
The Chronicles of Gaia

In a world where magic is plentiful, Archmage Einar makes the ultimate sacrifice to save his homeland, Draconis, from the ravaging forces of the enigmatic Droedics. As he unleashes a cataclysmic spell to thwart the invaders, Einar's life is consumed in a blaze of fire, leaving behind a decimated battlefield and a world forever changed. But death is not the end for Einar. Instead of finding eternal rest, he awakens in a new body, in a land far different from his homeland. Now born into an unknown empire, he grapples with the complexities of a different culture and a society steeped in secrets. As he navigates his new life, Einar discovers that magic in this world is far more intricate and concealed than he ever imagined. He embarks on a journey to unravel the hidden truths of this arcane realm, seeking answers about the nature of magic, the origins of the Droedics, and the mysteries of his own rebirth. Haunted by memories of his past life, Einar seeks redemption and a way to save not just his new home but also his loved ones. He must bridge the gap between his two lives, tapping into his previous knowledge and powers to confront looming threats and confront his past.

SJM07 · Fantasi
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17 Chs

Chapter 8: The Grand Parade (Part 2)

As the soldier's words trailed off, the gates remained open, and a solitary figure emerged. Like a divine decree, every head in the crowd turned in unison to behold the man descending the stone steps. He wasn't an imposing figure, standing at an average height and build that resembled more of a scholar than a warrior. A black crown adorned his silvery-white hair, and he wore a pristine white robe that concealed his form. Yet, beneath this unassuming appearance, an unmistakable air of authority radiated from him, pressuring all present to kneel.

The result was a resounding thud that echoed across the plaza as over half a million knees hit the ground at once.

Einar didn't even need to look at the man to determine that he must be the Emperor. He could feel the mana emanating from him from all the way across the plaza. His aura was even stronger than Einar's had been in his previous life. This was a man whose strength had reached the pinnacle. A man who truly stood at the top of the food-chain, dwarfing all of those that stood beneath him. A being whose command of magic was so supreme that they could only be considered to be a god in human guise.

The Emperor slowly walked up to the podium where the soldier had just announced him. A throne made out of black crystals materialized behind him. He sat down on the throne with the grace of a leaf floating on a forest stream. The black of the throne contrasted with the white of his robe, creating an intimidating sight that was etched into the minds of every single person present. Even Einar could only feel like a fly on the back of a giant in the presence of the Emperor. The mana around him was so thick that it was almost tangible, making even the mighty Varangians that surrounded him break a sweat.

'By the gods, who is this man?' Einar asked himself. 'If only he had been present during the war I wouldn't have needed to sacrifice myself!'

For a while, the Emperor merely sat on his throne, letting his aura spread throughout the plaza. The tension in the air was thick enough to be cut with a knife. 

Einar took a better look at the figure on the throne, studying him closely. He noticed that the Emperor wasn't a man, so much as a boy. He appeared to be barely older than 20 years of age. The boy had a youthful countenance framed by locks of white hair and adorned with ice-gray eyes. His expression remained neutral, displaying neither particular interest nor disinterest in the unfolding scene, making it nearly impossible for Einar to discern his thoughts or emotions. 

"Rise, my subjects," The Emperor's words carried an overwhelming surge of mana that could have instantly vanquished any hapless insects in the vicinity and compelled every man, woman, and child to obey his command without question.

The Emperor waited for a few seconds, before standing up. "You may wonder why I have chosen to personally attend this year's celebration."

The crowd remained silent, their eyes fixated on the young man.

"The reason is that today marks the start of a new Era." He calmly continued.

Einar could feel the tension in the air shift. What had previously been fear and reverence had now turned into anticipation and curiosity.

"This year shall mark the beginning of a new Era of Magic!" The Emperor exclaimed with a slight smile on his face.

The crowd erupted into a cacophony of different shouts and cries. Some out of happiness, most out of confusion.

"Silence!" The Emperor decreed. A visible pulse of mana traveled through the air along with his voice, forcing everyone to shut their mouth.

"I have yet to finish." He sighed. "What I meant to say before you all rudely interrupted me, is that I will personally oversee the founding of an Imperial Academy for Magic."

The crowd started whispering amongst themselves, still scared from the consequences of their previous outburst. They weren't quite sure what to make of this news.

"For too long has the Empire suffered a lack of competent Mages due to the Nobility's reluctance to share the secrets of their magic. I am hereby decreeing that the secrets of magic shall henceforth no longer be a tool for the upper class to maintain their power. The magic of the Nobles will henceforth become the property of the Empire and its citizens!"

All those in the crowd that came of commoner origins erupted in loud cheers, while the nobles were shocked out of their minds. They quickly retaliated by loudly booing.

Undeterred by the reactions, the Emperor went on with his speech.

"With the establishment of the Imperial Academy, all children with Magical potential will be eligible for admission regardless of their social standing. All the children of the Empire will have access to the knowledge needed to achieve their true potential!"

The noise made by the crowd reached its apex as the commoners celebrated their newfound rights and the nobles grieved the loss of their magic monopoly.

"Silence!" The Emperor decreed. He waved his hands, and the noise disappeared. All of those who had been shouting suddenly found themselves unable to speak a word. The Emperor gave the crowd a stern look, his eyes were as sharp as a dagger, and his gaze pierced through the hearts of all those present.

"From this moment forth, anyone who speaks out against the Imperial Academy will be tried for High Treason of the Empire," he said with a commanding tone. "Anyone found guilty of treason will be dealt with accordingly."

The crowd was left in a hushed stillness as the weight of the Emperor's words sank in.

"Now then, let us proceed with the ceremony."