
Being Chosen

"Kelan wants you, we don't know why but he does." Lucius says.

I straighten as I sense the seriousness in his voice. A couple of minutes ago we were joking through the halls of the house leaving to go to my training area outside, now they are both intensely staring at me and wanting to learn of my abilities, wanting to know what I am already capable of and what I must learn as though it is the most important thing in the world. I am slightly worried now, I am worried because of how they've completely discarded all of their humor, I am worried because the sun is extremely hot and I'm already thirsty despite doing absolutely nothing yet, and I am worried because they both threw off their jackets and their button up shirts are slightly see-through.

"I don't even know Kelan, we have only ever spoken to each other once."

"Yes, but in that one encounter you left him on his ass, I never got to be proud of you for that by the way, well done." Rygal says, I sigh out of relief as there is still evidence of their humorous side, however small it might be.

"Abigail, we need to be prepared for if he comes, if they come." Rygal says.

"They?" I question.

"The pack, Kelan is the alpha, they will follow him, we are to train you but if they all come, which we believe they will, we are to run, we can not face the entire pack." Lucius says.


"Yes, run. It'll be foolish to go against all of them." Rygal murmurs, part of me knows they must miss their pack, part of me knows it is my fault they're here, most of me feels guilty for all I have done to them.

"What if we got my father involved?"

"Your father and his hunter friends have never taken down a full pack, they will die. They have only ever gotten wolves who have come too far south." Lucius informs me.

"Can you tell me about them, your pack?"

"Later." Rygal says from behind me, my head whips around to where he is standing. I look down at his hands and see that he is holding a bow and his other hand holds the arrows.

"We don't want to get close to them, we don't plan on it, so for now let's just see if you're a good shot." Rygal says as he hands me them and guides me to a line in the dirt he drew whilst I was speaking to Lucius.

"You have done this before right?" Rygal asks, bracing his hands on my hips, the waistband of my long skirt heating where his fingers gripped. I am tempted to say no to see if he will stay in this position a little longer but I tell him that I have, and I mention all of the training I have done by myself and he lets go. I aim. This is the first time I've had an audience whilst training. My father usually just told me to go outside by myself and he'd come out and train me when I was ready to become a real werewolf hunter, but he never came outside, so it was always just me. The arrow is lined up and I believe this will hit, if it doesn't I might just die of embarrassment. The arrow leaves the bow string and I let out a sigh of relief as it hits directly in the center of the target.

"Has anybody ever told you how brilliant you are?" Rygal asks.

"No, feel free to enlighten me." I say, and he does, with a swift kiss to my lips.

"Ahem," Lucius coughs, "that was great and all but there is still much to do." Lucius hands me one of the guns from in the small shed where all the weapons my father purchased for me are kept, when Lucius went to get it I don't know, I must have been distracted with my goal of sneaking peeks at what is visible of Rygal due to the transparency of his see through shirt. I grasp the rifle in my hands and am slightly worried now. I've never necessarily used this before, it has always been there, it has always been tempting, but I've always been rather scared to use it whilst out here by myself.

"That one is more difficult for me." I confess.

Guns aren't very common, they're a relatively new invention, I haven't gotten familiar enough with it to try, I've only ever seen my father use it once or twice while practicing with his hunting friends whose names I had forgotten as soon as I learned them.

"Well, that's not good is it?" Lucius says.

"Sorry to disappoint bu-"

"Never" Lucius says, "It's not disappointing and you will never disappoint us, Abigail, I'm merely saying it is a shortcoming that we should work on, I will place this in the pile I'm about to start for weapons we have to train you with."

I nod my head and watch as Lucius disappears into the shed to get a new weapon.

"He's right." Rygal says, "You'd never disappoint us, but you do understand why we are doing this right, and why it is so important?"

"Yes, I know." I say.

"Abigail," Lucius shouts from in the shed, "come here."

Rygal moves to grab the bow and arrow and fire it at the target as I walk towards Lucius.

