
The Creature Inside Me

He felt like his body was on fire. It wasn’t something he wasn’t familiar with but every time it got more and more painful to bear. He held his stomach, curled in under his duvet and held his eyes shut tight. He was crying and biting his pillow to hold in the painful sobs. He was called weak for whining about the pain so he didn’t bother to tell the sister. They had been taking care of him for a very long time. He was a baby when he lost his parents and after that, they had taken care of him. They had taken him to the doctor and concerned with every doctor they could to ask about his condition and the pain he faced every month but nobody knew what was going on with him. His health started declining just when he hit 18. The doctors said he had maximum of 4 years to live which was a very vague estimation but he has already lived 2 years of his 4 years life. He had accepted his fate. He knew he wouldn’t survive long enough to even complete these four years. There was no medicine for his pain because his health sure was deteriorating but not knowing the cause of it made doctors confused as to what medicine to give him for his pain. All he wanted was to know who he was and why was he different from others before sleeping under the layer of mud forever! “Hey, you alright?” He heard a voice. He didn’t know who it was because he was under the duvet. But before he could open his mouth to answer or get the time to remove his duvet, he heard another voice. “Yeah… I’m just going to use the loo.” The other boy answered the previous boy’s question which made him realize that the question wasn’t directed to him but to the boy who was out of his bed for the bathroom. “Just wanna die soon.” He mumbled under his breath, answering the question even though it wasn’t directed to him.

Laiba · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
99 Chs


He opened his eyes, turned to his right in the hallway, walking through the length of the path and turned sharp right. He saw a big kitchen at end of the hallway but before that, there was another lobby to the left of him. He stopped in his position, sniffed the air and turned left to the lobby. It had a big door that took him to the back side of the building into a big open ground where boys were playing. The ground was designed in a way that more than one game can be played on it.

Baseball, hockey, football and lacrosse.

The bleachers were covering the two opposite sides of the ground while the side opposite to building had a parking area where Irvin could see his black SUV parked. He followed the directions his mind had sorted out for him.

He stepped out on the gravel path that led to the road that headed to the parking area. A football game was going on so he didn’t want to disturb the game. He stayed off the field and watched the boys play.

The scent was stronger here than in other places. He looked around the field as he was whimpering inside. His eyes stopped scanning when they landed on a raven-haired boy who was looking right back at him, frowning.

Irvin’s heart skipped a beat as their eyes met. His body remained fixed on the position as his breathing increased. He clenched his fists to his sides as he just wanted to run to his mate who was looking at him, still frowning.

Irvin thought that any time now, his mate would come running into his arms but then a boy approached that raven-haired boy, shook him out of his stance and the raven-haired boy gave a last look to Irvin before he continued to play.

Irvin didn’t do anything but stared at the black-haired beauty who was running so delicately leading the ball to the goal. He never saw someone as beautiful as this guy. It was biased of him to say that considering he was his mate and he would find him beautiful but he was sure that the boy was very pretty and anyone would agree to that.

The boy kicked the ball right into the goal and yelled out loud as his teammates circled him in a hug. The boy looked back at him with so much confusion on his face. Irvin lifted his hand and waved him a little. The black-haired boy didn’t wave back and knitted his thick black brows in response before tearing his eyes from the brunette and started celebrating his victory.

His eyes again met Irvin’s and the smile on his face vanished. Irvin gave him a smile but the guy glared at him which surprised Irvin because how was he so good at avoiding the feelings inside him. Irvin was sure he must be feeling the same as him pretty much intensified.

Now that the game was over, he decided to properly meet his mate. As soon as he started to walk towards the celebrating boys, the raven-haired guy’s head snapped up at him. Irvin stopped in his track.

The boy said something in the ear of the other brown-haired boy as they both were now looking at Irvin. The other boy said something back in his ear before the black beauty started making his way to Irvin.

Irvin’s inside was screaming in joy and all the body hair gave a standing ovation as the prettiest boy he ever saw, approached him. He was getting a long ass speech ready in his mind. He was anticipating what would the boy say but when the boy was standing right before him, he didn’t expect him to say what he said.

“Done staring, freak?!” The raven-haired boy spoke, making Irvin startled because of the heavy deep voice and accent and the words.

“I... What?” Irvin asked, totally confused.

“Don’t act dumb. You’ve been staring at me for a while. May I ask why?” The hazel-brown eyes glared at Irvin.

Irvin’s heart dropped because he had no idea that his mate would say something like this to him. He was sure he’d be running into his arms but nope, here he was, glaring at him. He whimpered inside.

“Can we talk somewhere, privately?” Irvin murmured looking around. The boys on the field were staring at them.

