
New Genesis

A rubber chicken walks into a room with guards around him. Nick Fury is sitting in one of two chairs in the room. Nick Fury lights a cigarette as the rubber chicken sits down in the chair across from Nick Fury. Besides Nick Fury is a camera recording everything. There isn't much in the room aside from a few vents that are too small for even the rubber chicken to get through, the chairs, the camera, and the two sitting in the chairs. There is also a coffee table between the two. They have a bowl of mints on the table with two glasses of water. The room has no windows and no paintings. The walls are painted a tannish color. The room looks like it could have been a bedroom, but it's unfurnished. Once the chicken sits down and takes a mint Nick Fury takes a long breath in of his cigarette to then give a long breath out.

Nick Fury: Don't worry, the vents suck up any contaminated air, and then release pure air back into the room. You're getting clearer air than most people ever get to breathe, but I don't think you care about that.

Rubber Chicken: I don't.

Nick Fury: Do you have a name, or will I be calling you rubber chicken?

T: You can call me T

Nick Fury: What does it stand for Travis?

T: No.

Nick Fury: Well okay then, T. Do you know why you are here?

T: Oh, I know why I'm here.

Nick Fury: Then please, tell me what you know.

T: You want some crack!

Nick Fury: That's… not why you're here.

T: Don't try to play it off. I knew my crack company would get me places. You want to join the business don't you? Well you can't! My crack is my crack! Even if this base is perfect for shady deals I will never give you 50% of the company!

Nick Fury: I'm not here to become part of your street drug company.

T: Oh… So you're a customer! Well-

He takes a suitcase out of what seems to be nowhere. He opens the suitcase, and it has a wide variety of different bags with crack in them. Each bag has its own label.

T: I have a wide variety of the best-made crack in the whole entire world!

Nick Fury: I don't want to crack. I want you to tell me everything that happened.

T: No, you want crack.

Nick Fury: I want you to tell me the story of how everything in this world came to be. Not this universe, but the entire-

T: This universe? y-o62?

Nick Fury: Yes.

T: Well buy a bag of crack, and then maybe I'll tell you a story!

A guard gives T some money, and T hands Nick Fury a bag. Nick Fury puts the bag on the right side of the coffee table.

Nick Fury: You look like you want crack.

T: You can't get high on your own supply. Are you crazy?

Nick Fury: Tell me the story.

T: Alright well-

It all started with two gods. From this point on I will label them as The Prime, and I don't like the other one so he will be called The Lethargic.

Nick Fury: Is that their real names.

T: For the Lethargic? Sadly for him, yes.

There was nothing in the universe yet. The two gods lived in a world without time or matter. It was just pitch black emptiness. The Lethargic was too lazy to help out on any more than an idea. All he wanted to do was mess around, but The Prime had bigger goals in mind. He was all-powerful, but for some reason could not make anything no matter how hard he tried. The two gods were missing something. They were missing the other god, and like the other two gods, he formed randomly out of nowhere one day. He will be referred to as TASJ.

Nick Fury: The all superior jack?

T: I'm not telling you what it means, and your way off!

Now with all the gods, they could start creating something in the universe. The Prime and TASJ put their powers together to make two storybooks with two pencils. The books were so that their ideas wouldn't ever be forgotten. They didn't need their books, but it helped them all keep track of everything.

T: Now that I think about it why did they make those books? They had omniscience so they knew everything. They also couldn't forget anything, and they didn't need to sleep. Honestly, there is no real reason for them. Maybe it was just easier. Alright back to the story.

They started writing in those books to create everything. Since they didn't know what to create they would just do things like play pranks on each other, but once everyone got tired of that they wanted to be alone. Especially The Lethargic because he didn't have a book. So the gods made rooms for each of them, but how were they supposed to live in rooms if they were essences. So they created forms for each of them to be in. They built on their houses until The Prime and TASJ had mansions. The Prime got tired of this nonsensical creating and decided to start on a new project because the old one was useless and repetitive. While TASJ focused on building stuff for his own creation. JASJ built a mini-universe where he created a planet. This universe was almost like a beta for what a universe should be. It was a test drive to see what a universe needed to survive. The prime saw what TASJ was doing, and used his mistakes as a way to grow. The Prime made 8 mini universes. Later named the ultimate universes because they are more powerful than regular universes today. They were planets that were practically infinite. Each of these universes has the counterpart. Which means there were 4 pure and 4 evil universes. Those universes were Heaven, Hell, Dream, Nightmare, Skyland, The UnderWorld, New Genesis, and Apocalypse. These universes had nothing in them, and while The Prime could have taken care of the universes he knew that he should add a sort of security system. This is also around the time where TASJ's universe failed, and was destroyed. TASJ then decided to help The Prime on his project, and JASJ came up with an idea after hearing what The Prime was going to do. The Prime said he wanted to create 8 figures, one to rule over every universe, that would help build upon the universes while also managing them. TASJ told him that these gods should be one level below them. They should be extremely powerful, but not able to get rid of the three gods. The Prime created the 8 gods, and they were all small, like children, and The Prime was their father. Then TASJ gave them what he called a level system based on power. Which was then shortened down to a power level. Each of them had a power level that they saw as fit for the gods. They were given their mission, and put on each of their universes. Hemera (Heaven), Kamaitachi (Hell), Chimera (Dream), Inkanyamba (Nightmare), Shou Lao (Sky Land), Cerberus (The UnderWorld), Minokawa (New Genesis), and Manticore (Apocalypse).

T: Do I need to go into detail about the 8 gods, or…

Nick Fury: The 8 gods will be for another time.

T: Okay well then I will just give you the quick summary.