"Wow, I'm rather surprised your shadow isn't following you here." Lucius says, directing his statement at Rygal who I can see through the small window has just split my arrow in half with his, as it went directly down the center.

"I will never share what you have with him, Lucius, he is your twin brother, we are just friends." I say, rolling my eyes at what he said but also failing to hide a swift blush.

"Help me with whatever this is." He says pointing to a worn out dummy I used years ago but have since upgraded.

"There's a better one just behind a tree over there I'll go grab-"

I'm interrupted by a loud growl outside, it was a sound I've only heard once and I know who it belongs to as soon as I hear it. Kelan is here. Lucius pulls me to the ground while he grabs my hand and I land next to him with my back on his chest as we try to listen to everything being said outside, but I can't stay here, not as Rygal is in danger. We can scarcely make out a few words they are saying.

"You seem to have something that belongs to me." Kelan says and my heart drops to my stomach.

"Hand over Ms Emerys and all will be well." He says.

A growl rips through the air, this time it is different from Kelans, it is somehow even more deadly, this one was from Rygal.

"Leave, Mr Emerys is just inside that house over there, it will be very easy to get rid of you right now." Rygal warns.

"That old man? I would like to see him try as he has many, many times before, I would also love to see our dearest Abigail lose yet another family member."

That same growl pierces through the wind and now Lucius is getting to his feet.

"Leave, Kelan." I have never heard Rygal sound as feral as he did saying these words. It was terrifying that if I were anywhere else and I didnt know who was standing just outside the shed I was in, I wouldn't recognize Rygal's voice.

"I will be needing Abigail to accompany me before I leave, there is a particular event I wish to attend with her on my arm." He says, and that sentence makes me feel sick.

"Why her? Take someone else and leave her alone."

"A special event calls for a special girl, doesn't it? You should know firsthand just how brilliant Abigail is, Rygal." I can hear the smirk in Kelans voice as he says the words that make Rygal once again snap.

"Get away." Rygal demands with a voice deeper than death.

"Abigail, come out of the shed dear, I wish to make a proposal to you." Kelan says and before I can look up to Lucius he is already looking me in the eye. Lucius is staring at me not saying a word but I can silently hear him telling me to do what I want to do and what I think is right. I stand, as my feet walk towards the door I already miss the way the wall of the shed blocked out Kelan from my view, because seeing him standing there smiling at me is making me feel as though I am going to throw up. We have only seen and spoken to each other once before this but his face is unforgettable, because, as much as I hate it, I think Kelan is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. He stands there in a smug position with his hands in the pockets of his pants that are slightly covered by his very expensive looking waistcoat that has intricate details someone paid a lot for.

"Abigail, nice to see you once again." He says, "Haven't changed your skirt I see, did Rygal not quite have the courage to take it off of you last night?" He laughs.

I hate him so much at this moment but I am aware that I should probably oblige to whatever thing he says, to keep the twins safe, to not lose someone else I care about.

"I would also love to see our dearest Abigail lose yet another family member" Kelan had said.

"What do you want?" I ask, shielding my fear from him with a confident strong voice that impresses even myself.

Both of the twins are examining this situation very clearly. All of us are wondering what Kelan is going to do or say, but he is unpredictable, and I can tell that none of us know what is coming next.

"I have chosen you." Kelan says, I am beyond confused at those words but for some reason both of the twins freeze. Rygal isn't breathing anymore and Lucius has stopped blinking, the both of them stiffened at those words.

"Chosen me for what?" I ask.

"Ask your boyfriend," Kelan says, looking in Rygal's direction, " he seems to have figured out what I mean, haven't you Rygal?"

One second Rygal was standing in the training area, on the open dirt, listening to all that was being said, the next he was on top of Kelan and baring his teeth at the alpha he just pinned down to the ground.

From on the ground, Kelan turns his head towards me, he is still under Rygal as he says something that makes me want to vomit.

"I have chosen you to be my mate."