
Element Of Life: Gaia

The next Element would be the Element Of Life. This Element focused mainly on the growth and healing of the Universe. The Mages who harnessed this Element are responsible for most of the Elements that would later form the Basic Elements.

When there is life around the user, the more powerful their spells becomes. The Element of Life is the parent of the Element of the Sun. This 'child' then made another Element with the Element of Light, with a few features from the ELement of Darkness.

This created the Element of Fire. This is just an example of how the other Elements were being made. It gets more complicated as time went on. However, this Element is considered to be one of the most common Elements used by the current generation.

Whether it was to grow a small flower or to create an entire forest, the Element of Life would surely be at play. Almost all spells require the Element of Life's main feature; to produce and invoke life where there was nothing.

If the Element of Abyss turned others into nothing, then this Element would be its long-lost fraternal twin. And this sparked another debate. Shouldn't the Element of Light be the opposite of the Element of Darkness, instead of the Element of Life?

That is true if one did not read into the facts about these Elements. There's a stark difference between the Element of Light and the Founding Element: Valokian Light. The Element of Light was later formed with the Valokian Light mixed in with the Element of Life.

But the Valokian Light is also called the Element of Judgment. When its used, it is to judge their victims to deem if they were good in life or not. If they were horrible, they will die instantly. However, if they have been good, they will get their wounds healed instead.

The Element of Life creates life out of nothingness. A barren wasteland could turn into a vibrant and lush forest with a single spell by the Element of Life. And this was the easiest Element to master. This Element's original planet had been a long-disputed issue.

Some argued that each planet had it but that theory was ruled out by lots of other Mages. However, there was one planet that seemed to have all of its occupants using the Element of Life. This planet was called 'Gaia'.

It had luscious green forests, bountiful harvests of crops, oceans of vast sizes. Their skies were the lighter shade of blue on the spectrum, with fluffy white mists called clouds. Some areas have rocky terrains and mountainous places that harbored ice and snow.

The Mages on the planet weren't too giant, they were about a meter and a half tall to two meters. Their appetite consisted of plants, tamed animals, and fruits. They were docile, just minding their business as they go about on their days.

And unlike most Mages, who can have significant long lifespans, the Mages who had the Element of Life could only live for a few hundred years. Until the Council stepped in. Granted, the Council did nothing to harm them, just visit the planet.

But that visit caused occupants from other planets to come to visit this wondrous planet. The once peaceful planet took a turn to be one of the hotspots of the Universe to sightsee. What was so special about this planet?

Well, other than the factors stated above, there was one thing that made this planet almost impossible. They did not have a sun to power the life on their planet. Each planet has a star, otherwise called the sun to give life and power the life on the planets.

But this particular planet didn't have any sun. Their power was so great that it was used to keep them alive. Their Element allowed them to grow their food, create new animals to eat, and maintain the forests in their homes. That was why the Council was so interested in them.

Howbeit, as time went on, the Council reported that the planet was headed to a vacuum within the space near the planet. A star had collapsed in on itself and had turned into something called a 'Black Hole', not before wiping out the nearest planets.

And since these Black Holes were unstoppably powerful, the Council gathered their armies to evacuate the planets on the black hole's course to be consumed. Gaia was high up on the list since it was not bound by any orbit and was traveling right into the jaws of that vacuum.

After a few months of evacuating, the planet was soon gone, sucked into the black hole. This was when the Universe was still young but the Council had been established. The remaining Mages of Gaia were sent to the neighboring planets.