
she is back

in a town, a very rich man named Roberto had a wife named Celine ,Celine had a daughter named lema . it was on Celine's birthday party , everyone was excited. they were drinking and eating when suddenly a lady entered, she was wearing dark makeup , it was impossible to recognize her . she started heading towards Celine, she stopped in front of Celine and said :"hi sis, it's been forever ,how have you been? Celine was so afraid that she couldn't do something else than stuttering :"I..I'm.....w.. Veronica?!"

Veronica: oh come on Celine, don't act like you are surprised .

Celine: I am ...I'm ... I'm not surprised!... I'm just ....never mind!

Veronica: you haven't answered my question yet! how are you Celine my sister?

Celine : I'm good. how about you?

Veronica :I'm fine , but the problem is that you didn't invite me to your birthday party, what did I do to deserve this ?huh sis?

Celine: you didn't do anything , it is my fault ..I.. I was just busy that I forgot to invite you , I'm so sorry ,it will never happen again ,I promise.

Veronica laughed as if she had just received something that she was waiting for a long time, she looked at Celine and told her :" hmh , you're so sweet sis, so let's go for a drink? what do you say ?

Celine :okay , let's go !

Veronica:(everything is going well as planned ,bad for you sis hahahah 😈)

Ken :wait !mom , where are you going?

Celine: who's this?

Veronica:he is my ...my... let's just say he is my son.

Celine:your son?you -

Veronica: can we talk about something else please ?

Celine :ok (confused) ,how are you, what's your name?

Ken:i'm good ,I'm Ken by the way.

Celine:I'm your aunt , your mother's sister.

Ken: nice to meet you aunt Celine.

Celine was so confused because of the way that Veronica was not comfortable saying that ken is her son (:"when did she get pregnant,that is weird")she thought.

Celine :ken ,how old are you if you don't mind me asking ?

Ken:I'm 20 years old .

Celine: and do you-

Veronica: can you let him in peace, what will you use the informations by the way?huh?

Celine : I'm sorry ,I...I...I didn't know that you could be upset .

Veronica: sorry for your self.

ken: mom !?

Veronica: you guys are annoying ,where's my brother by the way?

Celine: he's with his manager.

Veronica:I gotta go talk to him , maybe he will accept my request.

Celine : Veronica!

ken: I'm sorry-

Celine: it's not your fault .

lema :mom where have you been ?

Celine:I was talking to someone .meet ken ,your ..I don't know .

when they both crossed their eyes lema, laughed as if she had just met her soulmate.

lema:hi Ken I'm lema ,nice to meet you .

ken: hi lema ,nice to meet you too.

Celine:you guys keep talking , I'm going to take some fresh air.

lema:ok mom.



Veronica:hey brother.

Roberto: can you guys give us a moment?

_____: yeah of course

Roberto:why are you crying nica?

Veronica: it's your wife, she treated me like sh** because I asked her if I could stay here,she embarrassed me in front of everyone,I can't believe her.

Roberto:she did what? how dare she?

Veronica: she's wicked.

Roberto: don't worry I'll handle her.

Veronica: thank you my brother ,at least I still have someone who understands me.

(hahahahahahahah 😈😈🤣,😈 poor thing,poor Celine , that's just the beginning 😈be ready for the race😈😈😈, I'll make sure that you and your daughter don't get a dime in my brother's money 😈😈😈)
