
The Crimson Light Serenade

Elias perched proudly atop his prized Griffin, a magnificent creature he'd personally tamed.  Behind him, hundreds of loyal knights mounted on mighty Griffins soared through the sky, their unwavering loyalty a testament to their devotion to king and country. Below, stretching out like a sea of steel, the Faelorian Royal Army stood in perfect formation.  Their thunderous roars echoed across the plains, a sound that sent shivers down any spine. Elias guided his loyal Griffin to the forefront, then gracefully dismounted and landed amidst the bustling soldiers. A tense silence descended. Elias and his troops fixed their gazes on the distant horizon, towards the sloping expanse of hills beyond. Dust clouds swirled in the valley and grasslands below, accompanied by a low, ominous rumble and the chilling echo of monstrous roars. Emerging from behind the hills, the enemy revealed itself in stages. Led by a contingent of Death Knights, clad in heavy armor and wielding wicked swords and shields. The enemy force seemed endless. From the distant mountains beyond, new waves of ghastly creatures poured forth, their numbers seemingly limitless. Undeterred, Elias raised his mighty axe and let out a thunderous war cry.  Mounted on his Griffin, he charged towards the enemy lines.  The Faelorian army erupted in a deafening roar, echoing across the battlefield. With their king leading the charge, they surged forward, a wave of steel and determination against the encroaching tide of darkness.

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35 Chs

Secrets of the Black Area (1)

With a groan of pain, he woke up. Someone was seen holding and leaning his head on a pillow which was positioned slightly elevated.

"You always make me worry..." There was a soft and gentle voice beside him.

He just smiled while sighing. "I am alright." He said slowly.

"Remember... if something happens to you..."

"Nat... I'm fine," he interrupted, glancing to the side.

A young woman with a beautiful face and bright red hair was looking at him with a worried look.

The woman's hand rubbed his head. You could see his eyes were filled with tears.

"You're always like that... I don't want the baby in my womb to be born without a father." Natalie said while pouting.

"Sob...I'm scared...please don't make me worry all the time." added Natalie while crying and squeezing Elias' shoulder hard.

"Aaah... Ouch... it hurts..." Elias screamed in surprise while writhing in pain.

"Uh... you said it was okay," said Natalie, smiling while wiping her tears.

"Ouch... it was fine earlier, but just now it felt like a dragon bit my shoulder." Elias said grinning while rubbing his shoulder.

Natalie pouted at that, while without hesitation patting Elias' injured shoulder again.

"Ouch... enough Nat..."

Elias said as he shifted in panic and covered his shoulders with both hands.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Frostborn..." Someone's voice was heard from the door of the room.

"Oh... Good morning Doc..." They both said at the same time in a slightly surprised tone.

An old man wearing a jar and white clothes was seen entering the room accompanied by two men in uniform with black suits.

"Sorry if we disturbed you..." The Doctor said with a polite smile.

The two people in black suits remained silent with serious expressions.

Natalie smiled and got up from her seat. "No... it's okay Doc."

The doctor and the two men in black suits approached Elias and stood next to Elias' bed opposite where Natalie was standing.

"Mr. Frostborn, introduce these two fine gentlemen behind me, Mr. Alex and Mr. Reynold." said the Doctor while glancing at the two men in black suits standing beside him. the two men just nodded while still showing serious expressions.

"They are officers from the investigation center…."

"Sorry Mr. Frostborn, we don't have much time," said the man in the black suit with the tallest and straightest stature.

"I'm Alex, head of the military investigation center, next to me is Reynold a special officer from the mutated beast management agency."

"We just want to ask and confirm a few things with you." He said again without giving Elias a chance to answer or respond.

"You and twenty-nine other members of the mercenary group, along with one hundred members of the combat battalion, five couriers, two health workers, and a truck full of logistics, departed for the Black Area in the northeast, outside the border, at around four o'clock in the morning on Saturday, August sixth, 524 AC."

"You are reported to be the sole survivor, found unconscious with a laceration on your shoulder, a fractured right skull, and a crushed right leg bone, lying near the north gate of the fortress."

"Please explain the events concisely and clearly, without omitting any details."

Lieutenant Alex spoke in a booming voice, reminiscent of an officer reporting to a superior. His words caused an unsettling silence as everyone turned to stare at him, mouths agape.

He realized the effect of his delivery and cleared his throat with a sheepish cough. "Ahem, sorry," he mumbled, a smile softening his features as he scratched his head.

His expression quickly turned serious again. "Please explain what happened to you and the other members of the expedition."

Everyone present, except Elias, exchanged confused glances at Lieutenant Alex's sudden shift in demeanor.

Elias sighed, his gaze drifting upwards as if lost in a distant memory. "I... I don't understand what happened either," he murmured, his voice filled with sadness as he lowered his head.


That early morning, Elias and five of his colleagues were instructed to gather in front of the East Gate leading out of the Fort. Leaving his house and arriving at the designated location, he found a sizable crowd already assembled.

"Hey Elias, no need to rush, just relax." A sudden tap on his shoulder startled him. It was Captain Grell.

"Uh... Captain Grell..." Elias stammered, a touch surprised.

"Ha ha ha! I've told you countless times, Moran, just call me Moran. We're the same age, after all," he said with a grin, thumping his own chest.

"Maybe the same age as his father," another voice chimed in from Elias' left side. It was Renn.

