
The Connector : Infinite Series

This is the story of an ancient human soul dying in the hands of a demon, stopping him in fulfilling his rightful Destiny of archiving greatness in his life. . . But as his soul wonders the abyss a Great celestial saved him. . . from the dangers of it. . . and gave him another chance at his Destiny but now, it was in an even grander stage. . . But to do this she violated his soul, empowering it with her own Arcana, making him her kin.. . . Book 1 The revival. The beginning of an adventure. Disclaimer : the first book, heavily draws inspiration upon hollow knight, The Game Made by the Australian, company Team Cherry. pls support there new silksong game.

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Weaver's Page : Journal guide : The Arrival

Description of Appearance

Body :

The Weaver's are an Arachnid, base humanoid, they have 6 arms and a pare of legs, 8 limbs in total, there body's can be considered slim without showing any loose fats, or bulky muscle like does of humans.

There exoskeletons are made out of a cuticle and Flesh hybrid layered material, that posses both characteristics, but unlike human skin.

There skin posses a light purple tone and smooth, without any traces of visible hair, but when observered up close with a magnifying glass.

( Note : there seems to have no variations of color unlike humans, with there black, brown, and pale white variations )

you can see that they possess billions of sensory hair, that's most likely connected to a very sensitive nerve system.

( Note : It seems like that the sensory organs of a Weaver, has a similarity to humans, they to posses places on there body that are more sensitive than others, more research needed. )

The Weaver's head : that's where you can find there Five eyes, which consist of Two main eyes that are three times bigger than that of a human and 3 supporting eyes that are no bigger than normal human eyes.

( note : there eyes appears to be very different compare to humans, there sclera's are pureblack, unlike the White sclera of a human.

plus there 3 supporting eyes doesn't seem to posses an Iris, but only the visible white pupil, they seem to always close there supporting eyes if they're in brightly lighten areas.

A friend weaver said that bright lights hurts like hell, when her three eyes are open, so I concluded that there three support eyes are used for a kind of night vision, and that's why there sensitive to bright light.

But unlike there 3 supporting eyes, they don't seem to close there main two eyes, they're always open unless if they go to sleep.

They're Two main eyes do posses irises, but unlike humans they'd don't seem to posses any variation, except age when a weaver grows older, there bright crimson eyes fades and turns darker, until They become an elder and there eyes would turn reddish black.

That's how other bugs determines the age of a Weaver through there eyes atleast that's what Ember said )

They also posses human like hair that varies in its tone of red, the variation usually depicts the characteristics of a Weaver as an individual, and when a Weaver old enough to be a considered an elder there hair eventually turns Silver gray.

( Note : Ember Notes that the fiercer the color of hair, a weaver posses the more they're prone to become warriors and that the opposite is true. . . )

Soul User :

Being an ancient, Enlightened race, the Weavers are naturally able to use soul, they use this to produce there Soul silk.

This Soul silk, is there primary construct when utilising soul, they use it on everything, there buildings, tools and even there clothes, The range is limitless for them.

And yes like most, they also use it as weapons but only some are capable. . .and for does that can, they usually just use them as traps or for binding there opponents.

Important History :

I've only learned little of there ancestry, and how they came to this kingdom, but the elders did tell me, that they where most likely nomadic and where drawn to this kingdom, and at first they occupied a higher elevated den, but eventually been forced to migrate down.

The Elders I asked and there Ancestral library where vague, at what forced those early Ancestral Weavers, to move and only assumptions and theories are left written or discussed by there scribes and elders.

But that matter I skipped, then when they eventually arrived at Deepnest, what greeted them was a perfect environment for them, and a kingdom that's ruled by a similar race too them.

So there past elders, met with the current rulers of Deepnest and bent the knee, too them, it surprised the current monarchs of the time, but they were please with there new citizens, so the rulers gifted the rights to occupie a den too the ancient Weavers then settled there new home. . .

And then the Weavers, remained an ancient Isolated yet proud race of Deepnest, that sweard filthy to the past rulers of Deepnest, and until now still serves the ruler of Deepnest, as servants, Soul users, tailors and Crafters. . .

Characteristics and Society

The Weaver's, our a people of pride and grace, and that a lot them are isolationist that would rather not interact, with other bugs if at all possible, and would rather stay at there Dens, this makes them a very homely Race, that would help each other out when a hand is needed. . .

Only few Weaver's, would venture Deepnest, and beyond with only having there reason be, is to simply venture and explore.

That's the reason why you can only see a Weaver, either inside the ruler of Deepnest court or inside there Den.

Yes they would act cold, even aggressive towards other bugs, only seeing them as food, lesser creatures or as Threats.

That's if you are not one of those few, how are excepted by the tribe, and recognized as one of them, those how Gather this favor, would be respected and treated as either an elder or Crimson Guardian.

But those how have received this favor, can only be counted on one hand, because of its ridiculously high requirements. . .

Moving on, they're society Is a rational one, and would only believe Fact, and would only listen to each other, and the wisdom of there council of elders when a problem arises.

So they can be described as traditionalist that wouldn't rely on superstition for anything.

So essentially they have a lot in common with ancient Japan in there sense of honor, and family. . . and with England with there preference with the bow and language. . .

Weaver's Age stages

Egg : In this stage, they Would only look like a rectangular white ball, with a smooth and glassy surface, That's roughly the size of an NBA basket ball.

And this would be there first development stage, that can determine the Weaver's future, depending on its environment.

Hatchling : This is there baby stage, there most weakest and vulnerable stage, this is the time where the parents or caretakers would meticulously take care for the baby Weaver.

They appear translucent in nature, with all there eyes closed, making them blind and partly deft, until They're senses adapts, they seem appear just like a miniature version of an adult in this stage there only around 2 too 2.5 foot tall. ( The unstable living Treasure of the Weavers. )

Child : In this stage they can act more or less like a regular human child, they play, they learn and they dream. . .

It takes them 10 season's for them to reach this stage. . .

this is also an important development stage, because of how easily they can be mold, or thought using there nature as the foundation or compass towards there potential. . .

Young : on this stage they act like teenager's a mix of instinct and urges, guides there actions either it childish or mature. . . and also they start producing mating pheromones.

It takes a Weaver 20 to 25 Seasons to reach this development stage. . .

This is the stage where they start showing there potential if given the right education or development when they where a child, if not this is when they find it themselves and start learning it on there own. . .

Adult : They Start becoming responsible, and mature about everything, and less impulsive with there actions, and they start looking for a calling if they don't already have one. . .

It takes 50 to 100 Seasons for a weaver to reach this age. . .

And in terms of skill they start mastering there craft if they Already have not in there youth . . . and they also use there skills for there society's benefit.

Elder or Eldrest : This is both a tittle and age group, after they become adults they stop aging all together, and become like that until they die. . .

They die either true natural means, or if they're killed or if there Soul gets depleted, they have a normal life expectancy of over 1000 seasons. . .