
The Contract Bride of Mr. Reid

“Help me, please,” Bella pleaded, grasping his hands. His dark eyes, devoid of warmth, pierced through hers with an unsettling coldness. "Why should I mess with those goons to help you?" he asked callously. “I’ll do anything you say,” she said without thinking, desperate. “Just save me from them.” He demanded something that Bella had never anticipated even in her dreams. A contract marriage! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bella Dawn was already in distress to pay her step father’s debts. To add her misery, her mother was diagnosed with liver disease and needed immediate transplant. Where would she get that much money? Then, like a cruel twist of fate, she accidentally encountered a handsome man, Theodore Reid, the enigmatic CEO of Ace Group. Rumors said that he was a ruthless businessman with a heart as cold as ice. Yet, to Bella, he was kind, rescuing her from the clutches of those who sought to exploit her. She was grateful to him until he demanded something weird, shattering her pervious assumptions. He wanted to marry her. No He wanted a contract marriage. In exchange, he would take care of her mother's treatment and compensate her generously at the end of their arrangement. For Theodore, it was a solution born out of necessity, a means to appease his grandfather's demands for an heir while he searched for the one who had once saved him, his angel. Bella’s appearance reminded him of his savior. So, he offered her a contract marriage. It was a temporary solution to his grandfather’s demand to get an heir until he found his angel. With no other options left, Bella reluctantly agreed to the terms of the contract. But little did she know it would test her resolve and resilience like never before. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Remember one thing, never fall in love with me,” he said, cold and dangerous. Bella gulped, nervous. “What if I do?” A sliver of defiance, a foolish question escaped her lips. She was already attracted to his handsome appearance. He squeezed her jaw and hissed, “You will regret it.” “What if you started liking me?” she dared to ask. He leaned closer, his breath warm against her ear. "No chance," he scoffed. "You're not my type." Bella’s heart sank. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can check my other books. Accidentally Married to Mr. Billionaire - Completed The Billionaire's Sick Wife - Completed Temptation of Billionaire's Secret Lover: A tale of love and revenge - Ongoing, daily updated.

Angelica2511 · perkotaan
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215 Chs

The unknown feelings.                   

Theodore stirred awake, blinking at the sunlight filtering through the window. A soft weight pressed against his side, and he turned his head slowly. There, nestled close to him, lay Bella.

Theodore's breath caught in his throat. Never before had he known such a physical closeness with a woman. A foreign warmth bloomed in his chest, a mixture of yearning and something altogether new.

His body craved her touch, and his hands itched to feel her. Before he could process the unexpected emotions churning within him, his hand reached out and traced the gentle curve of her cheek.

Her skin was impossibly soft beneath his calloused fingers. He lingered, captivated by the sight of her sleeping face, her lips slightly parted. The sudden urge to taste them sent a jolt through him, stealing the moisture from his mouth.

Unconsciously, he leaned in closer, the space between them shrinking with every passing breath. Just as his lips were about to brush hers, Bella's eyes fluttered open.

Their gazes locked.

Theodore froze, feeling a bit awkward. 'Did she know what I was about to do?' he wondered, his thoughts racing.

Bella's cheeks mirrored his own blush as she realized she was so close to him. She had no recollection of how she ended up sleeping in his bed. She scrambled to her feet, self-consciously tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

Theodore sat up, still dazed by the intensity of the moment. He watched her, a mix of emotions playing across his face, as he tried to decipher the newfound feelings she had stirred within him.

"I'm so sorry." An apology tumbled out first from Bella's mouth. "I didn't know when I fell asleep. I didn't mean to intrude into your private space." Mortified, she couldn't meet his gaze.

The warmth in Theodore's chest instantly curdled to ice. His eyes narrowed, the tenderness vanishing completely. Technically, they were married. Sharing a bed wasn't a transgression, yet Bella's reaction felt like a slap.

Why was she acting like she had made a mistake?

He hadn't included any clause in the contract prohibiting intimacy during their year together. So, why was she hesitating to be close to him?

A sickening, familiar dread pooled in his gut. His doubt grew stronger—Bella liked someone else. His annoyance returned.

"Why the apology?" he demanded, his voice clipped. "We're married, aren't we? We can sleep together in a bed. There's nothing to be sorry about."

He rolled to the other side of the bed and got off. Without waiting for a response, he threw out a curt order. "Go prepare breakfast for me. I am hungry."

He stalked into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him with a resonating thud.

