
The Cowboy and the Harelquin.

Love and Lust and everything in-between. Striker is out to complete his task and full-fill his contract with Stella. Blitzo is trying to sort out some inner turmoil From a breakfast interloper: : Where Blitzo awakens to the smell of bacon pancakes and a half naked cowboy who is looking to cut a deal with the business imp. to The Wrath of a vengeful Cowboy: a date night gone wrong when agent 1 and Agent 2 arrive on the scene. and many more. come join me.

Mouse87Mouse · Televisi
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23 Chs

Was it Worth It?. (Overlord Series)

Chapter One

Was it worth it? Moxie's voice hisses at him, chained to the wall where Blitz dare not tread. It was a forbidden room: A sacrificial room.

Blitzo's heartbeat thudded in his as he looked around for a way to get to Moxie.

"Choosing him over us! Yells Moxie. "Open your eyes Blitzo, he is using you to achieve overlord status.

At first, Blitzo had been all in, sick and tired of Stolas. Even if the Owl prince didn't mean to, he had chipped away at something he shouldn't have, something buried deep within Blitz himself.

A glimmer of murderous intent, Striker had caught a glimpse at what simmered beneath Blitzo's skin during the pain games. But as Blitzo sat on his throne surrounded by the finer things in life. The was one thing Striker was adamant about him giving up, one thing Striker drilled into him from the very start.

"That within these cobblestone walls, that once stood the pious Goetic mansion, no sliver of a previous life was permitted. Instead of opening his eyes, Striker strived to keep them closed. Focused on him and whatever current mission they were undertaking.

They were side by side through it all, but to be truthfully honest, Blitzo never felt so lonely.

Anything that had to do with the former life that he tried to hold onto, Blitzo had to hide from Striker.

The Overlord Imp was bound to find out about his betrayal. His obligation as a father outweighed the need for a mate. He now walks a thin line between loyalties, unable to leave the castle walls.

There are others like Striker posted at various intervals of the castle, rooms he is not permitted to go into.

But Blitzo could no longer ignore the nagging sensation at the back of his head. He followed his instincts into a room that was heavily guarded by Striker's men. Serpents: with a wraithlike appearance posted on all sides.

Only to find Moxie barely conscious and bleeding onto the floor. "Lord Blitzo, I suggest you turn around because, on the next full moon, this little lamb will be sacrificed." Speaks the Guard reaching for Blitz's arm.

"No, No, he is with me! Shouts Blitzo yanking his arm back. Moxie looks up, blood near the corners of his mouth. A light of hope flickers within his eyes as he struggles against his shackles upon hearing Blitzo's voice.

Blitzo rams his elbow into one of the Guard's chests. The serpent doubles over as two others come, each putting a hand to Blitzo's arms.

Blitz throws one into the wall while flipping the other onto his back, punching his face quickly.

"Blitz behind you!" Shouts Moxie in a raspy voice, his eyes wide and fearful.

Blitzo falters upon hearing his voice: crack in his ears, his hand around a guard's throat. Striker's personal Guard has an arm wrapped around Blitzo's neck.

"That enough, Lord Blitz, that vermin isn't worth your time. Please come with me quietly; Lord Striker is waiting for you in the den, or is there a problem? Jaxx inquires.

Was there a problem? Blitz laughed bitterly, glaring up at Jaxx.

"Why? Demanded Blitz, is Moxie set up to be your sacrificial lamb! You bastard! and why is Striker going after members of my family?" He hisses, breaking Jaxx's hold pressing a dagger to the Guard's throat as he waits for his answer, "You need to take that up with Lord Striker, Master Blitzo" Jaxx answers his eyes a steely green darkens. As he watches, Blitzo lowers the dagger.

"I think I will Jaxx, in the meantime make Moxie comfortable."

Blitz couldn't do anything at the moment to help out Mox, not without blowing everything he worked so hard for.

In the wee hours of the morning, sunlight filters in through the translucent curtains. A letter arrives through an open window the currier: A grey, prestigious owl. It was a letter from Stolas, A Stolas he never really got to know.