“No.” The black-haired guy spoke, folding his arms on his chest and looking at him, pointedly.

“Please.” Irvin pleaded.

“Fine!” The boy huffed as he walked away from Irvin towards the bleachers. Irvin followed him behind the bleachers where they were out of everyone’s sight.

“What now?” The boy questioned, looking back at him with the same posture, eyes sending daggers, eyebrow arched and arms crossed over his chest.

Irvin who thought that maybe the guy was showing attitude because of his friends or something, was now completely confused because they were completely out of everyone’s sight. He could smell that the lad wasn’t human so he didn’t know why he was behaving like that.

“You don’t feel anything towards me?” Irvin asked the dumbest question in fear of getting rejected which made the younger lad look at him in shock.

“Excuse me?! What the fuck?!” The hazel-eyed boy seethed through his teeth before turning around to leave. But Irvin grabbed his wrist and turned him around which gave both of them a spark. The black-haired beauty shivered and a whimper left his mouth which he didn’t recognize while Irvin felt so much warmth in his body at the simple skin to skin touch.

“So you were just playing hard to get?” Irvin whispered, looking down at the guy who was breathing heavily. He placed his forehead against Irvin’s chest and tried to slow down his breaths. Irvin sucked in a sharp breath at the interaction.

“What are you talking about? What am I feeling? Why am I feeling this?” The boy whispered, panting.

“Because you’re my mate,” Irvin answered the lad, pulling him back to look at his face. The black-haired beauty frowned and freed himself from Irvin’s grip.

“What did you do to me? Did you drug me? We’re not mates. Tell me what did you do or else I’m gonna scream.” The boy spoke in panic as he stepped back from Irvin.

“Hey, we are mates,” Irvin spoke again but he was confused as hell. He had no idea what boy meant because he sure wasn’t human.

“I’ve never seen you before in my life. How are we mates?!” The lad scoffed at him, taking a step back from him.

“Well, it doesn’t matter if you’ve seen me before or not. I’m still your mate.” Irvin was now beyond confused.

“Stop saying that! I don’t even know you!” The black beauty was not only fighting with Irvin but with himself and Irvin could see that.

“You need me,” Irvin spoke, stepping forward towards him but he stepped back, quickly.

“Don’t…” He warned Irvin, glaring at him.

“Listen, I don’t know why are you doing this but if you wanna reject me, let me introduce myself to you first,” Irvin spoke as he stepped forward. Zadkiel’s hand raised to slap him across the face but stopped in the mid-air.

“Why can’t I slap you?” He stared at his hand in the air. It wasn’t like some external force was stopping him, it was something in his mind that didn’t let him slap him. He wanted to but he didn’t want to slap Irvin. It was as confusing as that.

“Because I’m your Alpha,” Irvin spoke, frowning at the lad.

“Alpha?! What in the kink shit is this?!” The boy laughed at him but even that laugh held so much confusion.

“So, you don’t know…” Irvin said in a low voice, eyebrows knitted as he tried to understand the boy before him.

“Know what? That you’re a flirt? Oh, I know that very well now.” The lad huffed, glaring at him.

“You don’t know who you are…” Irvin stated more to himself than to the boy but the boy stopped glaring as panic rushed over his face.

“What are you talking about?” He asked in a panic, stepping forward towards Irvin. He could see that Irvin knew more about him than he knew.

“Or shall I say what you are…” Irvin uttered those and that made the boy take a step backwards in fear. He was scared that now he’d be exposed.

“Mr Ford.” A woman’s voice made them both snap out of their conversation as they both looked at Sister Ava standing at the far distance from them.

“I… uh… I got lost.” Irvin instantly tried to cover it up but the look on her face told him that she wasn’t buying any of it.

“Let’s go for inspection.” She nodded her head for him to walk back to the building. He nodded in response and started following her. He stopped in the mid-track and turned around.

“Irvin West Ford.” He told the boy his name who rolled his eyes. Irvin smiled at him, admiring his cuteness.

“Mr Ford, shall we?” Her voice again made him come back to reality. Irvin gave her a hesitant smile before following her. She turned around.

“Zadkiel, head back inside the building. I don’t want to see any of you out here now.” She told the raven-haired boy.

Irvin smiled to himself when he heard the name of the boy.

Zadkiel… suits him.

He thought to himself before following her back inside the building.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙ ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊

Zadkiel was standing before the window of the hall he sleeps in with the other 29 guys. He was staring out at the car parked in the parking area. His head was filled with the scent of Irvin. He just wanted to run back to him. He could feel that the demon inside him needed Irvin as he was whimpering for him but Zadkiel controlled himself.

