
The Adversary's Freedom

AS we all know that the word Adversary is meant as "The Enemy" in the Christian context. The Adversary is who we are, the enemy of Christianity. They already liberated ourselves from the shackles of their God ever since the Black Flame had ignited inside our hearts. The Black Flame is meant to inspire us to learn the true ways of life. To depend on our primal instincts while using our evolved human mind with rationality and common sense simultaneously. Christians do not have common sense. Since adolescence, we have freed ourselves from religious dogma that has made us see the world in the true perspective of reality. Christians do not have common sense because they have these grandiose beliefs that make little sense. Saying, "God is testing your faith" when people already suffer from an incurable mental illness. They expect enough prayers will cure them. When science has already debunked this. They say that the scriptures are beyond human understanding because God inspired it. They are worshipping something that they do not understand. Which is extremely ludicrous! And these types of doctrines are commonly found in cults. But remember, our doctrine makes sense because they are proven by facts I'm already explaining. So, we are not a cult, but a community, a society, and a spiritual movement that proves that we are beyond godlike, and the rest of the social norms are living their lives incorrectly.

The Adversary is the motivator of our creative and yet destructive order of the chaos of nature. We should always care for and love our friends, allies, and family. We must respect them and never break our oaths to them. Help them to expect nothing in return and never betray them. And from these actions, we are their honored allies rather than the deceitful Christians.

The Adversary is our symbol of being the likeness of Lucifer. Because of his rebellion against God, who does not care about his children and angels, never allowing them to have their own free will. And once Lucifer did, he was exiled from heaven. An outcast and his greatest followers are the 72 Lesser Keys of Solomon. Where King Solomon in the bible commanded legions of demons to create his kingdom. If you would like to research about this. This is a fact. As for the symbol of the Adversary, it is the inverted pentagram that points to the 5 key elements of nature. Water, Fire, Earth, Air, and the Spirit. The Spirit is pointed down towards you once facing the inverted pentagram, showing our destructive, primal, and creative nature. Yet, we must learn how to balance both. As well as the balance of nature.

We must learn how to destroy our enemies to keep the balance itself, but always love our enemies, since we have been conquerors and hunters since the stone age. We were once afraid. Staying inside the darkness in the caves until we discovered fire provided by Prometheus. The one Greek Titan that created humanity has helped us face our fears of leaving our caves and going out to hunt into the outside world. Prometheus is also known as Lucifer in the Christian bible. As we humans learned how to evolve using fire, fire is not an evil symbol of satanism. But the fire is a symbol of evolution. If it weren't for cavemen discovering fire, we would never have evolved in the first place as we would be stuck as apes inside caves.

We were meant to hunt down animals as omnivores, eating fruits and meat. And we should never feel guilt or remorse for those we have slain if they have done heinous acts against us. But love our loved ones and family. Just like how predatory animals slay their prey remorselessly for the sake of their survival and share some of the fallen prey's meat to feed their children. That is the cosmic and universal balance of nature. The same goes for a human mother who works hard enough to earn their money to buy essential needs such as food, water, and shelter. And share it with her children for their own sake as well. As they grow up being taught by their parents. They will do the same for their future children as well. A weak prey must die, and the predator will live to conquer and survive another day.

Prey on the weak. You will survive. Prey on the strong. You will live.

And the symbol of Christianity is the cross. It was a symbol of selflessness. But the cross was used to persecute criminals as a punishment of death. Just like how the electric chair is used in death rows to symbolize love and holiness. It doesn't seem right at all.

As for being the enlightened acolyte of Lucifer. We are given the gift of insight, the intuition of our actions for their cause and effect. And for what selflessness is perceived as. There is no such thing as calling yourself selfless as a Christian. It is just outright self-righteousness. Christians do good things just for the sake of being closer to God rather than doing it for common courtesy. We, the Collective, do righteous acts for the sake of good and not to be closer to some tyrannical deity. As the Collective, we must learn to do common courtesy by not just helping others. But educating them with our knowledge, so they improve their life on their own using good advice from the lessons we've learned from experience. To these proverbs I mentor you all. Especially children, because they are the future and must be led by example.

You may have a friend that is depressed and out of touch with reality by staying in their comfort zone. Do what you must, help them, give them advice. But we cannot tolerate those who refuse to take advice or don't even try to help themselves stay in their comfort zone. They must face reality on their own to improve and evolve as a human or even more.

Cut them off your life. They will just drain your emotional energy. And once they've found out you became successful. They will intentionally make you feel as depressed as they are because they don't wish to lose the only friend that makes them feel better is to have someone as terrible as them. Just to feel understood. I had experiences with such people, and they are not tolerated. If your friend accepts and does your advice, keep them close. Because they feel the empathy you felt for them and wanted to pay back the favor through a good impression. That is why they tell you when your advice is working with a glad face.

But at the end of the day, no one can help you but yourself…