
The Collapsed World

Publishing schedule (once every three days.) In a world where the sound of wind hooting near your ears could shiver you up, where the sun played hide and seek behind the dense clouds, roads hidden under the fog, surroundings devoid of any presence. The noise of cracking and cackling will send cold sweat roll down your neck as you will walk amidst the debris left by destructed buildings and look at the sky in intervals, fearing when something will come and tear your flesh apart. In the world where you can only hear your own breathing and heartbeat, where you have only yourself, even your own shadow abandons you in the darkness. How long will you survive? No... What will you do to survive? Fein Rasmond, being thrown into a world in it's brink of extinction, embarks on a journey to search for his only twin sister after a strange dream he had of her. Not caring about his parents who neglected him since childhood, he cared only about his sister who he didn't even know was alive or dead. Explore the world filled with mysteries along with Fein as he stumbles upon allies and enemies. Discover the history behind all the destruction. In this world contaminated with undeads, dragons and beasts, Fein will exploit everything and anything in his arsenal to meet his motives, creating a vague line between good and evil, right and wrong, life and death. Despite everything the only thing that he claims.. I'm neither good nor evil. Asking me to care about other people is nothing but a waste of time. I'm a human, so are they. Why should i have to act the hero and protect when we all have the same four limbs? Blessed with a gift.... Haha. Should i try using my gift for other's I'll only be used like a little doll stringing around their fingers. Trust me Rene. I'll protect you so just come with me. People are too imbecile to deserve heroes. *Cover photo: AI generated (self produced)

Akira_Kei_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Useless Expectations

The question "What is DOR?" Neither surprised nor startled her.

Yulia scoffed as if she knew she'd be asked that. Her lips moved likewise the answers she had memorized. "Doomsday Order or 'DOR', is an undercover organization backed by the governments of the whole world. It has been in existence for around 300 years."

"Why 300 years?"

"Well, people at those times were a bit too sceptical about the end of the world. They feared humanity would perish if we don't keep ourselves prepared. Hence the Doomsday Order came into being."

"So is the organization operating the world now?"

"More or less. Yeah."

"Is there…" Fein fumbled before saying. "..any place for survivors?"

"There is."

"Then why haven't we gone there yet?"

"About that…" The grin on Yulia's face disappeared.

"I heard that you guys evacuated people in the first few days after the disaster struck. Why is it that the Marine vessel is still here after almost 7 months? Why were there people in the underground hideout if the Marine vessel hadn't departed?"

"Please hold your horses, Fein Rasmond." Said Eudimor.

Yulia, who kept staring at her thighs, looked up and smirked. "Since you're curious anyway. It'll save my time." She shifted off the bed and proceeded to the door. "If you want to know more. Please follow me."

They took him to an elevator. It was large. A capacity of holding 25 people at once. Under the coordinated lights of blue and white inside the elevator, two heads shone along with the silver head of his cane.

"Are you curious about your nomination process for the Beast Slayers?" Asked Yulia.

"If i hadn't, i wouldn't have asked all those questions."

"Then.. let's begin from the start." Yulia started to explain all the events that led to their present. "As you already know, the disaster has three factors. Undeads, dragons and beasts. We call them Calamity altogether. While undeads fall on the lowest class, humanity has begun to discover vital points of dragons. It is possible to tame them if their nature is known. However, the beast class or the S class Calamity is under the veils. They emerged not too long ago and are still premature. But.. with all the discoveries that have been made about the beasts it isn't an exaggeration to say that they are immortals. They possess hyper regeneration ability and a logical brain. Even though it isn't the last stage of their evolution or outbreak. They seem to evolve with more passing time."

The elevator made a ting noise for reaching a floor far lower. Fein followed Yulia while she didn't stop to explain.

"We had almost given up hopes to defend ourselves from beasts, not until we detected some individuals who could actually kill them. We are still under suspicion if it's their some innate supernatural power or their adaptability. They gave information about themselves and formed another organization which i mentioned was the Beast Slayers."

They stopped before a metal door. Yulia pulled out her ID and put it on the screen.

"Unfortunately the number of them is really low, counting only five members for the whole world. It made us desperate to recruit more members. Thus we commenced our experiment to cultivate more candidates to assist them."

Yulia turned to Fein. The brightness of the huge screen from inside the room glistened on her back, darkening her face.

"The hideout which you were in was a part of the said Experiment."

It didn't appear as unbelievable to Fein, he was a bit surprised regardless.

"Now it makes sense." But if she's talking about supernatural abilities… is Rene one among them as well? She should have some power as my twin sister if I'm not wrong.

"You're quick to grasp it all."

Fein entered the room after Yulia, leaving the trail of his heavy tone. "I'm used to processing 13 scenarios per second. Its nothing big."

"That's impressive." Walking like a model, she approached a table and tapped on it. "We're done with the prologue. Let's jump to the real talk now."

Fein glanced up at the hologram of the vessel. "A blueprint of this vessel?"

"No." Yulia twirled the image. "This is our second Marine vessel."

"There's another one?"

"Now tell me Fein Rasmond. Why do you think i gave you the elaborate prologue just now?"

"It has something to do with your second vessel?"

"Yes. The vessel along with 67,000 people are trapped in the commercial port city of Novoulhea."

