
The Chronicles Of Eldravia


Cloakinscribe · Fantasi
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32 Chs

The Kingdom's Prodigy

Guil and Inoue dashed into the dimly lit store, the air heavy with tension. The owner was conspicuously absent, likely seeking refuge in the city's underground like the other citizens. Guil wasted no time grabbing potions of strength and swiftness from the shelves, his eyes scanning for anything else they might need.

In the midst of the chaos, he stumbled upon a weathered map of the country. Realization dawned upon him; Inoue might need this. Unlike him, she had people waiting for her back home. He walked over to her, holding out the map with a solemn expression. "Here," he said, his voice gentle yet firm. "Take this and leave the city. Head to the capital. It's your best chance of safety."

Inoue hesitated, her eyes filled with determination. "But what about you?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Guil met her gaze, his expression unwavering. "I'll buy you time with the other Adventurers," he replied. "This city will fall soon. None of us can beat that guardian."

A deafening boom reverberated across the city, signaling the guardian's destructive advance. The ground shook beneath their feet as the mechanical monstrosity broke through the city gates, its menacing presence drawing ever closer.

Inoue's grip tightened on Guil's light armor, her voice quivering with fear. "Please, run away with me," she pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes.

Guil's gaze softened, a mixture of sadness and resolve in his eyes. "I can't," he said softly. "This city taught me everything I know. I can't abandon it now."

Inoue's expression softened, a tear escaping down her cheek. "Please don't die," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Guil nodded, his gaze steady. "Go," he said firmly. "I'll hold it back as much as I can."

As Inoue fled, the sounds of destruction echoed behind her, a cacophony of metal crashing and explosions tearing through the once serene town. Meanwhile, Guil faced off against the guardian, his every move calculated and precise.

As Inoue approached the second city gate, she stumbled and fell to the ground, her heart pounding in her chest. But before she could gather herself, a familiar figure appeared before her. It was Reinhardt von Schwel, the young knight who had been following her earlier.

With a serious expression, Reinhardt offered her a hand, helping her to her feet. "Where is the guardian?" he asked, his voice steady and determined.

Inoue pointed towards the looming threat, her heart heavy with worry for Guil. "Over there," she replied, her voice trembling slightly.

As they approached, they saw Guil locked in a fierce battle with the guardian, his determination unwavering despite the odds. He chugged potion after potion, his eyes blazing with intensity.

Just as Guil seemed to be gaining the upper hand, Reinhardt intervened, his swift and decisive actions catching both Inoue and the guardian by surprise. With a powerful kick, he sent the guardian flying into a nearby house, momentarily stunning it.

Turning to Guil with a proud smile, Reinhardt reassured him, "You held your ground well. Rest easy, I got it from here."

Guil nodded, a grateful smile crossing his lips. "Thanks," he said, his voice tinged with relief.

As the guardian unleashed a barrage of attacks, Inoue cried out in warning, but Reinhardt remained calm and composed. With a swift motion, he deflected the guardian's assault, his movements fluid and precise.

With one clean swing of his sword, Reinhardt delivered the final blow, slicing the guardian in half with ease. The mechanical screeching echoed across the city, signaling their victory.

Inoue rushed towards Guil, helping him to his feet as they both looked on in awe at the might of Reinhardt, the kingdom's prodigy.

Reinhardt approached the two adventurers with a hearty laugh, his admiration for Guil's resilience evident in his jovial expression. "Guil, my friend, you held your ground admirably against such a formidable opponent," he praised, his voice resonating with genuine respect.

Guil, still catching his breath, chuckled in response. "Formidable...? You just beat that thing with a single swing," he remarked, a hint of disbelief in his tone.

Reinhardt laughed heartily, patting Guil's back reassuringly. "Guardians are very dangerous since they are resistant to magic-based attacks. Only brute strength works on them. I had to finish it as swiftly as I could so it didn't do more damage to the city," he explained, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"What a freak," Inoue and Guil said in unison, sharing a moment of agreement at Reinhardt's seemingly effortless prowess.

