "Suguru," he began, "You are my best friend. My one and only."

The impact of those words lingered between them, a brief pause enveloping the air as their eyes locked. Then, breaking the solemnity, Geto laughed.

"Hah, at least curse at me a little at the very end," Geto said playfully, watching his best friend standing tall.

Without warning but anticipated by Geto himself, Gojo unleashed a powerful slash that brought an abrupt end to it all. With a single swing, Suguru Geto met his demise at the hands of his once-beloved best friend.


Somber silence envelops the air as Gojo Satoru departs from Geto Suguru's grave, his heart weighed down by the loss of his fallen comrade. The pain in his chest lingers, a constant reminder of the void left behind. With a heavy sigh, he turns his back on the final resting place, taking hesitant steps away from the site that holds the memories of their shared battles and camaraderie.

In the distance, a faint rustling sound disrupts the tranquility of the surroundings, alerting Gojo's heightened senses. His eyes narrow, and instinct takes over as he swiftly unleashes a devastating blast of his cursed energy towards the source of the noise. The impact echoes through the air, momentarily shattering the silence.

Curiosity piqued, Gojo approaches the spot where the disturbance occurred, his gaze scanning the area for any signs of the intruder. To his surprise, there is nothing there—no trace of an enemy or threat. Perplexed, he furrows his brow, his mind searching for answers that elude him. Was it a figment of his imagination? A trick of the senses? The mystery remains unresolved.

With a final, lingering look at Geto's grave, Gojo bids his fallen friend farewell, a mix of sorrow and determination etched upon his face. He knows he must press forward, honor Geto's memory through his own actions, and protect the world they fought so fiercely to safeguard.

As Gojo distances himself from the grave, his footsteps gradually fade into the distance, a mysterious woman emerges from the shadows of a nearby tree. Her appearance is ethereal, with a pallor to her skin that contrasts starkly against her flowing black hair. Yet, it is the distinct sewing-like scar adorning her temple that captivates attention, a mark that hints at a deeper, hidden purpose.

Driven by an urgency that emanates from her very core, the woman strides purposefully toward Geto's resting place. Her eyes hold a glimmer of determination as she reaches her destination, her hand rising to touch her temple, a gesture both familiar and ominous. Slowly, she opens her hand like a delicate box, revealing a grotesque brain that oozes blood and pulsates with a twisted mouth.

Unperturbed by the grotesque sight before her, the woman's focus intensifies as she begins to unearth Geto's lifeless body. Each shovel of soil falls aside, revealing the still form beneath. The brain within her revels in anticipation, its sadistic desires becoming intertwined with the woman's actions.

A sinister smile dances across her lips as the brain taunts, "Come and be my host!" With swift and practiced movements, the woman deftly slices open Geto's head, exposing his dormant brain. It is a macabre exchange, as if the twisted brain within her holds a perverse hunger for a new vessel.

In an instant, the unthinkable happens—Geto's brain and the mysterious brain are switched, their essence mingling and merging. The exchange occurs without consent or warning, a violation of identity and agency. As the mysterious brain settles into its newfound host, a surge of excruciating pain courses through its borrowed body, interlaced with an unsettling sense of comfort.

Within moments, the vision of the mysterious brain begins to fade, like an old photograph losing its clarity. The world around it becomes hazy, details slipping away as the merging of consciousness alters perception. What once was Geto Suguru is now a vessel for the twisted desires of the enigmatic brain, its intentions and motivations shrouded in mystery.




=[PoV: Alexander]=

As I open my eyes, I find myself transported to yet another dark space. However, this time, it's different—I can see my feet, standing firmly on the ground. Is this the cycle of reincarnation? It certainly aligns with the scenario I witnessed when the whale devoured me after my demise, magically transporting me here.

"I'm going to be reincarnated," the thought dawns on me. I recall movies that depicted such situations during my youth. This feels like that exact scenario because I am certain that this is not hell. Surprisingly, I don't feel scared or nervous. Instead, an overwhelming calmness washes over me. I accept my death and the subsequent journey, but this tranquility... what is it?

I take in my surroundings, observing nothing but darkness. I appear to be the only one here. Is there a God who will punish me for my past actions and reincarnate me as an ant or even a pig? If that's the case, I'd rather die than accept such a fate. Thoughts begin to race through my mind as I grapple with the uncertainty of what lies ahead.

Suddenly, the dark space around me begins to take shape. A materialized body suddenly appears, standing tall at 6'3", with a slim physique and long black hair partially tied up behind its head while the rest drapes down to its back. The body has small black eyes, and bangs occasionally cover the left eye. The person wears a gold-colored kashaya garment over a black yukata robe, completing the monk attire with white tabi socks and zori sandals.

