
The Control Curse

Fumi Sendai, a soon to be college student dies and meets and entity beyond her comprehension who offers her a new chance. How will this turn her life?

ZetzuSensei · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


Hyogo Prefectural Kobe High School

June 2001

"Is that… a school yard?" I am a little surprised. And before that, why am I so short!? Comparing my height to the window I could barely see above it by jumping. I'd have to assume i'm a kid again. That would be troublesome. 

But why am I covered in chains? I guess ill have to find some clothes later after finding out where exactly I am. I don't want someone to see me like this, that would be pretty embarrassing…

"aAaaaAa~" I hear an eerily cry from behind me causing me to jump in shock. "WHO'S THERE!?" I scream out putting my hands over my head in a defensive manner. In my past life, I wasn't much of a fighter afterall. 

Coming out of the shadows was something even I had trouble describing. It looks like an amalgamation of a goat, a fish and a person without a defined form. "AaaAAaagh~" I screamed out once again as it inched closer. Its footsteps slowly become louder. "Stay away!" I yelled out as I threw my hand out, as a chain extended from my hand unknowingly hitting the abomination in its chest, stopping it in its tracks.

"Wh-wha? What just happened?" I say still in shock as I look at the chain coming out of my hand in confusion before looking back to the monster that remained stationary. "What is this…" I say touching the chain. It was hard and smooth in nature, almost slippery. But despite how thin it looked it had a surprising weight to them.

Possibly due to me being a kid at the moment. But that's not the part that had me interested the most. It was the feeling of a bond I had with the chain. The feeling of control I had over it. And the monster it was connected to.

As well as this energy I'm feeling inside me as well. It feels foreign yet natural at the same time. What is this stuff? I decided to coat my hand in this energy as it lit up in a fiery red like flame but surprisingly it didn't burn. It was strangely enigmatic.

Finally, bringing my attention to the monster, I pull my chain, willing it to let it go as it stayed in its previous position, as if its in a daze before continue walking towards me. "AAauGH!~" It screams out as it increased speed, now turning into a run. Continuing my experiment, I lodge my chain back into its chest and watch it come to a stop.

"Just what is thi-" I say before clutching over, grabbing my head in pain. "W-what the hell?" I say as I stumble into the classroom, now disregarding the monster in the hallway. Or what I know is a curse? What is this information?

Tripping over a desk, I ball up into a ball clutching my head as an influx of information foreign flows through my head. But the biggest was these 3 words. Deal, Enslave, Command. As the information finally started to slow down, I pushed myself off the cold dirty floor and held my head in annoyance. 

"Ugh, just what the hell is happening? What the hell is a cursed technique? And why is mine linked to these chains?" I say looking at the chain still outstretched from my palm. "And cursed energy… I can somewhat understand that but not completely. Its like my life force but also my strength? Sigh, there's too much going on today as it is… Follow me "curse" or whatever you are." I say commanding the curse as I tug its chain.

It followed me obediently, almost like a dog as I led it around the school until I found the school's locker room. Taking advantage of the extra gym clothes, although they were big on me, I quickly clothed myself before heading to the exit. "I gotta find somewhere to live now. Hopefully if i'm lucky ill be adopted by some rich guy." I said joking to myself as I played with the chains in my hand. However, when I tried to push open the front door to the school it didn't budge.

"What the hell? I can't leave this place??" I say confused before trying to use my cursed energy to push through it to no result. "Sigh… Just my luck. Curse, find me somewhere I can rest." I say, barking another command to the abomination.

"AAauGH!" It replied before strutting its way down the halls with me following in suit.

- 3 Months later-

"Mah, this is boring." I say sitting on top of the classroom lockers. For the past 3 months i've been doing nothing but familiarizing myself with this new power that is cursed energy and my cursed technique. Although, I never got the chance to test out "Deal". 

And besides doing that, i've just been watching the students come to school everyday. But I must say, these kids are ruthless. Bullying this innocent girl just because her hair is pretty is just stupid in my opinion. 

But, it did help me with a discovery. Cursed energy is built off from negative emotions. And with things like bullying, assault and other rampant emotions going on in a highschool, cursed energy tends to build up and create small little curses. And with that discovery, I also found a way to absorb or rather consume these curses when they do form. Although it does taste like shit…

But in doing so, my cursed energy grows and increases my strength. In comparison, the curse I named Venmus, who when I first arrived here was stronger than me, is now seen as something pretty weak who I then devoured shortly after.

