
100KG Negotiations

As I surveyed the surroundings, a garage door rumbled open, admitting our five vehicles into the space.

All of Adem's men present rose to their feet, gripping their assault rifles and other weapons tightly, their suspicion evident in their wary gazes.

Adem entered through the same plastic strip curtains I had, his approach slow and quiet as he approached behind me.

"Baaa!" he exclaimed, seizing both my shoulders.

"AAAA!" I yelped like a little girl, leaping up and spinning around to face Adem.

"How have you been, my friend?" Adem greeted enthusiastically, his mood buoyant.

I stood in silence for a brief moment, endeavoring to steady the rapid beats of my heart. My nerves were stretched to their limit, gripped by a deep fear for my life, while Adem appeared to revel in my reaction.

"Good," I replied after gathering myself, "And you?"