
The Connector : Infinite Series

This is the story of an ancient human soul dying in the hands of a demon, stopping him in fulfilling his rightful Destiny of archiving greatness in his life. . . But as his soul wonders the abyss a Great celestial saved him. . . from the dangers of it. . . and gave him another chance at his Destiny but now, it was in an even grander stage. . . But to do this she violated his soul, empowering it with her own Arcana, making him her kin.. . . Book 1 The revival. The beginning of an adventure. Disclaimer : the first book, heavily draws inspiration upon hollow knight, The Game Made by the Australian, company Team Cherry. pls support there new silksong game.

MA_Writecraft · Fantasi
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23 Chs

The Missing Weaver

Author : Hey 👋 its the author, so yeah for those how's curious about how White kinda looks like then go to this link


it's not my art so praise, the artist. he looks kinda like this but the mask and cloak are different, and the nail, should resemble that of the handle and guard of a lance, that smoothly turns into a rapier blade.

Alright enough of that on with the Story. . .

※ 😐 ※ 😑 ※ (..) ※ 🙂 ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ ※


( ? ? ? )

Character Pov

( ? ? ? )

※ Authors note : Tuesday 10 pm written ※

* Inside a ball of web, a tall bug slept. her five eyes closed, while her fiery long hair, lazily hang down her head.

And also to mention her scarlet night robe, that's covering her, slender 6 armed gray skin body, helped by a white blanket, wrapped around her and her ceiling web bed. . .

she was dreaming . . . A common thing for enlightened bugs too enjoy. . .

? ? ? : " hmm " a soft grunt sounded, from a sleeping creature.

" knock. . . knock . . . knock. "

? ? ? : " ahhh! . . . I'm Guardian Weaver Ember! non shall escape. . . my . . . oh . . it was but a dream. "

? ? ? : " Ember. . . Ember dear. . . are you Awake? "

※ I'm trying to making all if the Weavers sound British, can does how can help me. especially does how posses an accent in posh English. comment a better versions of there dialog. ※

" ugh why? would Misiz Oven drop by? isn't it my day off?.

nonetheless I un-wrinkled my civilian robes, and then I jumped off my bed.

but even with, the morning stupor, I looked like a graceful gymnist, that did a quick somersault before landing on my house's floor.

then I staggered. yet still looking both graceful and dignant towards the door without realizing it.

※ writing 7 am wed Jul ※

why? you ask. . .its because I'm a weaver, an ancient and enlightened bloodline tailored for grace and control, even children's of our tribe, could weave together a beautiful melody or an enchanting dance. . .

Ember : " Good morning Mrs.Oven, what can I help you with? "

Infront of me stood Mrs.Oven, A fellow Weaver, but unlike me she's a simple baker, I still remember when I was young, when miss Oven, would visit the nursery to give the children snacks like meat bread or mushroom cookies, they where always sweet. . .

but now she looked distress, and because of that I too became concern.

Mrs.Oven : " it's. . . Quincy it's been. . .hours since I saw her I. . .I she's. . . "

now that made me frown, how wouldn't know that little trouble making spider haaa(sigh ). .

Mrs.Oven : " then I tried looking for her. . .her friend's said it's been awhile since they saw her. . .I'm worried she might have. . . "

F*ck this is bad, if that's the case. . .

Ember : " don't worry Mrs.Oven, I'll look for her, but you should still go and inform the gate guards they might have seen her. . .

Mrs.Oven nodded while thanking me before she moved and walked in the direction of a Guard house. . .

While I immediately, went back inside my place, and quickly changed out of my night scarlet robe.

Revealing my hard yet fleshy soft, exoskeleton and the black pearl joints that, made my fluid movements possible, and the white smooth and soften hills on my chest.

But that nakedness only lasted but, a moment before I dawn my light grey stone Armor, that consisted of a front and back chestpiece, and a pare of full arm and leg guards.

Then after I fastened my armor, lest it fall during battle, I next dawned my Crimson Guardiad Coat, a fully fiery red coat embroidered by white silk showing the Weavers insignia.

But unfortunately this coat, acted more like a cape with its long tail and sleeveless design, that would actually hinder the user if sleeved.

And then I grabbed my singing Bow, made out of an ancient pale root, gifted too me by an elder after my graduation, before I eventually left my house while fixing on my mask as I ran. . .

I moved faster than the wind, stopping for nothing, but the occasional greetings from friends or neighbors.