(AN: "Venmus" is a Grade 3 Curse)

"Hey you bitch!" A blond haired girl called out as she grabbed another girl's hair, yanking her closer with a yelp. "Didn't I tell you to stop talking to my boyfriend!?" She said, yelling directly in her face.

"I-i promise I didn't! H-he um… he came to me first…" She said getting more quiet as she continued to speak. 

"Oh this could get interesting." I said leaning forward to watch the fight happen. "So you're calling my man a liar?" She said as she raised her hand, preparing to slap her. "No no I-" She tried to stammer out as a hand to meet her face in a quick motion.

"Shut it bitch! How dare you seduce my man!" She yelled out, with everyone watching due to the sound of the slap earlier only increasing her ferocity. "Use this as a lesson. Talk to him again and you're dead." She said slamming her head on the desk by her hair before walking off, getting snickers from her classmates.

Looking at the sobbing mess of a girl, a small frown forms on my face as I float my way above her. Ever since I found out I'm invisible to other people, I tended to stay out of their way, as well as the rumor that there was a "ghost girl" haunting the school. Though I must say that was pretty hilarious.

Watching people jump in fear when I do little pranks like knocking things over will never get old. But deciding I had enough fun watching from the sidelines, I touched the girl's head as she shivered in fear before looking up.

Keeping my touch on her head, I spoke out to the girl with a small smile on my face, laced with hidden intents. "So, do you want revenge? If so, let's make a deal!" I say hiding my intentions with a child like fever. 

"Huh?" She said to herself in a mix of shock in disbelief. Afterall a girl is flying above her asking to make a deal with her for christ sake. "Are you… real?" She questioned reaching out to touch me. "Real as there can be!" I say allowing her to touch me.

"But don't make a scene, others are watching." I say doing a shushing motion over my mouth. Seeing her nod in an understanding, I decide to sit on her desk directly in front of her. "I seen how that girl roughed you up. Are you okay?" I ask, trying to get on her good side first, using my adorable looks to my advantage. If I were to say I'd say I'm pretty cute!

With deep short red hair, a small chubby face with golden eyes with rings around them. They're almost hypnotizing to gaze into. As well as my small petite form as a child further emphasizes my adorable demeanor that would make anyone's heart melt. (picture in comments)

"Ah, um…I'm okay. But what are you doing here? This is a highschool." She said with a bit of worry. "And earlier, how were you flying?" 

"Ah, well you see. I'm a ghost!" I say with a small smile forming as I watch her face change to one of shock once again. "But that's not important at the moment. Do you want revenge for those who have wronged you?" I ask, trying to push the subject while inching closer to her face.

I watched her ponder for a minute before she finally closed her eyes before coming up with an answer. "I'm not sure…I don't like hurting people…" She said, looking away from my eyes. "But they hurt you all the time? Everytime I see you, you have the bruises they caused!" I say with an innocent yet hurt voice as I back away from her face.

"That's true but-" "Then why don't you fight back for once. If you do, they will leave you alone!" I say further pushing further. I can almost see her resolve breaking slowly as she fidgets in her chair. "You don't have to do this alone either! I'll help you!" I say grasping her hand. "That way I don't have to see you hurt anymore!" I say watching her eyes light up before nodding.

"So, is it a deal? I help you get revenge?" I say, making sure to exclude the most important part. "D-deal…" She said shaking my small petite hand as a large smile forms on my face as chains start to form coming from her neck, leading to my stomach.

"Don't worry about those, they're just a visual effect." I say trying to relieve her worries. "For me to help you, ill live inside your body temporarily, and for our deal to be fulfilled, you have to take me outside this school! Easy enough right?" I say with a childlike smile on my face.

"O-okay! I can do this!" She said with a determined face. "Goodluck, after you finish your part your revenge will be fulfilled." I say fading away as my soul starts to move inside the chain connecting to her neck before that even disappears.

"Yes! I finally got myself a vessel!" I say to myself.

End of Chapter

Character sheet.

Name: Fumi Sendai (Previous) ???

Age: 3 month old curse

Rank: Grade 4=>1 Cursed Womb

Cursed Technique: Chain of Control

Allows the user to manifest chains of different sizes and manipulate them freely. As command those with them with 3 variants. Command, forcing an opponent to commence an action that the user wills, similar to cursed speech. Enslave, turning anyone who is hit by the chain into a loyal servant. And Deal which makes a contract with the user, similar to a binding vow. Deal ensnares the soul and can even manipulate it, depending on the deal being made.

Domain expansion: ???

Maximum Technique: ???

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this fanfic so far. It's a breath of fresh air for me as I don't really have any expectations for this at all. Stay safe!