
It is difficult to dismount while riding a tiger

Chapter 17 - Riding a Tiger Unable to Dismount

Imperial Protector Princess talked for a while longer before she got the servants to serve the food. She then called some dancers over to help them enjoy themselves.

Everyone ate and chatted as the hot air around the venue heated up bit by bit.

The ladies might be a little more reserved, but those so-called geniuses were no longer able to hold themselves back.

They kept looking in the direction the ladies were sitting, releasing so-called male hormones.

To Mo Xiyan, these men who thought that they were the most handsome men in the world were all disgusting.

Compared to them, the man from before was much more pleasing to the eye.

Thinking about this, Mo Xiyan's gaze turned towards the direction where she went, but unfortunately the man was no longer there.

She felt slightly disappointed and looked away, just in time to see an old woman quickly walking over to Imperial Protector Princess's side. It was unknown what she said, but the princess' expression instantly changed.

Just when Mo Xiyan thought that the poem would end here, the princess shook her head with a pale face at the old lady.

The old woman tried to persuade her again, but the princess remained unmoved. The old woman could only leave in disappointment.

Not long after the old woman left, the Princess let the music stop. She stood up and looked at the crowd with a perfect posture, "I know you've been waiting for a year, so I won't hold you up any longer. I don't want you all to say that you've ruined our marriage."

After saying that, she laughed first.

When she smiled, the others also smiled, and the atmosphere became lively for a moment.

"I hereby announce the start of the poetry meet. The theme of the poetry meet is' Fate '."

Imperial Protector Princess was indeed worthy of being a member of the royal family.

As soon as she finished speaking, the venue once again became lively.

It was likely that this topic was catered to everyone's thoughts.

The few young ladies by Mo Xiyan's side were already frowning and pondering, while the geniuses standing at the opposite were all confident, they had already written countless of poems to flirt with girls.

As for herself, Mo Xiyan himself didn't know how to compose poems, so if she wanted to defeat Mo Jingyuan in the poetry meet, then she would need the help of the wisdom of the ancients.

Before the new era, she was a liberal arts student and had recited countless ancient poems, so there was no problem in dealing with these.

Perhaps she was too calm, or perhaps she was too calm, Imperial Protector Princess turned around and saw her.

"Is that lady convenient?" Imperial Protector Princess quietly asked the female servant beside him, his eyes filled with suspicions.

"That is the first daughter of the Prime Minister's Estate, Mo Xiyan." The waitress followed her line of sight, and after thinking for a bit, she said, "Because this is the first time participating, this servant found someone to get to know each other."

"Yes." The Imperial Protector Princess nodded her head in understanding, "That's true, the only famous people in the capital are the young masters and mistresses, and the only new face is the Mo Clan?"

Speaking of which, she frowned, "Weren't there rumors saying that she was planning to marry herself? Why are you guys here again? "

"Perhaps she figured it out and decided to marry the girl."

The Imperial Protector Princess said in a displeased tone, "Hmph, what a great thought. I saw that she just didn't like the crown prince, that's why she came to this conclusion."

Although the crown prince was not her biological daughter, his feelings were not much different from his, his mother's and her son's.

When the previous empress had passed away, she had even told her to take good care of the crown prince.

And this woman dared to reject the Crown Prince? Furthermore, she didn't think highly of this woman before this.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got, and the more Imperial Protector Princess disliked Mo Xiyan.

"Princess, I heard that Miss Mo and Miss Mo Er previously had an agreement that today's poem would compete against one another. The one who wins can marry the crown prince."

"What face!" Imperial Protector Princess was so angry that she slapped the table. If it was not the wrong place, she would definitely let Mo Xiyan have a good look.

"That damnable woman. She clearly said she wouldn't marry, but now she's doing this. What is she supposed to be?"

"Princess, please calm your anger. If you don't like it, why not …" As the female attendant said this, she moved closer to Imperial Protector Princess's ear, "Why don't you help that Miss Mo Er out so that he will be infamous forever."

Imperial Protector Princess glanced at Mo Jingyuan and snorted: "Help her? This is also not an easy task, how can she be worthy of the crown prince? "

As she spoke, her gaze shifted to the side and landed on Yu Zhiqian. "I've always seen Third Sister Yu from the Duke Palaces as well, and her identity is very suitable for the crown prince as well."

"Yes, Princess has good eyes." After all, she had already said enough today. If she were to continue, even if she earned more, she would lose her life.

With that, the Imperial Protector Princess clapped her hands and smiled at the crowd, "Is everyone ready? Who's going to start first? "

"This one isn't talented, so I'll have to embarrass myself first."

A young man in white stood up and saluted the crowd. He looked like an elegant young noble.

Imperial Protector Princess nodded at him. First, he praised him a little, then he let him begin.

Mo Xiyan was not interested in this man, because in her opinion, this type of person was more likely to be a literary scum.

Of course, this was not the main point. The main point was that she didn't know if it was just an illusion, but she felt that the way the princess looked at her had changed from the very beginning.

To be exact, the princess had only looked at her indifferently, but now her eyes were ice-cold.

Usually, this kind of gaze would be used on people who were not pleasing to the eye or had a grudge with.

She once again searched through the original owner's memories, only to find out that she and the princess did not have any interactions. In other words, the two of them had only met for the first time today.

This was strange. Could it be that she was born to attract dark clouds? Mo Xiyan was a little confused.

"I saw that the Miss Mo was frowning the entire time, did she have a different opinion of Master Zhang's poems?"

Just then, the Imperial Protector Princess suddenly called out, catching Mo Xiyan off guard.

"Reporting to the princess, I feel that Young Master Zhang's poem is very well written. I have no objections."

Because he did not listen, Mo Xiyan could only reply in this way.

But Imperial Protector Princess clearly did not plan to let her go just like that.

"I heard that the Prime Minister's family has always been extremely good. I'm sure that the poems that the Miss Mo makes will be even more outstanding." The princess had a smile on her face, but Mo Xiyan could still see the malicious intent in her eyes.

With this topic, if Mo Xiyan accepted, regardless of whether it was good or bad, there was still a problem.

Alright, then Young Master Zhang will think that she is slapping him in the face.

Mo Xiyan wisely chose to back off, since she did not need to hit people who were smiling.

"Princess, I have been weak since I was young and have never learned these things. I might have to disappoint everyone."

Just as she finished speaking, Imperial Protector Princess laughed again, "Miss Mo is too modest. Although I heard that you were weak, you had read four books and five scriptures since you were young. You are truly a talented girl."

The princess paused before continuing, "I know that with your great talents, it would be a waste to use it in today's occasion. However, can you just treat it as giving me some face and casually make a poem?"

Damn, with this tall hat, it was really hard for Mo Xiyan to get down from the tiger. No matter what she did, she could only be wrong.