
The Chronicles Of Eldravia


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32 Chs

The Silent City

As the group continued their journey, fatigue settled heavy upon them like a shroud. Inoue, feeling the weight of their travels, retrieved the map Guil had entrusted to her. Her fingers traced the familiar lines, revealing that they were near a city named Narey, a beacon of rest amidst their arduous trek.

"We should stop in Narey for a few days," Inoue suggested, her voice weary but determined.

Guil and Lea nodded in agreement, recognizing the need for respite. With their decision made, they set their sights on Narey, their anticipation growing with each step.

Upon arrival, however, an eerie silence greeted them. The once bustling streets now lay deserted, a stark contrast to the lively cities they had encountered before. Inoue's unease was palpable as she hesitated at the city's entrance, her instincts warning her of the unsettling atmosphere.

Sensing her discomfort, Guil placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, Inoue," he said softly. "We're in this together."

Lea, seemingly unfazed by the eerie quietude, stepped forward confidently. "Let's not dwell on the strangeness of it all," she suggested, her voice steady. "We came here to rest, and rest we shall find."

With Lea leading the way, the trio ventured further into the city, their footsteps echoing against the empty streets. They soon arrived at a modest inn, its doors open despite the desolation surrounding it. Inside, the patrons sat in silence, their eyes cast downward as they consumed their meals with muted solemnity.

Undeterred by the somber atmosphere, Guil approached the innkeeper with a bravado that belied the tension in the air. Tossing a silver coin onto the counter, he declared, "One room for three, my friend."

Lea couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at Guil's attempt to lighten the mood. "Smooth," she teased, her playful jab easing the tension for a brief moment.

The innkeeper, his expression unreadable, accepted the coin with a silent nod before handing Guil the keys to their room. Guil, feeling the weight of the silence, accepted the keys with a nod of thanks before ushering the group upstairs to their accommodations.

Once settled in their room, the group decided to explore the city in search of supplies. As they traversed the eerily quiet streets, they found themselves drawn to a small shop adorned with various weapons and trinkets. Inoue and Lea browsed the wares with cautious curiosity, while Guil's gaze lingered on a gleaming katana displayed prominently behind the counter.

Determined to replace his worn-out spear, Guil approached the shopkeeper with purpose. As he reached for the katana, the shopkeeper discreetly slipped him a folded piece of paper, its message ominous in its brevity: "She is watching. Leave fast."

Confused but wary, Guil tucked the note into his satchel, his thoughts swirling with questions. He called to Inoue and Lea, urging them to depart quickly, their purchases forgotten in the wake of the shopkeeper's cryptic warning.

As the group settled into their room at the inn, the weight of the day's events hung heavy in the air. Despite their exhaustion, unease gnawed at Guil's gut like a relentless beast. With a heavy sigh, he retrieved the folded piece of paper the shopkeeper had discreetly slipped him earlier.

Lea and Inoue looked on curiously as Guil unfolded the note, their brows furrowing in concern at the gravity of his expression. "What's that?" Lea asked, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Guil hesitated, the words weighing heavily on his tongue. "The shopkeeper gave this to me," he began, his voice low and tense. "It says, 'She is watching. Leave fast.'"

Inoue's eyes widened in alarm, her pulse quickening at the ominous message. "Who do you think 'she' is?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Guil shook his head, a chill creeping down his spine. "I don't know," he admitted, his gaze flickering to the window as if expecting a shadowy figure to materialize outside. "But I have a bad feeling about this."

Lea's expression darkened, her instincts echoing Guil's unease. "We should heed the warning," she suggested, her voice tinged with urgency. "Whatever dangers lurk in this city, we must not underestimate them."

Inoue approached Guil and Lea, her expression troubled yet determined. "We need to leave this place," she urged, her voice tinged with urgency. "But we also need to restock on supplies."

Lea nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the flickering candlelight of their dimly lit room. "She's right," she conceded, her tone somber. "We can't afford to be caught unprepared, especially in a town like this."

Guil remained silent for a moment, his brow furrowed in deep contemplation. "I understand your concerns," he began, his voice measured and deliberate. "But I can't shake the feeling that there's more to this than meets the eye. We need to find out what's really going on here."

Inoue's gaze flickered with uncertainty, her apprehension evident. "But splitting up..." she started, her voice trailing off as she struggled to articulate her fears.

Lea placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, her expression calm yet resolute. "We won't let anything happen to you," she promised, her voice soft yet firm. "We'll stick together, no matter what."

Guil nodded in agreement, his resolve unwavering. "Tomorrow, we'll split up and investigate," he declared, his voice carrying an air of determination. "But we'll stay within shouting distance of each other at all times. And if anything goes wrong, we'll regroup immediately."

Inoue hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering between her companions. Finally, she nodded, her expression set with determination. "Okay," she agreed, her voice steady despite the lingering doubt in her heart. "Let's do this."

With their plan in place, the trio settled into an uneasy sleep, their dreams haunted by visions of dark shadows and whispered secrets. But little did they know, their greatest challenges lay ahead, lurking in the shadows of the city's darkened streets. Unbeknownst to them, a familiar figure watched from the shadows, her Emerald eyes glittering with malicious intent . Ingrid Beckham, the witch who had once crossed paths with Roman, had returned, her presence heralding a darkness that threatened to engulf them all.