Bella stood there, a statue carved from ice. Her gaze lingered on the slammed door, her expression a chilling mask. "Rude," she muttered. "Can't he thank me for taking care of him?" She pivoted and stomped out.

Theodore deliberately took longer than usual time in the bathroom. His steps were measured as he came out and sauntered to his dressing room. He dressed with deliberate care, wore his Rolex, and sprayed his cologne.

With practiced ease, he slicked back his hair, the gel gleaming under the light. He adjusted his tie, ensuring it sat perfectly against his crisp navy suit. The starched white cuffs of his shirt emerged from the sleeves as he walked out.

Bella, having laid out the breakfast spread, glanced up at the sound of his footsteps. Her eyes locked on him, taking in his handsome appearance. Despite their cold exchange, she couldn't deny the undeniable magnetism he possessed.

Her gaze drifted down the length of him, taking in his broad shoulders and the way his suit fit him impeccably.

A warmth bloomed in her cheeks. Her heart raced wildly without her permission.

Theodore strode over. He sensed her lingering gaze on him but pretended as if he had not noticed it. Maintaining an indifferent look, he pulled out a chair gracefully and sat down.

Bella remained frozen, still staring at him, the serving spoon hovering limply in her hand. His cologne, a mix of musk and spice, filled the air.

Theodore finally lifted his head, his dark eyes meeting hers for a fleeting moment. "Once you've finished staring at me, proceed to serve the food."

Self-consciousness washed over Bella. She quickly looked down, her cheeks burning. Without a word, she filled his plate with pancakes and poured him a glass of juice, her movements jerky.

"Sit and eat with me." This time, Theodore didn't make a mistake like last time.

But Bella turned down his offer. "I'm running late for work," she said with a hint of apology in her tone. "I should get going."

Just as she brushed past him, Theodore reached out, gently grasping her wrist. The unexpected touch sent a jolt through Bella. Her eyes flew to his, surprised, her heart stuttering in her chest.

"The driver will take you," he assured her, his tone persuasive rather than demanding.

"But I need to change clothes at my place," she countered.

"Not a problem," Theodore replied softly. "I can arrange that."

Bella hesitated. The unexpected kindness in his eyes caught her off guard. After thinking for a while, she finally conceded. "Alright. "I'll eat."

She sat down across from him and started eating.

Meanwhile, Theodore pulled out his phone, his expression regaining a sense of composure. With a few deft keystrokes, he sent a message to Skyler. 'Bring Bella some new clothes, both casual and work attire. Don't forget to include toiletries and lingerie.'

Satisfied, he started eating with a calm mind.


After breakfast, Bella made her way to the guest room for a quick shower. By the time she finished her bath, she noticed some clothes meticulously kept on the bed. She was stunned.

Theodore had arranged not only the office attire but also casual dresses, including lingerie.

"He has arranged all this in such a short time."

Gratitude tugged at her heart, warming her from the inside out. A soft smile played on her lips as she admired his efficiency. The clothes were tasteful, elegant, and fit her perfectly.

"How did he know my size?" she wondered. A blush crept up her cheeks.

Smiling bashfully, she quickly got ready. She thought of thanking him later. First thing first, she needed to reach the office. Grabbing her purse, she walked out of the house.

The driver was waiting for her. "Good morning, madam," he greeted with a respectful bow. "Sir instructed me to be at your service. Please," he gestured towards the waiting sleek black sedan.

Bella offered a grateful smile and climbed into the back seat. The engine purred to life, and they were soon hurtling down the street.

She arrived at her office right on time, her steps imbued with a newfound confidence as she approached her desk.

"Bella! There you are," Amy exclaimed, rushing over. "Mr. Hudson has been asking for you."

Bella's expression froze. "He's already here?" Surprise flickered across her face. She had considered herself an early bird, yet her boss had beaten her to the office.

It was uncharacteristic. Naturally, Zack arrived at the office around ten o'clock. What made him come early?

A sliver of apprehension snaked into her voice. "What happened? Why was he looking for me?"

"I have no idea," Amy replied with a shrug. "You should find it out on your own."

Bella nodded numbly, her mind already racing with possibilities as she made her way toward the CEO's office.

Across the office, Olivia sneered, believing Bella was in danger. Otherwise, why would the boss summon her so urgently?

'It's great. I didn't even have to scheme against her. The boss will fire her himself.' She let out a derisive snort.

With a smug expression, Olivia decided to share the news with Ivy. She sauntered confidently towards Ivy's chamber, relishing the anticipation of delivering what she considered good news.