
The Chronicles Of Eldravia


Cloakinscribe · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

A Knights Quest

As Inoue stepped out of the Adventurers Guild, a surge of excitement coursed through her veins. She was officially a member, ready to take on whatever challenges awaited her. The bustling streets of Naro seemed to pulse with energy, beckoning her to explore and seek out her next adventure.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Inoue set off into the heart of the city, her mind buzzing with possibilities. She wandered through the labyrinthine streets, taking in the sights and sounds of Naro's vibrant marketplace. Merchants called out to passersby, their stalls overflowing with exotic goods from distant lands.

As she navigated through the crowd, Inoue's eyes were drawn to a colorful sign bearing the emblem of a quill and sword—the symbol of a local tavern. Intrigued, she made her way towards the tavern, the promise of food and drink calling to her weary bones.

Entering the tavern, Inoue was greeted by the warm glow of lantern light and the lively chatter of patrons. The aroma of roasted meat and ale hung heavy in the air, mingling with the sound of laughter and music.

Finding an empty table by the hearth, Inoue settled in and ordered a hearty meal from the bustling barmaid. As she ate, she couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversations around her, hoping to glean any information that might aid her in her quest to find Roman.

As she finished her meal, a surge of determination propelled her to approach the bartender, a stout man with a gruff demeanor.

"Excuse me," she began tentatively, "have you seen any suspicious men around here? Specifically, a man named Dross?"

The bartender's gaze narrowed, his expression guarded. "Information like that doesn't come cheap, miss," he replied, his tone laced with insinuation.

Inoue's heart sank as she realized she would need to part with some of her hard-earned coins to get the answers she sought. With a resigned sigh, she glanced at her wallet and counted out a few bronze coins, sliding them across the counter.

The bartender's eyes gleamed as he pocketed the coins, gesturing for Inoue to come closer. Leaning in, he spoke in a hushed tone. "You might find the man you're looking for in Sylvenmere, the capital city."

Inoue's pulse quickened at the mention of Sylvenmere. Could Roman truly be there? She needed more assurance.

"How can I be sure it's him?" she pressed, her voice trembling with urgency.

The bartender scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Well, I used to have a client named Dross," he began, his brow furrowing in recollection. "He was a rude, stinky fellow, part of a bandit group. One day, he and his buddies were here, boasting about their newfound wealth and plans to live like princes in the capital. Pretty sure it's the same guy."

Inoue's gratitude overflowed as she shook the bartender's hand, thanking him profusely for the valuable information. With newfound determination, she dashed out of the tavern, her mind racing with thoughts of Roman and the possibility of finally finding him.

In her haste, Inoue collided with a tall, teenage knight clad in resplendent white armor. Startled, she stumbled backward, apologizing profusely before darting off into the crowded streets.

Unbeknownst to her, in her hurried departure, she dropped her wallet. The young knight, captivated by her hurried demeanor and driven by a sense of chivalry, stooped to retrieve it, his determination ignited by the desire to return it to its rightful owner.

As Inoue sprinted through the winding alleyways of Naro, her heart pounding with fear, she heard the young knight's voice echoing behind her, pleading for her to stop. Panic surged through her veins, and she pushed herself to run even faster, the pounding of her footsteps drowning out the knight's cries.

But as she darted down another narrow alley, her hopes of escape were dashed as she reached a dead end. Frantically, she scanned her surroundings, her breath coming in short, panicked gasps.

With the sound of the knight's footsteps growing closer, Inoue's mind raced for a solution. Drawing upon her latent magical abilities, she summoned a surge of water magic, propelling herself upwards onto the rooftop of an adjacent building. Whirling around to face her pursuer, she screamed, "Leave me alone! I already said sorry!"

The young knight, taken aback by Inoue's display of magic, looked momentarily stunned. But before he could respond, Inoue had already turned and leaped onto the rooftops, her agile movements reminiscent of a nimble cat.

The knight, undeterred, launched himself into the air with a powerful leap, his armored form soaring over the rooftop Inoue had just vacated. Landing with a resounding thud, he towered over the rooftops, his figure bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun.

Inoue, now fleeing across the rooftops, couldn't help but marvel at the knight's seemingly superhuman abilities. "What a freak," she muttered to herself, her heart racing with a mixture of fear and awe.

As she bounded across the rooftops, a part of the structure gave way beneath her feet, sending her tumbling to the ground below. Landing with a thud next to the weaponsmith shop where she had purchased her short sword earlier that day, she winced in pain as dust filled the air, obscuring her vision.

As the dust began to settle, the young knight descended from the rooftops, his imposing figure cutting through the haze. With a simple gesture of his hand, he dissipated the dust, revealing Inoue sprawled on the ground before him.

Just then, the weaponsmith emerged from his shop, his eyes widening in surprise at the scene before him. Rushing forward, he interposed himself between Inoue and the knight, his voice filled with concern.

"Please, forgive her," the weaponsmith implored, addressing the knight. "She's new here, and she means no harm."

The knight, puzzled by the weaponsmith's intervention, explained calmly, "I'm not chasing her because she's done anything wrong. I just want to return her wallet."

As the weaponsmith's gaze shifted to the knight, he froze in recognition. "Reinhardt von Schwel," he murmured in disbelief, his eyes widening. "The son of Sir Fredrick von schwel?"

Reinhardt nodded, his expression modest. "That's me."

Turning back to the empty space where Inoue had been moments before, the weaponsmith's heart sank. She had vanished without a trace, leaving behind only the fading echoes of her presence.

"Be careful out there," the guild's receptionist cautioned, handing her a map of the ruins. "The guardians can be quite dangerous."Inoue nodded, her determination unwavering as she headed out into the city once more, her thoughts consumed by the quest that lay ahead and the mysterious figure named Dross who seemed to hold the key to unlocking the secrets of her past.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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