
The Coldest Heart in Etheria (BL)

In a world filled with simplicity and joy, where peace is a shared privilege, not everyone embraces the mundane. Welcome to Etheria, a realm where magic is real—mythical creatures, sorcery, dark magic, and potions coexist with everyday life. For some, Etheria is not just a place; it's home. Enter Etheria, School of Magic and Enchantment, where every impossibility is a potential reality. Here, the extraordinary is an everyday occurrence, and the unexpected is the norm. Our narrative unfolds through the eyes of Nolan Alexander Starr, a seemingly tough soul with a heart softer than the most delicate enchantment. As Nolan commences his journey as a student at Etheria, his story delves into resilience, magical revelations, and the forging of unforeseen connections. "The Coldest Heart in Etheria" invites you to immerse yourself in a world where chilling exterior may conceal the most enchanting depths. Accompany Nolan as he unravels the mysteries within Etheria, discovering warmth in unexpected places and unveiling the extraordinary hidden in the ordinary.

miku_miyuzumi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

10: Warmth


The crackling of the fireplace filled the room as Leon's words lingered in the air. His admission that he wasn't comfortable discussing a certain someone had left a palpable tension. I nodded, acknowledging his need for space. We'd all been through enough, and prying into each other's wounds wouldn't help.

I shifted my gaze from Leon to the flickering flames, finding solace in their dancing glow. The warmth provided a momentary escape from the complexities of our lives. "It's kinda nice, isn't it?" I mused, attempting to lighten the atmosphere.

Leon, ever the conversational instigator, broke the tranquility. "You guys plan to search during the holidays? Am I right?" he inquired, drawing my attention away from the mesmerizing fire.

I maintained my focus on the flames, hesitating before responding. "Can you leave us alone? This isn't your adventure, and, on top of that, we're supposed to hate each other," I asserted, adjusting my position. The memories of Leon's relentless pranks and disruptions flashed before me, aggravating the wounds of the past.

He chuckled, challenging my assertion.? "Do we really hate each other, Starr" Leon's voice held a hint of mischief. I turned to face him, my expression stern. "Yes. Remember how you always pulled pranks on us? Not a day went by when you weren't bothering our peaceful life," I shot back, my glare a silent reminder of the turmoil he had caused.

"That was just a phase, okay?" Leon defended himself. Frustration boiled within me. "A phase? Not even a sorry from you?" I couldn't help but raise my voice, irritation seeping through my words.

Leon's gaze softened, and he met my eyes. "I'm so sorry, Nolan, all right?" His apology hung in the air, and for a moment, I weighed the sincerity in his expression. It was a small step, but perhaps, just perhaps, he meant it.

I sighed, breaking the tension in the air. "For once, you sounded sincere," I admitted, looking away. Leon, never one to back down, insisted, "I was always sincere."

"Yeah, right," I chuckled, finding his claim hard to believe given our tumultuous history.

The room fell into an awkward silence, and my gaze shifted to the window. The darkness outside signaled that night had fully descended. It occurred to me that perhaps the reason Leon called me was not just for apologies. I decided it was time to leave and stood up, noticing Leon's eyes following my every move.

"Well, if that's all you're going to say..." I adjusted my clothes, preparing to leave. "I'll be going," I declared, ready to walk away. As I moved past him, Leon unexpectedly grabbed my hand. I turned to him with a questioning look.

"What?" I asked, but he remained silent. An exasperated groan escaped me. "You still have something to say, say it now before it's too late," I urged him, impatience creeping into my voice.

He gathered the courage to utter a simple yet loaded word, "Stay."

"Why? So you can play with me again?" I shot back, skeptical of his intentions. He didn't reply, leaving me to pull my hand away and resume my departure. However, Leon stood, blocking my path.

"If I kiss you, will you stay?" he boldly proposed, his deep voice resonating in the cabin. I stopped in my tracks, frozen by the unexpected request.

