
The Crow’s Nest: The Unholy Flame

On the 13th day of December in the year of 2019, China and the United States of America launched nuclear missiles. The impacts of World War III caused radiation to spread until it was global. Nearly half of Earth's population has perished. Mutations in DNA have resulted in mass physical transformations and distortions. An anomaly, one of the last remaining Asian humans on the planet, is closely watched by the New Australian government. But, when all hell breaks loose and the Ketsueki Empire's strength and power mysteriously surges, only the Unholy Flame can bring the empire to its knees. //Coarse language\\

ferrerorocherboi · Sci-fi
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1 Chs


The boy stared at his mother. "What!" he exclaimed in shock.

Although, wouldn't you also react in that way if you were suddenly told you were going to move to a prestigious school in a tiny town?

His mother sighed. "Honey," she said sadly, "this is for the best."

"How is this for the best!" he shouted furiously. "You're making me leave all of my friends!"

Just as his mother had went to respond, the two startled. The front door slammed open loudly and the boy felt his stomach sink as he heard heavy footsteps on the floorboards downstairs. "Enough, we'll talk about this later," the tall, blonde woman whispered hastily. "Go to your room and lock the door."

He glanced at his mother in horror, his mind filling with memories he would rather forget. He began creeping silently to the door of the small study, but halted and turned to the woman. "Are you going to be okay, mum?"

She gave a small, reassuring smile to her son. It failed to ease his anxiety. She made a shooing motion with her hands and the boy finally left the room. He crept down the hall, opening the door to his bedroom and shutting it behind him as silently as possible. The click of the lock sliding shut set a deep seed of dread in the pit of his stomach.

He quietly began preparing for bed, trying to ignore as the muffled yelling from his parents. Laying down on the uncomfortable mattress of his bed. He turned over to his side, facing the window. Pressing the pillow over his ears, he tried desperately to ignore the verbal abuse pouring through the thin walls.

Eventually, it faded to a stop. He pulled his phone out from under his pillow and sighed.

1:34 am.

'I should really get some sleep. It's a school day tomorrow,' he thought.

Finally deciding to get some rest, he laid his head down and soon fell asleep.