Passing the beautiful and intricately weaved Den, that my ancestors build, or the semi-artificial low light, that illuminated the entire den, ingeniously weaved by an ancestor, using both silk and nature to be built for the guests of the Weavers den.

But during my haste, I was stopped. . . by a Weaver with grey skin and silver hair with three of he's eyes closed, underneath a simple white mask.

he's wearing a white silk robe, with it's edges fashioned to seem like blazing fire. . .

? ? ? : " Ember? where are you going in such a hurry? " the mans voice sounded ancient and wise while the tone sounded like his talking to a child. . . "

Ember : " hah. . . elder Master Hunter! I'm ah. . . I'm. . . "

elder Hunter : " oh ha ha ha. . . isn't it suppose to be you're day off Ember? so why would you be wearing you're crimson guard uniform? unless did something happen? "

Ember : " Master! it's. . .it's Quincy she's missing her Mother asked me to look for her. . . "

by that point the elders smile, left his half unmasked face and his expression turned grave. . .

elder Hunter : " Missing? . . . "

I only nodded to his question, but when I did I felt a strong force of " Soul energy " from elder Hunter, and then he outstretched two of he's hand on he's right side. . .

before huge a complicated weaved spell, came to being, it's design mirrored that of a spider web, that's been interlaced atleast a hundred times. . .

but then before I even could say anything else, it dessapired, turning into soul energy mist. . .

And then he spoke again. . . he's voice still sounding that of an ancient sage, but his tone differed it sounded worried. . . yet sounding calm

elder Hunter : " she's at the Eastern tunnel. . .quick go! "

With that order, I immediately sprung back into a sprint, ignoring everything that would inspire my haste. . .

elder Hunter : " Quickly she's. . .oh? what is this? isn't that a pale. . .


※ Written 2 pm wed Jul ※ Author : hello readers I started, putting down time stamps of the times I continued writing as a reminder



( Ember )

I ran and ran, going pass one of the Weaver dens entrances, without being halted.

Normally even if you're part of the tribe, the gate keepers of the Den wouldn't let you leave, without either having a good reason or a pass, from one of the elders.

But because of my position as a Crimson Guardian, they immediately opened the gate, when they saw my hasty approach.

Hm. . .every title has there own perks . . .

I went faster, until I reached the Deepnest caverns, there I saw a pack of Dirtcarvers, very instinctive and dangerous beasts, they always hunt in packs of five to a dozen, they kill with there mandibles, and eat as a swarm does how trespass into there hunting grounds.

But to me, they where just target practice. . .

I drawn my Bow, focusing my soul into it, and aimed at the two dozen Dirtcarvers, and with that I realised it, an arrow made entirely of soul.

The arrow it self manifested, and took the shape of a lance made of white light.

It penetrated through five of those creatures, killing them instantly, while I kept on running, drawing my bow again and again, until I made them scatter and flee.

ha ha ha, every bug has there instinct to flee, so this is a natural reaction especial when they saw there numbers fall. . .

With that done, my thoughts stopped its lingering, until I reached another group, surrounding Quincy. . .

But before I could pull my bow, I felt a strong surge of Soul energy, and then another child, run forth dawning a Short nail for me, but a long Nail for them. . .

I watch as the soul energy glowing child quickly slaughtered, all four of the Dirtcarvers leaving the leader alone, but he didn't kill does four unscathed.

The child was littered with wounds, while the blood of the Dirtcarvers covered his entire self, dyeing both his shattered armor and ripped coat white. . .

But something strange happened, something I've not seen before, the blood that covered the child and the ones that puddled under his feet turning grey, while a pure stream of Soul poured into the child. . .

This shocked me. . .this . . . you can't . . no one suppose to have this ability but now I'm seing it in action . . .

Now the after the child absorbed the last of the Soul, they shakeyly raised up there Nail with one hand, and did a challenging pose, the big Dirtcarver reacted to it and charged.

But opposed to my, expectations the child didn't meet the beasts blind charge but just stood there he quickly changed his stance holding his nail with both hands, his stance it's the first time I saw something like this. . .

then he swung. . . digging his Nail through the reckless charge of the beast cutting it into two. . . I just stood there, for a moment speechless at the scene, I just witnessed but that dazed state was immediately broken when I saw the child how saved Quincy collapsed, and she her self longed fainted. . .

I moved and carried both of them into the Weavers Den, and When I did I was immediately stopped by elder Hunter he said to bring both children into the healing hall.

I only nodded in approval before I sprinted. . .