"Wow, would you look at that? This is some fantastic stuff happening here," I mutter, inspecting the unfamiliar body that has appeared before me. The figure is undeniably handsome, surpassing the standards of beauty in my home world, Earth. But what is this body doing here? The most striking feature, however, is the stitches adorning its forehead.

Without hesitation, I reach out and touch the stitches. Instantly, a searing headache engulfs me, causing me to clutch my head. It feels as though a million ants are biting deep into my brain, leaving no respite.

After enduring the most excruciating pain, I come to realize that the agony I felt was a memory belonging to the body before me. This body belongs to Geto Suguru, a sorcerer who succumbed to darkness due to his ideology. He believed that sorcerers stood at the pinnacle of society and derogatorily referred to non-sorcerers as "monkeys." Though we shared a similar ideology, he was different from me.

I believed that I stood at the pinnacle of society, viewing my colleagues and everything else as beneath me. However, a lowlife ended up killing me. I despise that person to the core, but I am also grateful. I no longer wish to dwell in that world, for I am eager to explore a new realm—one filled with powers I once believed to be mere figments of a child's imagination.

And most importantly, could it be that Geto possessed these powers, or is it only me? I sense that I have lived through his entire existence. So, I am Suguru Geto? Well, that's overrated. His power to control curses, with such immense potential, was wasted when he died prematurely in his 30—a young lad. And the most anticlimactic twist of all is that he was killed by his own best friend. Hahaha.

Now that the searing pain has subsided, I once again survey my surroundings. This room, or rather, this dark space within Geto's consciousness, feels incredibly lonely. Yet, something catches my attention—a glob of a brain lying on the floor. Disgusting and bizarre, it possesses a creepy mouth. Without a care, I deliver a powerful kick to the globe, causing it to vanish.

As the glob of brain disappears, a surge of satisfaction washes over me. The remnants of Geto's twisted desires no longer hold power over me. I am in control now, and I relish the opportunity to wield the powers that come with this new form.

A surge of energy courses through my veins, tingling with an exhilarating intensity. It feels as though a dormant flame has been ignited within me, ready to consume everything in its path. This power, this potential, is unlike anything I have ever experienced.

With newfound confidence and a smirk playing on my lips, I begin to explore the depths of Geto's consciousness. Memories, desires, and secrets unfurl before me like an intricate tapestry. I am privy to the knowledge and experiences that once belonged to him, and I intend to make the most of this advantage.

But first, I must escape this suffocating darkness and step into the realm of possibilities that awaits beyond. With a surge of willpower, I imagine a brilliant light illuminating the space around me. In an instant, the darkness recedes, revealing a vast expanse of vibrant colors and ethereal landscapes.

I find myself standing on the precipice of a breathtaking world, teeming with life and unknown wonders. The air crackles with energy, and a sense of anticipation fills the atmosphere. This is where I will make my mark, where I will unleash the full extent of my newfound powers.

As I take my first step forward, a rush of exhilaration floods my being. I can feel the weight of the world shifting, bending to my will. The possibilities are endless, and I am ready to shape this realm according to my desires.





[PoV: The Brain]

I AM KENJAKU! WHO DARES TO KICK ME OUT OF MY NEW BODY?!" I bellowed, the echoes of my rage reverberating through the air. My fury surged forth, a tempest unleashed upon a cursed entity unfortunate enough to cross my path. Bloodied knuckles trembled, a testament to the force with which I struck. But as the waves of anger receded, a sense of curiosity tinged with bewilderment replaced my initial outburst. How had this audacious individual managed to achieve what seemed impossible?

In the vast expanse of my existence spanning countless centuries, no one had ever dared to usurp my dominion over a new vessel. It was an unprecedented occurrence, a breach in the unspoken rules of our kind. The question resounded in my mind, demanding an answer. Who was this individual? Although their identity remained veiled, one fact loomed clear—like myself, they inhabited the recesses of Geto's consciousness, a curse akin to Sukuna's haunting presence.

Moreover, I found myself confronted with an enigma. I had not expected to inhabit Kaori Itadori's body, but instead had chosen a random vessel. How had this interloper bypassed my meticulous planning? The absence of an innate technique employed for body swapping only added to the perplexity. It seemed that an adversary of unfathomable cunning and power had emerged, someone capable of defying the rules that bound us.

The puzzle beckoned me forward, and with resolute steps, I hastened along the path that led to the place where Gojo had laid Geto Suguru to rest. Anticipation hung in the air, mingling with the weight of expectation. But as the scene unfolded before me, a tableau of unexpected revelation, I could not help but be taken aback. (A/N: Im trying to portray how Kenjaku PoV is gonna be)






A/N: I might not get the character's real personality so, sorry for the inconvenience of not portraying their real ways of talking or such. and if you have any ideas on how this story can progress, please comment here, and if it's a good idea, then I might use it :)