Turning slowly to face him, I mocked, "What? So you can play me again?" My gaze locked onto his, challenging him. Leon closed the distance between us, our eyes locked, neither willing to break the connection. Given his height, I had to practically look up at him.

"I was never playing with you," he insisted, his sincerity evident. I brought up the past pranks, questioning their authenticity. He shook his head, "No, that was when I was immature, but this one, it's different," he emphasized.

"How can I trust you?" I asked firmly. Leon reached out, fixing my bangs and tucking them behind my ear. Cupping my cheeks, he looked into my eyes and said, "Just trust me." His lips met mine in a sudden and unexpected kiss, leaving me both surprised and conflicted.

The cabin's atmosphere seemed to shift as our lips met in a passionate kiss. The warmth from the fireplace and the intimate embrace of the moment created a cocoon around us. For a moment, I lost myself in the sensation, the taste of his lips, and the feeling of his hands on my face.

As we continued to kiss, any lingering doubts or reservations began to fade away. It was as if the past grievances and pranks were being erased with each tender touch. The connection between us felt genuine, and for the first time, Leon's actions spoke louder than any apology.

The kiss deepened, evolving into a heated exchange of emotions. Our hands explored each other's forms, tracing lines along shoulders, backs, and necks. Leon's touch was both gentle and fervent, as if trying to convey an unspoken promise of change.

The soft glow of the fireplace cast flickering shadows on the cabin walls, providing a backdrop to our moment of vulnerability. The air was charged with a mix of desire and uncertainty, creating an intoxicating blend that left us both craving more.

Eventually, we pulled back, our breaths mingling in the quiet space. Leon's eyes bore into mine, searching for confirmation. I could see sincerity in his gaze, a plea for understanding.

"Is this real, Leon?" I asked, my voice low and uncertain. He nodded, his fingers gently tracing patterns on my arm. "It is. I want to make things right, Nolan. I've changed, and I want you to see that."

The sincerity in his words resonated with me, and I found myself leaning in for another kiss. The tension that had once defined our relationship now transformed into a delicate balance of desire and vulnerability.

We sank onto the sofa, our lips locked in a dance that spoke of forgiveness and a tentative hope for the future. The world outside the cabin seemed to fade away, leaving only the crackling fire, the soft whispers of our breaths, and the shared warmth of newfound connection. I believed our meeting was centered around discussing the events in Etheria, but it seems he had undisclosed motives.

We started removing our clothes one by one. Leon initially takes off all of his upper apparel. With his sculpted figure in full display, I couldn't help but touch it. I caressed every region of his abdomen.

"Do you like it?" he says, grinning at me. I hit his stomach, and he grunts. We resume our intense kiss. Leon then began undoing my top buttons, and when he succeeded, he removed them all, leaving me completely topless. He started kissing my neck, and it tickled me.

With all my strength, I drew him down and mounted. He was somewhat surprised. I looked at him and said, "I'm in charge." I then kissed him all over. Likewise, I started with his lips, then his cheeks, and finally his neck.

He's got a delicate neck. I know for certain after I sprinkled snow on his clothing. This is what he gets for freezing my textbooks. (This happened when they were in year 2).

Leon moans in response to my lips, and the sound he makes turns me scorching. He grabs my waist and guides his kisses. When I find his soft area, I concentrate on it and kiss it lovingly. After a few more minutes, it left behind a large crimson mark. I pull aside to inspect my masterpiece, and I can tell that I was pleased with it. I touch it and grin.

"You're going to need to cover that up." I warned him. He nodded in answer. When I suddenly felt something probing behind me. God, he is extremely hard.

"Can I be in charge now?" Leon respectfully asks. I gently go down from my position, and all of a sudden he laid on top of me. He started to kiss my body all the way down. He kept kissing till he got to my pants. A tent was developing. He feels my clothed manhood, and let out a growl.

"Starr, do you want to continue?" Leon says softly, staring into my eyes. My feelings were jumbled, a combination of want and intensity. I nodded, but he still asked, "Are you sure?" I screamed at him, "Yes, just do what you want to do."

