

In a world were woman dominates over man, it was due to one invention of a so called “ATHENA” a mechanical special suit that embodies the person, giving the person a superhuman strength and abilities. But the suit is mostly used by women due to its unknown compatibility. Men around the world started to experiment called CODEX over the ATHENA suit. But the cost was high, men who was experimented to wear the suit was being left as no more than corpses thus resulting to crisis. Were men had been reduced by half of the world population. Turmoil begun to shrink the world into crisis of men, resulting the CODEX being destroyed and all of their laboratories by the ATHENA organization. But some still continue the experiment underground. Five years had passed after the incident happened, humanity is starting to slowly recover from the crisis. There a mysterious lad name Arishok who holds an unknow technology that is far beyond the understanding of the ATHENA organization, even the CODEX and the ORDER itself don’t know what it is. Being sent to the main school of ATHENA. Where chosen female students and few men are being educated to use the ATHENA suit. Only 12 men around the world can only use the ATHENA, tho some of them was the people that were experimented. But still women had the upper hand for they are far more compatible and versatile to the mechanical suit. In the Academy, Arishok was being hated, despise, loath, detest by what destructive power he holds, due to his power that hurt one of their comrades even the boys abominate him for nearly killing their love ones. But Arishok didn’t care even when they are seeing him as a dangerous person. For there is even more far superior that holds the so called Core an unknown technology that harbors the enemy of the galactic apocalypse of the universal cosmos. ------------------------------------------------------------- the cover is not mine but i got this from the game HALO "PROMETHEUS" GALLERY

Carsomyr · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

"The Core"

Being sent to the laboratory for experiment and observing what power truly holds the new and mysterious technology.

In a room, large and full of metals and concrete, lights were very bright. The unknown metals that merge through my body, black as the night with a red like LED tingling in sensation, "this room must be full of energy" I say. Then five people dress in flexible metal suit enters the room, yet one person a woman seems to be wearing a normal clothing "I'm Arisha, and I would like you to show me some of that unknown technology of yours" finishing her words she then walks out of the room leaving me alone by a bunch of people ready to for gathering data.

With all the scan and all other things related to gathering data finally lasted I was then sent out of the room.

Meeting Kevin outside he gave me the information that I need "I was hoping for late introduction, well forget about that, since I made a deal with the high ranks up in here, you are free to roam this place, however they are watching you and you are to report at school for education which I requested". Hearing him about the education I denied "School my ass, they can kiss my ass goodbye".

A few moments later, I was walking at the school corridor, "damm I only join school for what food and shelter, but oh well... a deals a deal". Facing the front door which was assigned to me to hear studentd in chaos "must be cock fight". Entering the room, I was met with silence, looking at their young and beautiful faces, from behind I saw a five unoccupied seat. Their suspicious eyes begins averting as I walk along towards the last seat and sit there like nothing happened.

Observing the surroundings, to realize many students are female and there were only two young boys who seems to be very interested in me. Tho I just let it through, breaking the silence Kevin suddenly came to the class, at the main desk "okay, since I'm here to introduce you all to your new temporary student" Kevin said while his eyes directes towards my direction. "Would you introduce yourself to this young ones too Arishok" Kevin said.

"I fucking hate you" I said to him. So I just went towards the exit to hear a word from Kevin "If you do that there won't be a shelter for you tonight, you can go back to the laboratory if you have to, tho it might be far", knowing that the laboratory of the ORDER is very far away and I have no money to use, in the end I just accepted his annoyance.

"Fine", I said walking towards the front "I'm Akatosh and since I don't know what's this ATHENA or something but- -" after my words some of the ladies initialy clenches their teeth, "what, did I do something wrong?" I said to myself, resuming my words "I'm just here because this old man here forces me and I don't want any trouble to this class or school".

Finishing my introduction one of the girls raises her hand for something to say a word. "Arishok would I request a duel with you, for you to know what is the ATHENA is like"she said calmly and aggressively. Looking at Kevin for help "uhhh… to tell you the truth this man is just a mechanic assistance to Arisha who just learning, so he is not for combatants and he's very weak". Knowing that Kevin was covering my identity I go with the flow, "that's right, I'm just a good for nothing mechanic" I ask in a disappointed way. Then one of the girls stand up and ask like a boss "if you really are a mechanic then how does the Athena suit works". "fuck, how much does they going to kick my brain" I note to myself, then... "Synchronizing 76%, rebooting system function" an alien voice from my head suddenly spoke, burning from the inside as if it could explode at any moment. Towards the exit I ran griping the core that merge to my heart, again the alien voice spoke "maximum over power" with great power rushing through my arms single handedly riping the hatch door like a piece of paper, even the walls were desolated exploding a shock wave bursting pieces of metals at every corner of the room. Running without even knowing what to do, ramming every wall that blocks my path, so I just ran until I emerge to the outside school building. "Rebooting complete" says the voice in my mind, then all my senses quickly shut in darkness, "initial synchronizing to 77%".

Kevin came running towards my unconscious body, followed by some equipment and some people who are ready to bring me back to the laboratory.

