Naruto is the reincarnation of both Ashura and Indra Otsutsuki. Having a hard life in The Village because of being alone and hated by the Village. Naruto finds help from A Man long thought Dead. HaremxNaruto.
"There's no time to figure out if this the right thing to do! Just move - Don't try to keep your hands clean. That's right, the world is cruel." Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan)
The girl Haku looked at him with anger and a bit of shock. The ice user couldn't comprehend how did Naruto find out about Zabuza, he was part of the new team, he hadn't seen her before.
She figured the Jonin that fought Zabuza-sama could have told them what happened but still. As she tried to find a way out of this situation, her eyes saw that the blonde was very relaxed, either he wasn't taking her seriously, or he was overstating himself.
She looked for ways to escape, she didn't knew why but she felt trapped, Naruto looked at her with red eyes full of hatred and anger. His eyes alone made her skin crawl, her breathing quickening.
"Can you lead me where Zabuza is, I need to talk with him?" Naruto repeated his question, he already had an idea where the demon of the mist was, it wasn't hard to guess, after all the Gatö mansion wasn't far away, he figured he should be there.
But he wanted to be sure and not wait until he decides to attack the bridge, that could easily result in his death, and Naruto needed him alive for a way to be inside the rebellion against Yagura.
"Talk about what?" Haku asked, not answering the question, her hand trying to reach for her sabon needles, before she could even grab one, she felt a grip on her wrist, she tried to move but couldn't as the the strength of the grip almost broke her wrist.
"I'm not going to harm him, but if you don't want to tell me, then," Naruto stopped talking, grabbing a letter from his pouch, he hand it to Haku.
Looking at the small piece of paper, it was only a map, with a cross on top right, along with a Blade symbol at top left.
Haku couldn't find sense in the paper, her eyes went to Naruto who had released her wrist and had started walking away, his back in front of her.
"Show this to Zabuza, he will understand it," Naruto simply shouted as his figure walked further away.
Haku stood silent, not knowing what to make of this.
"Oh, and I'm sorry for grabbing your wrist," Naruto added before disappearing from the view, the only thing left was the fog around the air.
Haku touched her wrist, feeling numb from the strength used by the Uzumaki. Looking at the paper again, her eyes narrowed slightly.
If Zabuza-sama decides to attend the bridge then I will have no choice but to fight, even you Naruto," Haku thought, hoping it wouldn't come to that.
Returning back to Zabuza-sama, opening the door, she noticed he was sleeping in his bed, closing the door behind her, Zabuza's eyes opened immediately, his eyes relaxed at seeing Haku in front of him, his face took a serious look.
"What took you so long?" Zabuza asked, knowing this shouldn't have taken so long, it wasn't the first time he was injured.
"I meet one of the Shinobi of the leaf," Haku immediately answered, Zabuza raised an non existent eyebrow at her answer, expecting that she must have surely take care of the brat, or at the very least paralyse him.
"He helped me to find herbs for you but then he gave me this letter," Haku continued, grabbing the letter from her pocket, handing it to Zabuza who looked perplexed.
"Who gave this to you?"
"It was a new Shinobi, not part of the group that attacked you, it seems Kakashi of The Sharingan has brought support," Haku explained, keeping an emotionless tone, her mask was on her face.
Zabuza didn't looked surprised that Kakashi had brought help, but one thing he disliked was the possibility of losing, he knew Kakashi himself was strong enough to be a challenge, but now there were two Jonin.
As he thought of that, he opens the paper, seeing the map, his eyes widened before turning to Haku who hide her surprise face behind the mask.
"Who gave you this?" Zabuza demanded, it had been a long time, he wondered who was this Konoha Shinobi that could have this map.
"Naruto Uzumaki, he told me that we could have a second chance at killing the Mizukage," Haku explained, remembering the words, and wondering why Konoha would care to help them.
Zabuza on the other hand felt a shiver at the last name Haku used. Uzumaki?! These people are like cockroaches, he thought remembering the red death of Konoha, a beast in human form, he had even heard that she defeated Killer Bee of The Eight Tails by herself, but knowing her Kenjutsu skills, it wasn't far fetched.