The commercial port? It is closer to the Lunia region than this capital port.

"We need help from our new Slayers for rescue. I'd like to know your answers."

New slayers? There's other nominees other than me? "I'll think about it."

"Sure." Yulia scoffed. "I give you three hours to think about it. Not a second later."

"Thanks. I suppose."

The cane in his hand tapped against the metal. Fein chose to look for his sister first in this vessel. If he failed to find her here, he would have no choice but to join hands with DOR and rescue the other vessel.

Now that i think about it, the DOR are very cautious. They tactfully brought all the survivors in this Marine vessel using an underground tunnel, deceiving all the undeads and dragons.

Not to mention, this Marine vessel looks well planned as well.

The upper portion that stuck out of the water level was more like a huge dome. The shape of the emerged portion was unknown. It was way bigger and wider with more capacity than normal cruise or naval ships. Since its original name was unknown, it was temporarily called the Marine vessel.

Another huge place to look for Rene.

While exploring he stumbled upon a hall. It was swarming with all the survivors who didn't get the cabins. Fein was probably given with a room because of his usability, that much he knew. The rest that weren't as useful were given a mere hall. He pushed the door to enter.

It looks like there are at least 3000 people here, but there are still empty spaces to walk around.

Pressing his body against the cane, Fein trudged amid them.

Rene. Rene. Rene. Please be in this vessel!

His head tilted left and right in search.

Though he couldn't find Rene, his face glistened up seeing someone else. It was someone he neither liked nor hated. At least someone he shared a relationship with.

"Mom!" He hurriedly limpered towards her.

Mom! She's alive! I'm sure she'll be delighted to see me.

His bandaged foot slid on the floor.

She must've thought i died. I'll go and give her a surprise.

For a moment all his thoughts were wiped away. All that he thought about was the relief of finally meeting his family. An innocent smile blossomed on his face.

I wonder if she'll shed tears or hug me upon seeing me. She would never do that under normal circumstances. But... I'm her son after all! She might even know where Rene is!

"Mom!" He stretched out his hand and touched her shoulder.

His mother, startled, turned around. Her eyes grew wider, lips detached, brows downcasted and wrinkled forehead. Her fear shrouded face changed into utter confusion right after seeing Fein.

She's so surprised to see me. "I'm glad that you're okay-"

"Who are you?" Said his mother.

Shuddering with the pain that came along with those words, Fein's uplifted emotion soon turned dingy. Conflicted between the feelings of anger and misery, he remained silent for some time. His heavy tone vibrated in his throat, reverberated in the air, "I'm your.." he pulled his arm back to himself. "Its nothing. Sorry to bother you."

The woman didn't speak another word and stared at his back, walking away from her.


Straight face and lifeless eyes glared from the top of his eyes, Fein tapped the cane along with his steps.

She must've forgotten me considering how much they ignored my existence in the house. It was my fault to have even the slightest expectations. Out of 10308 people that I've come across in this vessel, I had to meet her?

He drove his claw into his hair and at the same time frowned his mouth.

Where are you Rene?

He pushed the door to the deck of the vessel, in desperate need of some air.

There he discovered a girl, leaning silently against the railing amid the noise of crashing and splashing of water. Her white thick sweatshirt swung with the breeze.

"Kuina?" Said he.

The girl turned around. She replied, facing him. "Fein? I thought i wouldn't see you again!"

"Well.. this place is big." Fein walked towards her. "I'm sorry about Ms Donna." He rested his elbows on the metal bars of the railing.

"Yes I know. I've heard from the officials. You and Donna ran into a beast on your way, right."

"From the officials?"

"Yes. The people from DOR. They told me that she died."

Both their expressions darkened. Kuina mourned for the woman she knew for so long.

Whereas Fein only wondered, Why'd the DOR meet her.

"Anyway." Uttered Kuina. "How's your feet? I heard you got captured by the group who infiltrated our hideout. They tortured you to break information." She glanced up at Fein with her misty eyes. "You must've endured a lot, no?"

"Errr. No… I'm fine." Fein averted his sights. "My leg is fine. I'll be dropping the cane tomorrow as well."

They changed what happened. Probably because disclosing the truth might put them at a disadvantage. That means currently I and the officials present in the vessel are the only ones aware of the truth.

"And.." Kuina breathed out as a sign of relief. "Did you find your sister?" Her glances dropped to his locket. "The one you said you were looking for."

"No. I still couldn't." His eyes looked at the far shore.

"Don't worry. You'll find her soon. There's a lot of people here. It'll take time."

Fein gazed out at the sea while he pondered, they haven't told Kuina about the other vessel yet?

Kuina expanded her right arm to pat Fein on his head suddenly. "So don't give up. I'll help you find her as well."

Fein, out of embarrassment, took a step back. "What are you-! Its embarrassing!"

"Haha." Kuina giggled. She unlocked the bashful side of Fein that is naturally pretty rare. "Look, your cheeks are bright red. Haha."

"Stop it already." He hid his lips and looked away.

I can't waste time here. I need to go through 78692 more people…. Wait…

Fein relaxed his wincing eyes.

I don't necessarily need to go through them all.

A new spark of idea popped on his head.