"Damn you, Renn," Moran grumbled.

"Eh, Captain Varro too...?" Elias greeted Renn with a hint of surprise.

"Enough daydreaming while walking, Elias," a woman suddenly admonished, her voice laced with amusement as she squeezed his shoulder from the right.

Elias jumped in surprise, causing the woman, Mira, to stumble forward.

"You're getting too old for these theatrics, Mira," another newcomer said with a chuckle, grabbing Mira's waist to steady her.

"Good morning, Kael," Elias greeted him with a smile. "I apologize, Mrs. Valen," he added, bowing to Mira.

"Madam," Mira corrected him with a slight pout.

Kael and the others couldn't help but erupt in laughter at Mira's playful insistence.

"Hey Elias, how come you get to call the Commander by name without any formalities?" Moran asked, a touch of annoyance in his voice.

"And yes," Mira added, "I'm still single, not married yet. Please call me Sister Mira or Sister Valen, it's fine. Don't use Mrs. Valen." Her brow remained furrowed slightly.

"Come on, Mira, don't pout. It's not a good look for a pregnant aunt," Kael teased.

"Oh, damn you, Moffaah..." Before Mira could retort with anything potentially inflammatory, Kael quickly covered her mouth with both hands.

"Enough chatter, we're here," Kael announced, gesturing to the gathered crowd near the gate. Their faces were etched with seriousness and tension. The arrival of Elias and his colleagues caused a shift in the crowd's attention, drawing all eyes towards them.

A grumbling voice rose from the crowd, "Oh, look, a pack of circus dogs."

Moran's temper flared. He yanked the massive axe from his back. "Who said that? Let me crack your skull open and feed it to the wild cats!"

Ten people emerged from the crowd, their expressions hostile. A young, bald man with strange tattoos etched across his face stood at the front, blowing cigarette smoke in their direction.

"Ha ha ha! Feeling brave now, Moran, with Kael by your side?" he taunted.

"Oooh, wow, gross... Mister At Loss," Moran retorted with a mocking grin.

"Ha ha ha!" Moran boomed with laughter, relishing the bright red flush creeping up his opponent's face.

"Damn you, you overgrown oaf!" Ronan roared, hoisting a massive hammer with a CLANG. He crouched into a fighting stance, ready to charge at Moran.

"Stop! Enough of this, Ronan!" A deep voice boomed. A colossal, bare-chested figure emerged from the crowd, his body and face adorned with intricate tattoos. Beside him stood a soldier in a uniform denoting a higher rank than the guards stationed near the gate.

"Kael," Kael greeted the approaching figure with a nod.

They clasped hands with a firm GRUNT and exchanged pats on the shoulders.

"Please don't listen to Ronan's ramblings," Magnus rumbled, glancing at Moran and offering a begrudging handshake. "My little brother can be a real pain in the ass sometimes."

"Hey, damn you, Magnus!" Ronan bellowed, but Magnus only offered a dismissive SNORT before turning his attention back to Kael and his friends.

"Ha ha," Moran chuckled, a hint of menace in his voice. "If he wasn't your little brother, his head would be a smear on the ground right now."

Magnus flashed a smile and offered greetings to Renn, Mira, and finally, Elias. "Renn... Mira... Oh, Elias," he boomed.

"Yes, Sir," Elias replied, returning the smile.

Magnus, along with the high-ranking soldier, marched towards the fortress walls. They ascended a small stage erected near the ramparts with a series of THUMPS.

"Attention everyone!" Magnus bellowed from the stage, his voice echoing across the assembled crowd.

"A moment of silence, please!" he roared with a wide grin, gesturing for the man beside him to step forward.

The soldier cleared his throat. "Good morning, gentlemen. My name is Dominic Steel. I will be leading this expedition..." Commander Dominic launched into a lengthy explanation about the upcoming mission. "... We expect everyone to work together. Lone wolves who only seek personal gain will be dealt with harshly."

"Severe penalties will be enforced," he declared, his voice firm. "That's all for now. Prepare yourselves, everyone! In five minutes, we depart for the northeastern wilderness beyond Bastion!"

Commander Dominic addressed Magnus. "Mr. Magnus, I would appreciate it if you could ensure your mercenary contingent maintains order."

With that pronouncement, he descended the stage with a CLATTER of boots and headed towards the line of soldiers standing in rigid formation near the exit gate.

In a single, fluid motion, every member of the lined-up army snapped to attention, a wave of salutes rising in unison as they greeted him.

CHITTER-CHATTER... MURMURS... Whispers and grumbling rose from a group of people in the middle of the crowd.

"What kind of expedition needs an armed force?" one muttered.

"Yeah, sounds like we're attacking an enemy camp," another chimed in.

Magnus strode over to Kael, who sat with his group near the security post by the gate.

"Besides us, who else is joining the expedition this time?" Kael asked, sharpening his sword with a piece of animal skin. SHING... SHING... (Sharpening sounds)

"Just Selena and her Shadow Serpent," Magnus replied, taking a seat next to Kael. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, SNICKER (sound of lighter clicking), lit one, and placed it between his lips. He then offered the pack to Kael and the others.

"Oi, Ronan! Get over here!" Magnus bellowed at Ronan, who sat with his back to them a short distance away. "Bring Garrick and Elara too!"

Ronan let out a frustrated TCH (spitting sound) and mumbled, "Damn it..."