She had even spare his life, a long time ago.
"You are still a green boy young swordsman, if you ever master your sword, then return and we can have another fight,"
Her words ringed in his ears like bells, he remembered that day better that he should, after that day, he had trained until he passed out every day, wanting to have that fight, to fight a demon like her again, even if it meant Death.
But, one year before he was a master, the word had spread of the Death of Minato Namikaze, The Fourth Hokage, and Uzumaki Kushina, The Red Death.
That night, Zabuza had drink a glass with whiskey in honor of a swordswoman like her.
Looking at the paper again, Zabuza turned his head at Haku, who was still wearing the bloody mask.
"Take the mask off, Haku, you don't have to hide your face from me," Zabuza said with a small hint of sadness but his firm voice hide it well.
Haku said nothing but removed the mask, putting in the table nearby.
"We will continue with our plan, I will talk with this kid, let's see where this goes," Zabuza ordered, Haku giving a nod in understanding.
"Haku, if you see things... going downhill, I want you to leave,"
The day went ahead, Haku checking him every now and then to make sure he was getting better.
"You have been quiet ever since you met that boy in the forest. What did he do to give you such an impression" Zabuza asked. "I don't know.....but he was strong....and kind. Zabuza-sama...are you sure we should do this job? For someone like Gato?" Haku asked her surrogate father.
"You already know WHY we are doing this, Haku. Gato is a worm but his money is green. And we need it, if we're going to fund the rebellion against Yagura, and that piece of shit Water Daimyo. Then again, I don't mind killing that fat scum and just take all his money...but lucky for him, I still have my reputation to uphold." Zabuza said with both pride and disgust in his voice.
"I understand, Zabuza-sama." Haku said sadly. Speaking of the worm, Gato then enters through their front door with a huge smug on his face. Haku quickly put on the mask. Behind him are his two samurai bodyguards, and an unknown figure.
"Well, well, so much for the Demon of the Hidden Mist. I hear you got your ass kicked by a bunch of brats" Gato said with a grin. "Watch your mouth, Gato. They got lucky. They won't be next time." Zabuza said with a bit of anger in his voice.
"Heh whatever you say. But I hear they have back-up now. And as much I want to see you make a fool out of yourself again, I have a business to run. And that Bridge will cost me this country. That is why I hired this guy as your back-up." Gato introduces Zabuza and Haku to the unknown figure. He appears to be a Shinobi. "I have to say, Zabuza-Senpai, you are not really living-up to your title anymore" the unknown figure said with a smug smile.
Zabuza just starred daggers at the man. "...What are you doing here Raiga? This is my job" Zabuza asked, who happens to know the unknown figure.
"And now it is mine too. Don't worry Senpai, I'm not here to step on your toes. Consider me as a way for you to even-out the odds against the Konoha Shinobis. Plus, it is good to finally work with a fellow Seven-Ninja Swordsman again." The now identified Raiga Kurosuki said.
Raiga had blue eyes with a darker ripple around the pupil, waist-length green hair with the top two bangs falling down on his cheeks on each side, and having dark, full lips. He is also carrying a pair of unique swords attached to his sides.
"Hmph whatever...just don't get in my way" Zabuza ordered. "Oh I won't dream of it." Raiga said with a large grin.
Haku then notices a large bag on Raiga's back. And it seems to be.....moving? "What is that on your back Raiga-san?" Haku asked.
"That's....not important. Shall we go now Senpai?" Raiga said, hoping to change the subject.
"Fine, but I have a score to settle with Kakashi. You can deal with the other Jonin. Haku can handle the brats." Zabuza ordered.
"Well I hope you enjoy this little reunion, because I'm not paying you two to socialize. Now, go show me why they call you two the Demon and Thunder of the Hidden Mist already." Gato ordered.
"If I were you, I stop testing my patience, Gato. Haku, Raiga, let's go" Zabuza ordered, as he then led the two to the bridge construction site, and their pending battleground.
