
The City *draft*

The year is 2702, the world is still at war, and in a city crime is everywhere

Spider_Guy · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


As Zero put his hand on the cold, rusty door he contemplated why he was doing this job, be quickly disregarded these thoughts and twisted the handle. The inside of the apartment complex was dirty and the air was near suffocating. Zero remembered the room in question he should be visiting, "5", he thought in his head. The door was open. As Zero walked in he noticed large, animal like claws on the walls. "Tommy, you there?" he called out, "Yep, what is it?" Zero tried his best to explain what he was seeing in the room, "It looks like someone got attacked by something." "Like what, a rat? We don't get big animals in this city, you know that Zero." As Zero continued into the room, the foul odor that was present into the living room got worse as he got closer to the bathroom. "Tommy, I'm going to start my live camera so you can see what I'm seeing." "Sou nds like a plan."