Even though the gods seemed like they would be siblings they weren't at all. They were more like childhood friends. Then The Prime and TASJ made a grave mistake. They believed that the 8 beasts should be considered the gods of the universes and erased the beasts' memories. So when the beasts started ruling over their worlds they were jealous of each other. They each thought that they should be the rightful god, and not just the god of the universe. So each universe had its own soldiers. Heaven had angels and Hell had demons. Dream had fantasy creatures and Nightmare had creepy monsters. Skyland had Olympians and the Underworld had evil creatures. New genesis had the forever peoples and Apocalypse had new gods. They were all fighting each other. So then The Prime made it so that the ultimate universes could not come in contact with each other, but how would that work. There needed to be someplace for these gods to meet up, or they all would be separated. A little earlier than this The Lethargic had just gotten his book. He created it using all of his power alone. So it was much weaker than the other god's books, but he used his books full power to make you.

Nick Fury: Me?

T: Yup, and that's why you have the unique ability to become stronger and stronger as time passes. Which is why you have become stronger than the beasts.

The Lethargic was now upset because his book had a recharge time. Since he created something so powerful he was going to have to wait a long time before he could use it again. So he came up with a plan. That's when he met with The Prime and TASJ . He had an idea to make a base universe that didn't have any life as a place where the gods could go, but not fully. If any of the gods transferred all their power into that universe it would start to break. The Lethargic wanted something for giving the other gods this idea. He wanted to be able to create the god if this small universe. The Prime and TASJ thought this universe wasn't going to become anything special, and without looking into the future to see the bad parts The Prime agreed because he hated seeing his children fighting. With the other two gods on board, TASJ couldn't do anything but agree. Even though he knew it was going to spite him in the future. That universe was what is now called Earth-Prime. The universe that the multiverse was built off of. Then the beasts started trying to find a way around them being stuck in their own universe. So The Prime and TASJ had to think of a plan. They came up with celestials. Celestials were powerful beings that had their own jobs, and there was unlimited amounts of them created by The Prime and TASJ. Some would create universes, and some destroy. Death was one of those celestials. The Celestials would be able to create universes. Granted the universes would be different, but it would create a "multiverse." There would be infinite universes, but then they had to ask themselves why would this distract the gods? They then thought that the gods would just fight over this multiverse even more than they fought over their own universes. So then they thought about what would be in the universes ``life." What does life bring? Life brings death. When someone dies they would get chosen to go to one of the many ultimate universes. Then their spirit would live there forever. With infinite universes, the beasts would then have to never even try to leave their universe so that it stays controlled. That solved that problem. Now that the ultimate universes were solved there were a few problems with the multiverse. First, life would not grow older, and there was no check for when Death should kill off lifeforms. So they created the speed force wall for two reasons. One was so that Death was given an amount of time before lifeforms would be killed. The second was so that you couldn't easily leave the multiverse, and go to the ultimate universes. So then they thought about what would happen if someone were to reach them. Then erasing the memory of the beasts would be useless. So they created the source wall. This was a barrier to stop someone from seeing them, but nothing is unstoppable so they made one celestial stronger than any other. That Celestial was then named the Spector. His home would be in an area called The Monitor Sphere. It would be even outside the beast's power. The Spector would then have to watch over everything the ultimate universes, the multiverse, etc. I think the next big event was when The Lethargic created the god for the multiverse, Asgorath. He was flawed in many ways, and Asgorath was only making chaos. That is when The Prime and TASJ realized that this mistake was greater than any, and they had to do something about it instead of letting most things work themselves out as they had been doing. So they made the beasts all work together for once to imprison Asgorath. TASJ then created Volcanous as a placeholder for Asgorath. Volcanous was nowhere near perfect, but he worked for the time being. Now they had infinite life forms they could have infinite amounts of mistakes. So TASJ made The Exterminator. Who could delete any life form if it was a mistake. Later on as things were working well. Before Asgorath got imprisoned he created a treasure called the EOL Artifact. Which would, later on, be chosen by a man called Eric, and Eric would become EOL.

Nick Fury: Now tell me about universe y-061 and y-062!

T: Why that universe? There's so many universes we could cover?

Nick Fury: You know why. The gods are most interested in this universe for a reason.

T: Well I'll explain it if you say so, but we'll have to talk more about EOL first.

EOL started spreading more EOLs to every universe. One had to be in each universe, and no more than one. His purpose was to destroy each universe he was in, and in earth y061 he tricked one of the heroes into getting all the most powerful heroes into one location to kill them all. That hero then called down Kakakol. Kakakol is the celestial that fights EOL, and tries to stop him. Kakakol gave them the idea to reset the universe, and the speedster named Mecha volt did. He went back in time to change things that created a new dimension. Now universe y-061 has changed to universe y-062. EOL was then trapped in-universe y-062 because he can't travel dimensions.

Nick Fury: I thought he was making more of himself to travel to all the dimensions quicker.

T: He can spread his power through the dimensions, but EOL can't actually travel between the dimensions. They can only create another EOL somewhere else. That EOL's consciousness stays in one universe. Anyway, that basically covers the basics. Is that good enough for your B.L.A.D.E Files for your company? I'm guessing your company is called B.L.A.D.E.

Nick Fury: You would be correct. That's Enough information TASJ.

T: I knew you'd figure it out. So I guess I'll be on my way.

Nick Fury: Wait, why did you try to sell me crack then.

T: What are you talking about? I just came here to tell old stories to a good friend.

Nick fury looks at the table to see no crack. Then he looks back at the chair where the rubber chicken was, and there is just a regular old rubber chicken now. He squeezed it, and the chicken made a loud noise.

Nick Fury: Hmph.

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