
the conqueror,the hunter

Annabeth,the heir to the throne.Though she had everything,beauty,enormous wealth and swordsmanship which excels all the continents. Felt empty.............So,she decided to collect men with looks and talent.

Anna_Wokcad · Sejarah
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1 Chs

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she,the heir to the throne,Nothing she cannot do,Politics,Swordsmanship and Beauty that is unparalleled with enormous wealth.Yet,she feels empty.So,she decided to conquer men with looks and talents.

volume 1

Annabeth De Adelaide,Daughter of king Charles De Adelaide of hamledon kingdom the heir to the throne is adored and admired by both men and women,she was in the category of whom men wanted to be her husband and women to be close to her.

Annabeth,'Father, I wanna collect men.'

Her father was awestruck,yet replied that she was free to do anything she wants.As,He was a daughter-con.

After Annabeth had talked with her father

She decided to throw a ball as a starting point to conquer men.

'dress me up' Maria(Annabeth's personal maid),said Annabeth.

As the announcer announced,''Here comes the princess Annabeth the next heir to the throne,The star of the kingdom''

Everyone in Awe,Some were possessed by her beauty and some fainted.

As she entered the ball caught her eye by the heir next in line to the Camelian family(pure-bread beast family who can transform in beast),'Rapheal Camelian' known for his swordsmanship and his handsome face.

smirked Annabeth,let the game begin.

I shall conquer you,as you caught my eye.