

The morning sun is now fully shining outside and my head is spinning as if it is trying to catch up to my body that is twirling due to Rygal grasping my hand and dancing with me so fast I can't even process the way I'm moving. The world spins into nothing as I watch both the twins dance around me to the rhythm of the fiddle Lucius is playing, whilst masterfully still being on his feet, running more than dancing though. I've never run so fast, I ran to my fathers office at once and asked for his fiddle upon learning Lucius could play. We all needed a distraction, because we all know something is coming. Once this song commences we have arranged for us to stop dancing and go down stairs to try and persuade my father into believing they are just friends who need a place to stay. Lucius reassures me that this song only lasts for about two more minutes, but as three pass, I make a move to rip the fiddle out of his hands despite my body wanting to get drunk off the music some more. Once I am holding the fiddle in my hands, Rygal scoops me into his arms and throws me on my bed, we are all out of breath as we laugh, causing a real struggle with breathing, a task that should come easily.

"It'll soon be breakfast, we should come up with an idea on how to convince my father you aren't werewolves." I say, with a tone even I can't quite describe.

"How did you figure that out anyway? That night in the field, you just knew what we were, how?"

Rygal asks from beside me.

"Mostly the stories, and the fact that I found you in the middle of an isolated field." I say, recalling the night where they were so obviously not human for almost no reason except for a mere gut feeling I had and the stories I had heard.

"We should go down now, we are sober enough, and I have an idea." Lucius says.

"And are you going to explain that idea?" Rygal questions, raising an eyebrow toward his brother.

"Nope." He says as he stands.

I can't help but admire his clothes, Lucius is wearing a long brown coat that suits his collared white shirt perfectly. It is almost as beautiful as Rygal's outfit, he wears a blue coat that reaches his knees and on his arms, his elbows. They are both more or less wearing the same thing, the only difference is the colours. Rygal is healed from last night and he got the shirt from Vincent, and miraculously his coat that he must have thrown off upon climbing through the window and his pants seemed to be spotless somehow. They are both barefoot, their shoes discarded at the bottom of the window, as if this action would make up for the blood stained rug that was cleaned, courtesy of Lucius, who was now very confidently walking out the door.

"Where exactly is the kitchen?" He asks, sticking his head back through the door with no sign of his now demolished confidence.

"Let me lead the way, and whilst we are walking you could give us a hint as to what you are about to say to my very smart, werewolf hunting, father." I say, hinting at him that the way his handsome grin seems to get him almost everything he wants, simply won't work on my father.

"Nope, no hints, I have this under control." He says, once again heading out the door then coming back in upon the realisation that he doesn't know where he is going. I hadn't changed out of my clothes from the previous night, clothes that have now lost all presentability due to being stained by Rygal's blood as I laid down next to him last night.

"I have to change quickly, just wait outside then we can go down." I say turning my back on them and walking towards my closet.

Lucius turns to leave then looks back with a confused expression as he finds that Rygal isn't behind him, but he suddenly becomes too interested in the wall as he realises Rygal is intently staring at me, then he proceeds to leave and shut the door behind him rather quickly.

"Yes?" I ask, sensing Rygal behind me.

"Your shirt is ruined." Rygal says whilst examining my red stained shirt.

"You were ruined, you were dying." I say with a saddened voice, now cautiously approaching him.

"I am beginning to believe that my hair will dent in that spot."

Confusion must be written all over my face because he laughs as he says, "Your hand always goes to that place on my head, in my hair, it's always that spot, have you noticed?"

I hadn't even noticed my hand make its way to his hair until he said that. But I see now that my hand is indeed in his hair, it is as though it is a natural thing now.

"I must not be very observant, I haven't noticed that." I say, trying to take my hand from his hair but failing as he grabs it and holds it in place. It is always water, the feeling I get when his lips touch mine, I never feel fire of any sort, it is always water. The water that flows perfectly, the most beautiful water I've ever experienced, it is as though I can visibly see the liquid in the group of black spots that appear in my sight in the first couple of seconds that I shut my eyes. His lips are on mine and his hands are on my stomach, lifting my shirt that is dropping flakes of his dried blood down onto the floor. His hands move from my stomach towards the small of my back, my shirt once again slipping down. His hands seem as though they are going to continue pulling up my shirt when a loud voice from outside the door interrupts.

"Oh, hello good sir, you must be Abigail's father." It was Lucius, it was Lucius talking to my father, the only barrier between us being the door.

"Oh shit." Rygal says, he composes himself and turns his back towards me as I rip my shirt off my body and throw it to the floor, in the time it takes me to put on another blouse, more or less identical to the one I had on last night, Rygal is out the door and I am utterly confused as I step out and see the both of them smiling at my father and shaking his hand happily.

"Well, I'm so glad you two are here, I'm sure Abigail appreciates it too." My father says, he's smiling at me and either disregarding the look of confusion spread over my face or just missing it.

"Yes, we are all so glad, thank you for allowing us to stay in your home." Lucius says.

How long was I in the wardrobe? I wonder to myself.

"Well, don't let me keep you, the sun is up, you should all be outside shouldn't you? Make sure you work hard Abigail, don't disappoint these two gentlemen." My father says, pointing at the twins, Lucius has a smug look on his face as we walk back into my bedroom and I tell them to explain.

"I know about as much as you." Rygal says.

"Abigail Emerys," Lucius starts, "meet your two new personal trainers your father already loves more than life."

"There is no way he brought an excuse as terrible as that." I say in disbelief.

"Not if that terrible excuse was delivered by an ordinary person, but you see, I am no ordinary-"

Rygal cuts him off by moving towards him and pushing him off the arm of the chair he sat on.

"Gods above, you two are the worst." Lucius says, rubbing his head that definitely got hit upon the impact, a loud bang was evidence of this.

"I did absolutely nothing there." I say, as my hands raise to a defensive position.

Lucius sits back on the arm of the chair as he says, "You have had a toll on my dearest brother over there, we used to be best friends ya know? Then he met you and started favouring you over me, I don't think he-"

I can't control my laughter as he lands on the floor once again, courtesy of Rygal. Again. Rygal joins me in laughing at his brother as he walks over to where I sat on the bed and grabs my hand, placing it in that spot in his hair and motioning for me to move my fingers through his dark curls.

"This is good, I don't know how Lucius pulled it off, but we can train you. Though, we don't know how good you are, maybe the both of us will be facedown in the dirt by the end of this." Rygal says, ending the conversation with a kiss to my cheek.

"My genius is rather brilliant isn't it?" Lucius says from his position on the floor.