
The chronicle of suffering

A series of novels that will follow the story of individual characters that exist in the greater verse of the story each serie following a different character or the same character sometimes switching characters even in the same serie to show the way the main character in each novel react to how their surrounding changes.

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32 Chs

The meaning of life (2)

A grand palace in the sky of clouds Countless beings flew in the sky human beings that had large white wings on their backs that they used to fly.

At the back were leviathans so big that only their mere eyes could be seen by others. A grand city made with such care of gems, color, and architecture that no human could ever reach or copy the beauty of it.

In a building larger than ever and having no bounds of size, in one of its endless rooms, were two gods sitting and having a drink.

The goddess of poison drank her wine with the god of love, the two laughing with one another. Lizious was laughing drunk, as the alcohol she drank was the purest form of it, while the one that Livior drank was the weaker version of the wine.

>>Those humans just give us such great shows<<. Lizious laughed drunk. and Livior laughed with her.

>>To be honest, I did not think that this eunuch-like person would actually spend time with that mortal woman<< Livior said as he held his glass of wine high up.

>>Maybe they will give an interesting show later when they fight once again<<.

>>I hope so, at least that the two do, as watching them struggle like that is a great thing to do and giving them the wine was the best thing you did.<<

For the two, or rather, for the gods in general, watching the acts of the mortals was a thing they did, as in the end it was like a theater play with all of the mortals being part of that play.

Every single part of their pain, happiness, agony, and disasters were all things that the gods were watching over, often not doing anything but only helping when they wanted them to continue to live and not die yet.

Lizious moved her hand, letting divine energy out, to grab a mirror and put it on the table.

The mirror showed the faces of Leo and Evelyn; the two were speaking and seemingly having a fun conversation. It was a bright day as the two ran to the capital. The mirror would change with a movement of waves, showing Serlo and Oryn arguing like they would often do.

Changing again, Milari is shown teaching magic to new fairies who are under training.

>>Oyea, this fairy hero also existed<< Livior said as he looked at her, showing on his face that he had forgotten about that hero.

The fairy never gave many interesting scenes; she was more of a background character that was rarely noticed as she was not interesting and was only noticed by some of the gods.

>>She needs some sort of development<< Lizious points out as she sips her wine. Livior was nodding to the words of the goddess of poison.

They did not want these heroes to go to waste because they all were interested in their play.

>>Well, there is still time till this play ends. << Another god came; it was the deity Milerno in its female form. She looked at the two gods, took a seat beside the goddess of poison, and put her arm around her.

>>It seems you two are speaking of the little theater that is happening. << She said it with a smile and got offered the wine from the goddess of poison, which she did not reject. She took a sip of the wine.

>>Ah<< she let out a refreshing breath after taking the sip. She loved the bitterness of the wine that the goddess of poison tends to make.

>>Indeed, we were speaking of the show in the centuries that passed, but in the physical world nothing major happened, and we felt boredom already as the fallen do not cause enough carnage and chaos<< Lizious said as she made the mirror switch again to show the thing it showed.

>>Oh, these strings?<< she asked as she looked in the mirror, did not have her arm around Lizious anymore, and saw the fallen that she called mere strings.

>>How kind of you to call these things strings?<< Livior said as he put the glass on the table and crossed his legs.

These fallen ones had no dimensions; they were essentially dimensionless things that existed to prey on the physical realm with its dimensional avatars, causing havoc to get subtenants to survive.

Because their physics has no dimensions, if they were to enter the physical world, they would destroy the dimensions themselves.

>>Maybe we should remove the fallen ones... They started to become useless.<< Livior mumbled to himself, but loud enough for the other gods in the room to hear it.

>>Lilior, stop with these useless thoughts, removing them or not, it would not give much for us in the end, and don't think like that as it seems something interesting will happen<<. Lizious spoke, and the mirror showed Jack closely.

>>As this human being seems to be a more interesting case, as even the god of creation and the god of time took an interest in that human<< she giggled, and Livior grabbed the mirror to look at Jack closely, wondering what was so special about that human.

>>Interesting, but truly humans have it better than us gods. While their lives are fun, we are endlessly bored in our timeless lives, essentially with our only purpose watching these actors, so our lives have any sort of meaning. Even the two heroes found some sort of meaning in their lives, whether it was protecting the living species or falling in love.<< Livior said it in an annoyed tone.

The gods had no actual meaning in their existence; each god was essentially not bound by the idea of time or dying by natural causes they are one may describe eternal as they will only die if another god tries to kill them.

At the same time, the gods would essentially not be bound by the concept of what they are the god of.

>>Do not be like that, Livior. For you, it may seem that as gods we do not have much to do, but being a human is not better bound by the concepts that they cannot defy completely<<

Milerno spoke and stood up from the sofa. She wandered around the room, letting light come out of her hand.

Her body changed to her male form, and he gave a smile towards Livior.

>>Life always has a meaning, even though it may seem like it has no meaning. I did give life to most of you.<< He smiled, but Livior and Lizious rolled their eyes hearing that.

Most of the gods were actually the children of the god of life, like the god of creation, who is himself a child of the god of life, but there was no strict hierarchy where the parent was stronger than the child.

At the same time, all of the gods had already existed; they were never born or created, but in a way, the god of life had given them life and gave birth to them even when, in the moment of no time, they all existed at the same time.

It was a concept and an idea that would bring about paradoxes, but these things like paradoxes were not things that existed, not even in the slightest.

>>Then, oh so great father, tell us why, when giving us life, you made us not be bound by time and not part of this idea of dimensions.<<

Livior asked it in a sarcastic tone. The gods did not actually see him as their father, nor did he see them as actually his children because of their nature of being timeless, making them have no actual time where they were born, having just always been there.

He laughed hearing that from Livior. He opened his arms wide and spoke: >>Time is a terrible thing, my dear son. You may think time may be good or something great, but the mortals despise time, as they often say the word "I wish time would stop." They do not actually like the idea of time being timeless, which gives you more freedom and, while we at it imagin if we were bound by dimensions<< Livior body changed as it was nothing more but a avatar like the body of all the other gods being only a avatar.

>>Not bound by the dimensions, can make you appear in any shape and form that you wish. That is why, my child, I did not. None of you are constrained by the concept of time or dimensions; these constraints would be attractive at first but inconvenient later on. Imagine being constrained by a form or shape, or having to worry about your time running out.<<

>>Well, that is at least one of the reasons, the other being, of course, that I could not control how all of you came into existence. At the end of the day, I may give life, but unlike the god of creation, I do not control the aspects of the things I give life to, or better said, the metaphysical aspects.<<

They may be gods; they may exist above the realm of the metaphysical; however, they were also questioning things.

They were not all powerful nor all knowledgeable; they knew a lot but not all; they understood things that mortals could only dream of understanding but were not perfect.

They were filled with flaws that other gods would point out to one another, which is why no god actually liked one another in a true sense or even bothered to care so much for the mortals. These gods in the end were almost no different than from a concept that was stronger and alive.

They were made to be weak, pathetic, and bound by all these concepts; however, these mortals accepted their mortality and their limitations and decided to pursue a state where they would be better than the ones in their past.

>>Maybe the meaning of us all living is so we could watch over these poor things and make sure we don't end their lives in our play we force them on<< Livior said with a small chuckle, and the other two only let out a defeated sigh as they heard that from him.

>>Maybe you are right,<< Milerno said, putting his hand on Livior. >>But be excited that Human Jack may make things more interesting for us gods as he killed one of the fallen one's real bodies by killing its avatar.<<