
Chapter 1: Terror of a Woman

Terror of a Woman

Evelyn's Pov

"Why did his son murdered him?-why is he invigilating this question? Is it really necessary to have an appropriate reason to kill someone?"

I interrogated myself while reading the book, 'Stay Hostile', a book by my favorite author, Mr. Lethal Burner. I hate where he ends the book with unnecessary questions. Is it really necessary to kill someone with an appropriate reason? I myself would never have a reason to make a person cry to death saying "why did you kill me?" It will always end with "I am sorry for making you irritated, please don't kill me."

I cackled at my own comment. My voice echoed as I chuckled. Nothing is more peaceful than reading in your private library, covered by luxurious green carpet without any dust underneath it, a comfortable chair, a glass table with pen stands, drawers and books making it look aesthetic, giving me a thought, 'how wise I am!'

I closed the book in my hand soon, when I heard some steps scooting towards this room. I made my way towards the wooden door of my library and opened the door before someone could enter it.

Shoot! It was Avery Tiffin, my most favorite assistant, whom I love to tease. She just plunged on the ground. How amazing!

"I told you it is really hectic to be in a rush, sometimes we end up falling like this" I smirked. "Sorry... ma'am" she apologized with a calm tone, keeping her anger suppressed.

She stood up from the ground, holding herself upright and did something expected, Smiled. "Ma'am, the book 'Stay Hostile' doesn't belongs to our library-"

"I know, so?" I frowned, then smirked. "Did the charismatic librarian call you to ask for this book?"

"Yes, ma'am-" I tossed the book on her face, making sure it hit her in the face hard. "You can give it back, yourself."

"Okay ma'am" She pushed the book down in her hands from her face and grasped it. She turned behind and walked with firm steps without any hitch.

"Hmm... Best reasons for someone to get fired." I quoted in the air while turning my face towards the bookshelf. I crossed my arms and had a disgusted look on my face. "Yes ma'am?" She turned to face me.

"You didn't bow while leaving." I replied back to her annoyingly. She bent down bowing to me and said,"Sorry." This is what I meant by saying 'My most favorite assistant'.

After she left the room, a thought crossed my mind- "I need more parts of that book!". I motioned myself rushing towards the door with small steps in my expensive Black Heels.

Avery was at the edge of the penthouse, near the grand entry, My exclusive wooden door, specifically, furnished from France. She was talking to a servant near the counter, assigned for the management of this penthouse. "Avery!" I gave her a smug smile from the mezzanine floor surpassing the stairs.

"The library should be entertained by a beautiful lady like me, not a scumbag", blowing out my own trumpet, I walked down the stairs brushing my hand over the handrail. "oh... I didn't refer to you" I smiled. Faking a smile to show others it's a fake smile is the easiest task for me.


Vroom...vroom... Among the most prominent cars in my neighborhood is my Mercedes-Benz F1, but 'fortunately' only I owned it. My marvelous automobile aced the road, advancing effortlessly and smoothly. I came to a stop close to Bloomingdale Library by drifting the vehicle to break, turning it eighty degrees, and applying the brakes.

"Gotcha! I reached." I yelled triumphantly. I parked it outside the library. The librarian peeped outside. His eyes widened and he rushed towards the other staff members. "Hmm... I guess he is alarming others about my presence" Quite Exquisite!

I smiled and walked out the car. Slammed it's door firmly still loud enough to make others feel its presence.

Everyone, including the staff and managers bent down low, bowing to me standing in a queue, as I entered the library. "Welcome ma'am." One of them wished.

I grinned sheepishly at the librarian and shoved the book up over his chest, causing him to recoil a bit. "Here, You requested this book, didn't you?" He struggled to speak but shuddered instead. Avery has a crush on him since he is a charming librarian with soft, curly blonde hair and blue eyes.

I stooped low as he remained bowing to me, to reach his ears. "You know... someone has a crush on you." My voice seemed menacing and low enough to only reach his ears. He shivered as he felt my breath near his ears but remained immobile at his place still facing down the floor.


A public library can be satisfactory too, periodically though. The other chapter of the book 'Stay Hostile', titled 'Hospitality with Firmness' was next to mine when I sat down on the chair. It wasn't challenging to take a seat with a black asymmetrical bodycon dress covered with a black soft finen bolero on top. 'Royalty is in my way' I whispered to myself.