Reinhardt turned his attention to Inoue, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "By the way, I think that's yours," he said, holding out her wallet.

Inoue's eyes widened in surprise and delight as she took her wallet from him. "You found it! I thought it was lost for good. Thank you," she exclaimed, her gratitude evident in her voice.

Reinhardt grinned, his demeanor relaxed as he watched Inoue's reaction. "You lost it last time I saw you, that's why I was chasing you around," he explained, a sheepish grin spreading across his face.

Guil and Inoue couldn't help but laugh at Reinhardt's absurdity, the tension of the recent battle dissipating in the warmth of their camaraderie.

As other adventurers and guards approached the carcass of the defeated guardian, a wave of relief swept over the town. Loud cheers of victory echoed through the streets as the townsfolk emerged from the underground shelters to celebrate the heroes' triumph over the mechanical monster.

Once again, the town's bells rang out, not to signal danger, but to herald the dawn of a new beginning, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

After the devastating attack, the once vibrant city of Nero now lays in ruins, its streets silent and desolate. As the remaining knights who had followed Reinhardt hastily set up camp at the city gates. He turned to the Adventurers Guild for assistance in uncovering the origins of the guardian that had wreaked havoc upon the city.

Inoue and Guil, were tasked with guiding Reinhardt to the ruins where the guardian had been discovered. With heavy hearts, they led him through the desolate forest, navigating the rubble-strewn pathways that led to the source of the destruction.

As they approached the chamber where the guardian had been found, they were met with an eerie sight. The sword, still resting in its pedestal, emitted a radiant blue glow that filled the room with an otherworldly light. Inoue's breath caught in her throat as she gazed upon the sword, its ethereal aura casting long shadows against the crumbling walls.

Reinhardt, undeterred by the ominous presence of the sword, strode forward with confidence. As he approached the pedestal, the glow of the sword seemed to intensify, as if beckoning him to take hold of it. Inoue exchanged a worried glance with Guil, sensing the danger that lurked within the chamber.

Suddenly, a surge of energy pulsed through the room, causing the room and everything around it to light up in an angelic glow the very air surrounding them seemed to hum with power. Inoue could feel the energy crackling around them, sparking with a raw, untamed force. She tightened her grip on her sword, steeling herself for whatever might come next.

Meanwhile, in the distant land of Cascadia, Roman was in the midst of his usual sparring with Alexandre when a blinding light suddenly filled the training grounds. "What in the world is that?" Roman exclaimed, shielding his eyes as the devine light washed over him, its brilliance unlike anything he had ever seen before. Alexandre squinted against the glare, his brow furrowed in confusion. "I've never seen anything like it," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

As the light faded, it left the air charged with an electric energy, Roman exchanged a puzzled glance with Alexandre, wondering what could have caused such a phenomenon.

Lucian observed the events unfolding from his office window, a knowing smile playing at his lips. "It seems one of divine weapons has found its master," he mused to himself, his purple eyes gleaming with anticipation. "This shall prove most interesting.I wonder who its wielder might be."

As the glow of the sword gradually dimmed, Reinhardt slowly turned to his companions with a determined look. "I will make haste to the capital and report to my father of what we have discovered here," he declared, his voice echoing through the chamber.

Inoue nodded in agreement, her mind racing with thoughts of what they had witnessed.

As Reinhardt departed for the capital, Inoue and Guil were rewarded by the Adventurers Guild for their efforts. Despite the chaos and destruction that had befallen the city, Inoue remained focused on her mission to find her childhood friend, Roman. She knew that he was somewhere, but she refused to give up hope of reuniting with him.

With Guil by her side, Inoue set out on a journey to the capital, hoping to find Dross and get information that could lead her to Roman. Along the way, she couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnawed at her heart. Roman had been missing for years, and she had no way of knowing if he was even still alive.

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