Then, carefully but steadily, Leon removed my pants, showing my member. He briefly stares at it, then begins to remove his pants. I gaze at it first, then at him. He smiles at me and adds, "You're really adorable."

He softly presses his fingers across my tip. Furthermore, he keeps playing it, as if he's tormenting me, while I'm in misery and trying not to come as soon as possible.

"Stop playing," I say with all of my power. He comes to a halt and gathers all the pre-cum on his fingers. He then grab the base tightly, and he started to move his hands up and down, with a steady phase. My breath was running low as to what is happening right now, I can't really believe, I'm doing this with him again. It's like we're each other fuck buddies.

He keeps going, and with each passing minute, his pace accelerates. I stare at him, he is really focused, "Leon, you too..." I attempt to say with all my effort, "Let's pleasure together," I said. He immediately grabs his cock with his other hand and pumps it in the same phase as I do.

I let out a gasp, indicating that I was approaching close. Leon, on the other hand, is breathing heavily, so I assume he is close as well. I kept moaning "Leon, faster!" I shouted, and he did what I asked. I feel pressure on my hips, and with one more thrust, "Ahhh!" I moan loudly as I cum. Leon arrived after a minute. God, that was divine and good. Leon's large hands are a wonderful blessing. I regain my breath, and the waves of ecstasy continue to wash over me. I adjust my seat and rest my head on the armrest. I glance below, and our cums are all over the sofa.

Leon's eyes were closed and he was still struggling to regain his breath. An idea occurred to me. I approach close to him and drop my head. I lick his leg, and he opens his eyes, confused. "What?" he asks me. "Since you apologized, this is your "I accept your apology" gift," I tell him as I grip his dick. I put it in my mouth and began to blow him.

As the night unfolds, Leon and I share the warmth of each other's bodies, seemingly impervious to the chilly breeze that surrounds us. Despite the external cold, what envelops us is the heat of our mutual passion. As the hours pass, our emotions become increasingly laid bare, revealing a vulnerability that we willingly expose to one another.

Within the confines of this cabin, a realm filled with passion, secrets, and pleasure, it's just the two of us, bearing witness to this intimate spectacle. We share a unique connection, understanding each other's hidden truths. In this secluded world of our own making, I find a sense of happiness and security that makes me feel truly alive.

Morning. Nolan.

I slipped into the entrance of our common room, attempting to be as inconspicuous as possible. A swift survey assured me that everyone seemed to be in the embrace of sleep. That assumption was quickly shattered when a voice broke the silence, demanding, "Where have you been?" My nerves shot up, and I turned around to face the inquisitors – all three of them.

"What are you guys doing? Why are you all awake?" I stammered, feeling the weight of their collective scrutiny. They closed the distance between us, and Allison spoke first, her tone tinged with suspicion, "I think we should be the ones to ask you that."

I gulped, the pressure mounting as the trio awaited my explanation. Panic set in – what plausible excuse could I conjure up?

"I went to Eldryn's, stopped by to...ask more stories, and it got late. It was really cold, so I ended up crashing at his place," I blurted out, punctuating my words with a nervous smile. Their skeptical expressions remained, casting doubt on the authenticity of my story.

"Please, just let me sleep. I'm kinda tired," I pleaded, desperation lacing my words. Luke spoke up, breaking the tension, "Alright. Just make sure you won't be late like this again." I nodded fervently, crossing my heart in a silent promise to myself to avoid such predicaments in the future.

As we dispersed to our respective rooms, Luke and I entered ours. He returned to his bed, and I, unable to shake off the events of the previous night, gazed into the distance. A smile crept onto my face, recalling the warmth and intimacy of that cabin – an experience that lingered vividly in my mind, contrasting sharply with the ordinary surroundings of our shared living space.

Hey guys!! So sorry for the late update, I've been busy with other important stuff, but now I have time to update. Thanks for all your support, and stay tune for the world of Etheria!

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