While Haku and the two Mist Swordsmen leaves the confines of their hideout, Gato couldn't help but smirk when they left.
"As soon as the Konoha Shinobis, Zabuza and Raiga are weakened, I want you to kill them all. I'm not wasting a cent on those grunts. But I want the bitch that broke my arm. She will make a fine bedslave." Gato said with a perverted grin.
"Umm boss, isn't he a man?" One of his samurai bodyguard questioned with a raised eyebrow, hoping their boss is not sexually confused.
"You idiots! She obviously lied. Besides, she's too pretty to be a guy. And I'm going to make her scream like a bitch. Mark my words boys, before this day is over, this backwater country will be completely under my thumb again." Gato declared with a sinister grin.
It was a beautiful, peaceful morning. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and all of the Seven Konoha Shinobis were eager to start their day, by escorting Tazuna back to the bridge.
Tazuna never felt safer than ever. Before today, his ninja bodyguards were guarding him and his construction team by shifts, since two of the remaining Genins still needed to finish their Tree Climbing Exercise, with the supervision of one Jonin.
Luckily, Shikamaru and Choji managed to make it to the top of their trees yesterday, and their achievements were proudly celebrated with a huge feast by Tsunami, much to the Akimichi's delight.
Now Tazuna will have the protection of Seven Konoha Ninjas.
Seven....because their Eighth sunny blonde member is still fast asleep, due to an intensive training he had last night.
"Are you sure you should go without Naruto-kun?" Tsunami asked, the Silver Haired Jonin.
"Just for today. He has been training all day yesterday, and he deserves a little bit more rest. I'll leave Naruto in your hands." Kakashi said with an eye-smile.
"But how about you, Kakashi-san? Are you and Choji-kun feeling all right?" Tsunami asked, out of concern for her two former patients.
"Yes, somehow." Kakashi said, with a reassuring tone.
"Yeah, I feel a lot better. Thanks to you, Tsunami-san." Choji said with a warm smile to the young mother.
Feeling glad that they are okay now, Tsunami was very happy that she was able to help the two ninjas get better. It was nice to feel needed.
"Well, that's good. Remember to not push yourselves too hard next time. Especially you, Choji-kun" Tsunami said with a smile.
"Will do ma'am" Choji said with a playful salute at the young mother.
"We'll be going now, Tsunami. We'll see you tonight" Tazuna said, as he wished his daughter a sweet farewell, as he and his seven ninja bodyguards made their way to the bridge construction site.
"Take care, dad!" Tsunami waved goodbye to them all, as they left.
"Are you two ready?" Zabuza asked his right-hand woman, and his fellow Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.
"Yes Zabuza-sama" Haku says with both determination, and hesitance in her voice.
She than placed her fake Hunter-Ninja mask back on her face, covering her pretty feminine features, and her conflicted emotions for the upcoming battle.
"Don't worry Senpai, I'll make sure to give them all a Beautiful Funeral." Raiga says with a sadistic smirk.
But Zabuza narrowed his eyes when he heard the sound of Raiga's tone. He didn't like it one bit.
"You better keep your head straight, Raiga. I don't work with psychopaths. But I am curious, when exactly did you lost your mind?" Zabuza said, with his narrowed eyes still locking on Raiga.
"Huh....I can't remember. I guess I've been so busy attending many funerals, that it....slipped out of my head, especially the last one, you should have been there, everyone cried, especially the mother," Raiga said, with the sadistic smirk never leaving his face.
"Yeah whatever. Just remember the priority. We just want the bridge builder. The Konoha Shinobis are fair game, if they stand in our way. But NO killing the contractors. Knock them out only." Zabuza ordered with a dangerously strict tone.
"Hahahaha I didn't realize you have gone soft, Senpai." Raiga said with an amused smile.
But apparently, the Demon of the Hidden Mist did not appreciate that comment.
"Call me that again, and I'll cut you down." Zabuza said, as he released a small portion of his Demonic Killing Intent.