Unkowingly Arisha and Sophie watches the commotion through a surveillance camera. Another woman who seems to be watching the scene "my-my, seems I got myself a good prey this time" says Keila.

"Seems we have to speak with Kevin a little longer", Says Arisha.

At the laboratory where Sophie was conducting a research on the core, standing by her was Arisha who wants to know more about the core. Looking at the diagram of my body "is he even a human" says Sophie, "he is human nothing more nothing less" says Kevin as he emerges from the entrance door. Realizing his presence, Arisha quickly interrogates him,

"ow sup is that the ways to greet a person", Kevin says to receavie Arishas' frowning at him "sigh..."

Kevin then starts to explain the CORE "it all started when we found a young boy before when you and your rival are gutting each other, he was already merge with the technology" drawing the diagram of the CORE, shaping like a circle merge with his heart like the iron man movie. "what's most interesting is the CORE" which he again disassembles the blueprint of the CORE, with the parts disassemble showing a small spherical of the sun. "the ball you are seeing is a Magnetar a type of start that harbors massive energy, tho what interest me most is how it became small", cutting him off "so you're telling us that he is walking bomb of cosmos" Arisha says, "I'm not so sure about that, like I told you the metallic things that cage and stabilize the start was beyond our reach". Moving on as Kevin explain how his body and the technology works, "Do you know the virus that your rival created it during your war", with a reply from Sophie "you mean, the Virus created by the CODEX which nearly annihilated every living species, don't tell me". "Yes, the one who cure the virus was this little thing". Again showing a hologram which shows the inside of my atomic body, zoom in the Nano world of my body, where little like jelly fish swimming with the cells, "this unknown cell which we called the Seph, that inhabitants his body can destroy any type of disease or virus", showing them how it works in a hologram video, as the virus enters the body the cell like jelly fish quickly grope around and begun eating until there are nothing. "How we're able to end the virus was his blood" Kevin says, showing them how in a hologram video. "Not only the Seph can destroy but they can analyze the virus and turns them into one of their own" showing them how the Seph cage the virus, fast-forwarding the hours into seconds the virus quickly turns into Seph.

Shocking in silence that even the great genius was overcome by this technology Sophie ask the unknown metal that merge to his body like a plant on the soil, "Can you tell me about this little metal that had taken a root to his body". Taking a cigar, while smoking Kevin explain how it works "this unknown metal act as a stabilizer... since his body can't take the massive energy or power of the CORE, the metallic thing... it stabilize the power surging through his body". "And I tell you that the core is by itself". "What do you mean by that" ask Sophie and Arisha, sipping the cigar and exhaling the smoke he explain. "Well, Arishok act as a host for the CORE, and since he told me that an alien voice was speaking to him about synchronisation with his body, that's when I realize the core was evolving making his body more powerful, and since that incident happens I say that it already reaches 76% of the synchronizing".

Awaken on a bedroom that I don't even know, the morning sun lightens up my body I then hear a young child speaking. Opening the door, I saw a child aging from 14 hairs are long and straight. In a cheerful voice "Good morning big brother", "UGHHH… THE HELL" I said to myself. "Breakfast is ready" she said as she grabs my hands forcing me to go with her down to the kitchen.

There I saw Kevin preparing food, seeing him I already know that this is his daughter that I had to protect. "aww so you finally awaken your lazy big brother" Kevin says, "ah… what is going on" I said. Replying me "didn't I told you that I kept my deal".

While eating breakfast, "so will I won't go to school" I ask. In a grin "who said you won't go to school" Kevin replies.

At some place I literally walks in the school early in the morning since Kevin's house was not too far from the school. Opening the door whom was assigned and told to me by Kevin. I can see that a woman sits at the first front desk. Ignoring her presence, I just walk straight to the last sit. "So you're the one the rumors been babbling about" she said while sitting in calmness. Making a stupid face I ignore her and just went to my sit hoping she would leave me alone. In an awkwardness silence I brought out some food to eat, trying to eat in silence but the crunchy role was breaking the silence. Standing up she literally walks towards my direction with a flame in her eyes. Looking at her frowning eyes she stood there right in front of me, "Do you know who I am" she asks, "a woman" I reply. With an angry look she snatches my snack leaving only one chip on my hand. She then started to explain, butI literally eat the last chip crunching while bowing my head to hide from her looks. In her frustration she grabs the neck of my T-shirt pressing me down to my sit. "Do you, know that eating inside the room is prohibited", replying her "sorry I'm new here". With some serious eyes "so what is your role here", thinking for a moment I said "mechanic". Suddenly we hear some people walking towards our room, so she let go of my collar and return to her sit holding with her my bag of chips. "um… can I have that back I promise I won't eat" ignoring my word she just went to the front sit.

Entering the door, I can see that all of them are girls, with disciplinary act all of them sit respectively to their sit. I can hear everybody is murmuring about a man that desolated one room. Hiding my face by sleeping at the desk, then the person who grabs my snack spoke, silencing the room. Clearing first her throat "urhmm… since the proctor is out, I Hina, your president will act as the substitute instructor for today". "ahh… that's why" I said to myself.