
Cap. 8



--The hero rejected most of the invitations raised by our faction but ended up contacting the quintet of Baron Emboar's daughters, so the plan to tie him up with marriage still stands... unfortunately the prince caused a stir and ended up attacking the hero alone to be seriously injured in response, his arms are broken or broken, it will take a year to recover, the viceroy is very angry about this but the nobles just ignore the facts.

--As long as the marriage works, everything will be fine, the hero is a rather temperamental guy who is interested in the Emboar sisters is something problematic, those women are adventurers focused on exploration and intelligence are dangerous, the prince is just a stupid no Pay attention to her, keep an eye on the Emboar sisters.


--If the hero gets a lot of information he can escape, it's not a fact that he escaped... the only advantage I have is that it shows the shared interest of the Line Travelers for the demi-humans. Come on hero, do your job and I'll keep my promise...

The high priest laughed in his office surrounded by darkness.

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After the party, I returned to my mansion only to be greeted by a platoon of soldiers adorned with the banner of the crown… [The Viceroy wants revenge? what a cute asshole]

--Viscount Edward D. Zenit, you are under arrest for lese majesty and attacks against the prince, in addition to multiple charges of treason, of which there are…

One of the soldiers began to recite a long list of baseless and ridiculous crimes.

"Did the Viceroy send them or was it the foolish prince?"

"How dare you call his highness the prince like that!" We are here under orders from His Majesty the Viceroy!

--Oh! I'm so scared~...

I raised my arms in the air and shivered exaggeratedly while giving the soldiers a derisive laugh...

--Bastard! Catch him and lock him up!

--Uh! How scary!... Hahahahahaha... useless, if they think I'll give myself up for good they're more stupid than the foolish prince.

Three soldiers jumped at me with their spears in front, I ducked dodging their charge and tackled hard towards them.


The soldiers shot out, unable to withstand the counter blow, crashing into the trees and the ground a few meters away.

-- Seeeep , they are useless... [Oh I'm very strong, but who pays attention to small details?]

I mocked them and took one of the spears on the ground…

--Now useless, let's have some fun, the last one standing can have a drink of the special liquor provided by the beautiful sisters of the Emboar house.

The rest of the offended soldiers charged forward like brainless, furious beasts.

--Ha hahahaha… they are useless, just a little provocation and they run like headless chickens, they are useless, now let's play.

The sounds of crashing and breaking filled the night as he played with the soldiers.

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Personal Office of the Division General – Military Barracks number 7

Two men sat across from each other as they watched the military corps warm-up exercises.

--I must thank the Hero, Viscount Edward D. Zenit for coming to visit us this morning, after the little altercation during the party...

--General Brise, whether before, during, or after the party, I have serious complaints about the level of preparation of the guards, they take too long to react to an unexpected situation, they lack inventiveness or creativity, they focus too much on the anti-personnel combat tactics, I have less than a week in this nation and I have already crushed around 20 or more soldiers of supposed elite.

--Your assessment is certainly harsh, Mr. Zenit.

--General Brise…they should put a bit more variety to their combat strategies, a bit more flexibility, just because they wear heavy armor and shields doesn't mean the enemy won't think of ways to kill them inside their metal pants , there are war hammers and armor breakers, against any of them your soldiers are nothing more than fodder.

Yes, you are direct...

--I'm just honest, if they were okay, they wouldn't have called me… Or am I wrong?

--No, you're not right, but they are problems beyond my control, we don't have a budget for that type of training or development, we are in a great impasse, we expected that with his presence on the field we could turn the tables and take the offensive.

--They expect a lot from a foreign man who may well escape at any time.

--I trust that Mr. Zenit's heart will take pity on us and help us selflessly.

--To be a military man you are very idealistic~

--I was just kidding, I know if you didn't like us, you wouldn't have been so nice and killed those 20 soldiers and crippled or eliminated the prince.

--You really know how to read between the lines~

--It is a skill acquired over time.

You are a good politician.


"Tell me where my sandbags are~" the test subjects say.

--It's all of them.

The general said as he pointed to the entire military corps that was exercising, 250 soldiers keeping formation while jogging.

--Can I crush them?... just like that?

--There have been no attacks from the demon army and they are rusting just like you said let's give him a surprise, please avoid breaking his legs, even if you can't move your arms you can still train your legs.

--Don't worry, I'm just going to play with them... How many did you say there were?

--250 soldiers, all with at least five combat experience at the front.

--Well let's see how well they withstand a surprise attack.

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A man jumped from the window of the general's office and landed in the middle of the arena.


The man wore only cheap leather armor, and was unarmed, all the soldiers could only laugh at the young man's jokes.

--Well!!! Since you don't go! I will go!...

At the end of his sentence the young man had disappeared...


Five soldiers in a row shot backwards, in front of where he was a cloud of dust rose, within it the silhouette of that man could be seen.

--Ah! I forgot, your general orders you to attack me and resist as long as you can, the last man standing will be considered for a promotion...

The man yelled that and all of the remaining 245 soldiers turned to their general for confirmation.

--Correct, the one who manages to beat him will be promoted and the last one standing will be considered, now attack.

All the soldiers engaged in a one-sided battle against that mysterious man.

--Very useless, let's have some fun...

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--Mr. Zenit, couldn't you contain yourself a bit?

--They only lasted fifteen fucking minutes and the last five minutes just ran around like headless chickens.

You are too strong...

--That's no excuse, they could have used their comrades' bodies as shields or attack me from afar or from behind, try to corner me, but they just monotonously attacked towards the front...it makes me want to go and join the demon army...

--Please, anything but that.

--Just kidding…

--It didn't look like it, Mr. Zenit.

--Well, I've already exercised, and managed to calculate my strength... now General, call me if you have any siege mission, from what I can see I'm worth the same as a thousand soldiers, I can do a lot of damage in a closed place.

--I'll think about it... although those who have the power over the deployment of the hero is the church.

--Well then let me know through the high priest.


--See you General.

--Yes, take care Mr. Zenit.