But the twin-sword wielding ninja was completely unfazed, and play it off like a joke.
"So mean, Senpai. You just reminded me WHY I hated my fellow Seven Ninja Swordsmen in the first place. Especially that fish-faced bastard, Kisame. But....I always like you. We are the same, you and I. You are truly the definition of the ultimate killer." Raiga said with admiration in his voice.
".....We. Are. NOT. The same, Raiga. Just do what I say, and don't test my patience" Zabuza said with a threatening tone.
"Oooo sooo scary. I like it. Don't worry Senpai, just as long as I get to bury someone today, especially a massive grave, I'll be a good boy" Raiga said with a sadistic smile.
The three rogue shinobi then turned their heads, and saw the sight of their destination. They have finally arrived on The Bridge Construction Site.
Naruto finally woke up from his long slumber and he let out a loud yawn. He was still wearing his pyjamas, as he looked at the beautiful morning sky from his window.
"Damn, I slept like a baby." Naruto said rubbing his eyes, streching his limbs, and letting out another loud yawn.
"God, I was totally beat last night. But it was all worth it. He looked around his room, to find his roommates; Sasuke, Shikamaru and Choji missing.
He later saw a note right next to his bedside, as he then picked it up and started reading it.
'Dear Naruto-kun, you came back very exhausted yesterday, so we decided let you sleep in for a bit. Meet us at the bridge when you're awake. Love, your Ino-chan. XOXO.'
This immediately put a smile on his face. His girlfriend is truly considerate for leaving him a note.
"Wait a minute, what day is it today?....HOLY SAGE OF THE SIX PATHS! IT'S THE END OF THE WEEK!" Naruto yelled out in panic.
He immediately got off his bed and went downstairs, to find Tsunami washing the dishes.
"Tsunami-san, when did everyone left?!" Naruto asked with panic in his voice.
"Oh Naruto-kun, you're finally awake. They left about an hour ago. Kakashi-san wanted you to rest and relax for today." Tsunami informed the blonde.
'WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, KAKASHI-NIISAN?! IT'S THE END OF THE WEEK! ZABUZA AND HAKU COULD ATTACK BY NOW! Okay, okay, calm down, Naruto. Everything is going to be fine. With Asuma Sensei, Teams 10 and 7, we still have them outnumbered.' Naruto thought with worry.
"Thank you, Tsunami-san." Naruto said calmly, and rushed back upstairs.
He then went to change into his shinobi clothes. He put on his mesh armour shirt and black ANBU pants and sandals. He put on his maroon coloured Jacket, and metal-plated fingerless gloves, and tied his headband tightly around his forehead. He then places all of his weapons back to his pouches, and tucked the Raijin-no-ken safely in his inner jacket pocket.
Naruto then went downstairs to bid his farewell to the young mother.
"I'll be leaving now. Don't worry, Tsunami-san, I feel rested enough already." Naruto said with a reassuring smile.
Tsunami was truly amazed at the sight of him. He really does look completely rested. Somehow. Last night when he came back from his training, he looked like he was about to collapse at any second. But here he is now, looking fresh like nothing happened.
"Wow, you're like a ball of energy Naruto-kun. What's your secret?" Tsunami asked.
"I have my ways" Naruto said with a smirk, but he could feel Kurama rolling his eyes in his mindscape, when he said that.
"Well, be careful and please take care of my father, will you?" Tsunami asked.
"Will do ma'am" Naruto said with a bright smile, that made her smile as well.
With that, Naruto finally left the house, and was on his way to the bridge construction site.
As Naruto was running through the woods, he immediately stopped when he felt 2 low Chakra signatures approaching the house. At first he dismisses the thought, feeling it could some random civilians. But then he sensed the strong emotion of Malice radiating from them.
He didn't want to leave Tsunami and Inari alone, knowing two possibly hostile individuals are coming, and didn't want to risk sending a Shadow Clone to deal with them, when they could be dispelled by a lucky hit.
So Naruto decided to turn back, to personally handle the matter himself.