
The Chronicles of Svarga Nagari

The aftermath of the great war of Svarga Nagari was devastating. The once beautiful planet was now a barren wasteland, with the remnants of the once-great civilization scattered throughout the ruins. The few survivors who remained on Earth struggled to survive, with little hope for the future. But in the midst of all this despair, there was one glimmer of hope: space station 7351. Aryaan was one of the young warriors who had been settled in space station 7351. He was well-versed in both modern technology and ancient arts of cultivation techniques recorded from Svarglok. He had been a student of the famous warrior Purushottam, and his skills were unmatched. But even with all his training, he knew that the threat of alien invasion was still very real. And there was another reason he wanted to return to Earth: his parents. Aryaan's parents were last seen in the ruins of Svarga Nagari, and that was the only clue he had before they disappeared for good. Aryaan knew that if they didn't act fast, the aliens would destroy what was left of the planet, and the traces of his parents will be lost forever. So he set out on a dangerous mission to return to Earth, accompanied by his cousins. Svarga Nagari, to Aryaan will bring more than just clues to his parents but also, his eternal rival, Devi. Devi was a skilled warrior in her own right, and the two of them engaged in a fierce battle. But as the fight raged on, Aryaan realized that Devi was not his enemy - she was his path to enlightenment. They eventually put their differences aside and joined forces to save their world. Let's follow the journey of Aryaan, his borthers and his love on this path of seeking familial bond, saving planets and lot more!

musubiSahashi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

The Sins of Saarikans

As everyone gathered in Purushottam's tent, he put a device at the three corners of his tent to make it sound proof from outside. By that time, everyone had already taken their place, on top of the rug, placed in the middle of the tent. Purushottam took his seat in the middle of the group, just like a teacher in a classroom would do. Everyone but Sia was very anxious to know the details that was interrupted by tha Huaxia Forte group of intruders. Purushottam looked at Sia to continue.

Sia looked far into the space with a blank face and said, "I do not have in depth knowledge of the sins of Saarikans. But from what I gathered in all this time is that it is related to Atlantis." The name of the very planet piqued Purushottam's interest.

Sia continued, "The planet Atlantis seemed to be scientifically more advanced. They discovered a particular branch of science which borders towards magic. 'The Study of Alchemy'!" It felt as if a bomb was dropped among the audience in the tent. everyone sucked their breath as they gasped at this. Being Purushottam's students, and future of the Holy warriors, the boys had some knowledge about other planets and their branches of mastery in the universe. So they immediately identified 'Alchemy' being the forbidden studies of Atlantis.

Purushottam shot a glance at Sia and asked, "So how is this alchemy related to the Sins of your mother's race?" Sia pondered for a while and then said, "I can only guess! No matter how powerful a bomb is, it can't readily destroy a planet to such extent that continents get shifted, atmosphere gets holed out! But only if it is alchemically crafted, then there is such a possibility!"

Rick could not resist himself, "How can you be so sure? It can be crafted with magic for all that we know!" Sia did not get a hint of his sarcasm. She replied with a straight face, "Magicians do not need weapons for that level of destruction. They instead use their powers to control the elements. So that leaves us with two options, particle collision at sub-atomic level, or alchemy. But sub-atomic particle collision of such uncontrolled level would have wiped out the planet itself. Let alone the fact that the technological knowledge required to weaponise the collision, was not yet gained in Svarga Nagari. So that leaves us with Alchemy."

Everyone in the room fell silent! The implications of such conjecture was pretty grave. How did Saarikan technology come into the hands of the humans in Svarga Nagari? Who was the mastermind? What was the reason to destroy Svarga Nagari?

Len broke the silence, "If that is the case, but why would the three organizations detonate the bombs together? I mean they needed to know exact what time and what place the other was bombing! It makes even less sense. Were they manipulated?"

"Might be a good starting point Lenny!" pondered Aryaan. 'Lenny' was a nick name he gave to this serious cousin of his to bring a bit of fun in his life.

"But even if I think that Saarikan technology caused Svarga Nagari to be destroyed, why is it only their sin to bear?" Rick asked.

"Do you know that the Atlantis was destroyed by a force from another universe altogether?" Sia mentioned. Now this was news even to Purushottam! With all his information network both in planetdex and beyond, even he didn't know.

He curiously asked Sia, "How did you know?"

"Well this was one of the things that mother said, other than being one of the princess of one of the many empires in Atlantis", answered Sia as her eyes grew misty again at the thought of her now lost mother.

'"Oh", is all others could mutter in understanding to her pain. they all lost someone dear to them, so they all were aware of the pain she was going through.

Purushottam gestured at Len who offered the lady a dark liquid in a cup, which would resemble coffee of Svarga Nagari, but of a sweeter smell. Sia looked at it and recognised it. She readily took the cup filled with Amrit Rasa[1]. As she gulped on it, it not only quenched her thirst but it helped her feel rejuvinated. She muttered a small 'Thanks' to Len.

Seeing this made Rick think that he would like to replace Len to at least have her reply to him that way.

"You see", Sia continued, "My guess is the ones who attacked Saarikans are also the ones behind it. 'cuz mom would always say that she is being followed, and so are every pure bred Saarikans. That is why my mission is more important. Only us half breeds, although have similar power, but are out of the radar of the enemies."

Purushottam found a lot of loopholes in her mission and the logic, but for the benifit of doubt he wanted to believe in her for once. He frowned and asked her with genuine concern in his voice, "So are you the only one with this mission? Or are there others? And who all knows about your mission?".

Sia pondered and replied, "There are a few of my breed who are doing this, but we all tend to go solo. There is nothing such as any organisation or so. But if two Saarikans or their decendents are in vicinity, we can telepathetically communicate. This helps us to stay out of each other's hair and also not let anyone know what we are doing! So as for who knows about the mission, it is my parents and the Saarikan attendent in the station. No one else."


[1]Amrit Rasa - the Amborisa nectar as defined in mythology

Hey All beautiful readers!

I am sorry for the drop in my release. Now I promise to be regular again! So don't miss me!!

Yours only


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