
Change place to house arrest

Chapter 650 - Switching places of house arrest

No matter what, Mo Xiyan had a good meal on the second floor of Back to Yan Lou.

At the same time she was told that her room was on the same floor, next door.

After some time, she realized that Meng City and the rest did not plan on letting her go.

How was this any different from Jiang Ceng's actions? The same kind of house arrest!

However, her mood was different.

Jiang Ceng was the enemy, and these people were his men in her heart, so they were her own men.

Being treated like this by her own people, she felt too good. She felt so good that she didn't want to speak.

Meng City also noticed that Mo Xiyan was annoyed.

Without even thinking, one could tell that their method of house arrest had been discovered.

He didn't want to explain.