"Babe... it's been days we went on a date." I was interrupted while reading with some annoyingly sweet female voice. I hate sweet people. "Don't worry, let's make some time together here for the present." A heavy, calm and manly voice covered the female voice.

I raised my head facing the couple sitting in the opposite direction of the table, on which my book was reclining. "So fake." Extending the word 'fake', I muttered enough for the young lady to hear it.

"What did you say?" Her eyebrows furrowed and she tried to stare at me, piercing my soul. Apparently she failed, because the gaze around me was so intimidating and scary to haunt people away. "I said, your love is so clingy and fake" I answered her politely with a smile.

"Huh? Who are you to say it! And how dare you interrupt our conversation with a bustard voice!"

She had the courage to speak it till here pointing me out, raising her arm and showing her index finger towards me while talking. So rubbish!

I grabbed her arm and twisted it, curving the elbow hard with pressure exerting through my nails on her soft hands. "Ouch... ouch... You are all Corn Nuts!" She yelled after me. The young man, average height around six feet, stood up immediately after I coerced her hands. "Hey, hey, stop this. It might be a variant of fun for you but this isn't for her. Leave her arm." He growled at me, looking at me with his sharp brown eyes and dark messy hairs.

I left her arm briskly and observed the man. He was wearing a fern coloured hoodie with gray baggy pants. His outfit was simple, not as exclusive as mine. I let out a chortle. "What are you laughing at? I will prosecute you for harassing me!" She displayed her arm as a proof for my harassment, showing it to the other people in the library watching us. "Hmm... I will sue you for interrupting my reading time with your foolish lovey-dovey talks"

The man raised an eyebrow and curiously eyed me while speaking.

"I am a busy woman who hasn't spent a single piece of time in the garbage you are doing. Your smile for him is so fake and the way you speak is so annoying." I smirked and arised from my seat.

"Nobody could read while a peanut such as you is present around." I completed as I walked towards the exit with the book in my hand interlocked between my waist and my elbow.

"She excelled in every way..." someone just complimented me. I really wanted to know. But I tended not to look back and continued walking confidently, elegantly moving from side to side. The voice appeared to be one of the couples but couldn't recognise it. Maybe the Man.

I checked out the library, without realizing about the book registration. "Ma'am... uh..." the librarian called me while I looked in the same direction, walking. "What?" Annoyance displayed my state of being.

"Uh... thankyou for coming." He answered. I stared at him for a while and understood that he wasn't here to say this. "What is it, tell me." I said, calming myself a bit, furrowing my brows and piercing my eyes over him. "Uh... ma'am book register." I realized I have to register the book before taking it home.

"Register it by writing—Miss Evelyn Quinn. Managing numbers... I hope you already have one of those." I smugly smiled with my eyes wide open and eyebrows furrowed.

I reached my car, sat inside it comfortablely and started the engine. I drove at its full pace with eagerness and anger bulging together.

Suddenly my mobile buzzed with a message and then rang with a call.

Ring ring... Caroline calling... ring ring...



"Was she too hard on you?" Avery was talking on the mobile phone clinging to her ears.

"No, it's fine. Though I thought you were going to come..." a soft and calm voice answered.

"I was going to come but her aggressive behavior doesn't allow me to rebel against her.'' Her soft voice answered the call to the young handsome librarian. "By the way Dylan, I hope you didn't feared her, otherwise she may do it more to terrify you."

"Oh... of course not, I am really brave." He answered hiding the fact that he swept off when Evelyn was near him. "Hmm... that's good. I hope she hasn't said something inappropriate to you.." Avery signed while tilting her head and looking outside the window of her room.

"Oh! yeah. She said she knows someone who might have a crush on me-" hanged on. "Huh? Avery? She hung on?" Dylan seemed a little puzzled by her act.

"Sigh... Evelyn!" She murmured to herself still looking outside the window, watching the leaves of a tree fall. "Finally, it's autumn."

On the other side, the pages of a book swiftly opened and flipped over to a page- A girl with wide eyelashes was dancing in the autumn fall, mesmerizing the words 'The autumn Night'.