Blitzo petted the owl, And when he opened it and read what was inside. he knew he had made a terrible mistake. His eyes widened. He could almost hear Stolas as his eyes skimmed the letter.

"My dearest Blitzy, even now as I write this letter, I can feel death's icy caress. My hand quivers, and my heart pangs upon seeing you with him. I never knew how much you hated me or the burden I was to you. I hope one day you can forgive me for all the trouble, I was to you. I just wanted love, to be loved. My Blitzy, I know how hard your life was; I just wanted to be a part of it. I don't blame you, my love. You did what you thought was right.

Blood speckled the letter, forming a heart as a single owl feather was pressed into the letter.

"A memento, My dear Blitzy of the love I still hold for you."


Blitzo must now gather the courage to face his past and confront his present. How many family members had Striker stashed here? How many were alive?

Why was Striker brutally honest about something and deceptively cunning about others?. Blitz could feel the pull, the magnetic attraction that had him coming back for more. It was like a bad addiction, and Striker was the drug. Striker knew the effect he had on Blitzo and used it as a form of control.

As Blitzo's boots clacked across the marbled corridors as he sought out a way of freeing Moxie and finding Millie and Loony. Trying to find answers to his numerous questions. Striker will stop at nothing to keep Blitzo in the dark until he has Alastor's head pinned to his wall in his trophy room. It would make an excellent little addition to the ones he had already mounted to the wall- his growing collection.

Dark laughter resonates throughout the room. A shadowy figure sits beneath the severed head of the Goeita Prince on a throne made of ebony.

His citrine yellow eyes pierce's the Guard that kneeled before him. As a clawed figure tip swirls the blooded wine.

"So you've come to gravel at my feet," hisses the Overlord. "Blitzy gave you the slip. Why am I not surprised? Striker growls. "If only you had been doing as I require, none of this would be necessary," spoke Striker as two of his personal guards flanked the fledgling. "Blitzo would have remained blissfully unaware of the whole thing. Now you have him questioning my whereabouts every full moon."

"Your Lordship, I-I- please have mercy, he surprised us, that's all."

"Now your telling me, you have reason to believe my mate, is plotting against me, And you had the gull to inform him of about our plans, for our little sacrificial lamb!" snarls Striker, his claws digging into the arms of his throne.

"And now, you have reason to believe he is planning a rescue. Did you at least slaughter the owl that sent him this letter! "Someone is toying with me, Zarr. Do I look like a man that likes to be toyed with!"

Zarr's body trembles as he clutches the other Guard's forearm for support. The Guard pulls him onto his feet a knife is placed at his gullet.

"On second thought proclaimed Striker, I might still have some use for you yet Zarr but you need to be taught a lesson."

"Take him to the torturing chambers and begin removing his eyes and tongue and feed them to that hell-hound down in the dungeons. "I haven't provided for her in a while. I bet she is ravenous. Zarr screamed as they led him out of the trophy room.

But, the serpent Overlord didn't realize the connection Blitzo has with the radio-talk overlord demon- a link that could destroy everything they worked so hard to rebuild.

It was getting harder and harder to keep Blitzo from discovering the horrible truth surrounding Goeita's death and its repercussions on the world.

As the truth starts to unravel, the gunslinger will have to scramble to keep up his charade. Blitzo is beginning to slip out from under with each step he takes towards his family, it one step further from the Overlord.

With A candelabra in hand, Blitzo descended down the narrow winding stairs. It was dark, cold, and damp the further he trod. Until he came across a mammoth-sized kennel. He kneeled before the cage placing the Calabria down, his eyes scanning the far reaches of the cell there; lying in piss and blood was Loona gnawing on an eyeball. One crimson eye shot open as she spat out the eye into a corner. The sight of Blitzo made her rise to her feet.

She grimaced as she walked. There was a scar running across her eye as she dragged her chains, trying to get closer, needing to know that this was real and she wasn't dreaming this time.

that Blitzo had finely come for her.

"Loony, Loony, Loony," cries Blitzo, I've found you!"