“What was that guy saying?” He heard Abel’s voice and turned around to face him.

“What guy?” Zadkiel played dumb but Abel gave him a look, arching his brow.

“The guy who was staring at you on the field like a weirdo,” Abel stated, rolling his eyes at Zadkiel when Zadkiel didn’t answer.

“He isn’t a weirdo… He is… he’s something else.” Zadkiel didn’t know why but someone saying that about Irvin bothered him and he felt the need to defend him.

“What was he asking for?” Abel questioned.

“Nothing,” Zadkiel replied shortly. Abel understood that Zadkiel didn’t want to tell him about anything so he just watched the car Zadkiel was looking at.

“It’s his car, isn’t it?” He inquired, looking out the window. Zadkiel exhaled. He hadn’t seen Irvin near that car so, he shouldn’t be sure but he was 100 per cent sure that it was Irvin’s car and he had no idea how.

“Yes, looks like it.” He answered.

“He looked interested in you,” Abel stated, eyes still on the car.

Zadkiel didn’t respond and just kept looking at the car. A few seconds later, Irvin and Aiden approached the car. Aiden made his way to the passenger seat of the car while Irvin walked to the driver seat. He opened the car door and looked up to meet Zadkiel’s gaze as if he knew Zadkiel was standing there.

Zadkiel’s heart skipped a beat as he licked his lip to wet them. He didn’t break the eye contact and just kept looking at the curly-haired lad with mesmerizing green orbs. Irvin waved and winked at him before hopping inside the car. A blush appeared on Zadkiel’s face and he pulled the curtain to cover himself.

“I think he is rich,” Abel said, still looking out.

“Maybe.” Zadkiel shrugged uninterested in his wealth.

“He can get you out of here. It’s a golden chance.” Abel said giving Zadkiel a look. Zadkiel knitted his brows.

“What do you mean?” He asked totally confused.

“Make him your sugar daddy or whatever and tell him that you’d do the deed with him only if he gets you out of here,” Abel suggested. For a moment Zadkiel thought he was joking but when Abel didn’t laugh he was sure Abel was very serious about his dumb suggestion. He had known him since forever and he knew Abel wanted nothing more than to help Zadkiel escape this orphanage and get treatment.

“And you think Father would let me go with him?” Zadkiel folded his arms, looking dead at him in the eyes.

“Idiot… Say that you love him. No one can do anything about it. There’s no law, no person on earth who can stop you if you love him.” Abel was very determined about this.

“Dude, he’s a guy. Father is the most homophobic person on this planet. Remember what happened to Levi and Elias? Plus I’m not even gay.” Zadkiel dismissed the idea of going back to his bed. Only Zadkiel and Abel were present in the hall.

Zadkiel was now feeling relieved. The scent was gone and his body was no more fidgety.

“Dude we all can’t be anything other than gay. We don’t even know how girls look like.” Abel joked laughing about it while Zadkiel remained straight face.

“Seriously?!” He deadpanned at him.

“I mean we’re raised in an environment where we see ladies over 30. How would we know we’re straight?” Abel shrugged, glancing at Zadkiel with a serious look now.

“Is this your way of coming out to me?” Zadkiel gave him a little smirk which made Abel’s cheek turn into a shade of pink.

“I’m just saying.” He shrugged, facing away from Zadkiel and busied himself in making his bed.

“Yeah. Sure.” Zadkiel said, still smiling at him.

“Look all I’m saying is that we know how it happens. We grow up. They fucking get us married to a girl from the other girls’ orphanage whom we had never seen before in our life and then kick us out in the world to make our own life. I’m just saying you have a chance to get out of here.” Abel tried to make Zadkiel understand.

“I’m not gonna live that long, Abel. Doesn’t matter.” Zadkiel said, sitting back on his bed and Abel sat on his own, facing Zadkiel.

“At least live the rest of your life fully.” Abel was still stood with his words.

“Father wouldn’t let me go even if I say that I love him… And for an instance, let’s imagine that somehow I get out of here with him, then what? I don’t want him to be my sugar daddy or whatever. I don’t even want to be near him.” Zadkiel was confused about the way he was feeling for Irvin so he wanted to avoid it at all cost.

“Tell him to get you out of here, safely and when he succeeds, ditch him.” Abel shrugged, laying back on the bed. Zadkiel rolled his eyes, not taking it seriously.

“You’ve gone mad,” Zadkiel mumbled, rejecting the idea as he too lied down, staring at the ceiling and thinking about Irvin. Abel could see he wasn’t up for more argument so he let it go.